Part 5

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*He let out an excited gasp, clasping his hands together.* "She's going to leave that insane woman!" *He sounded out dreamily as he watched her with a whimsical, loving expression.* "Follow her! Don't let her see the car!" *He turned to see a man glance in between Alex and his car a few times.* "I have to get rid of th-!" *He ALMOST started to freak out, until the man ultimately turned around and went inside. The penguin cackled,* "Yeah, mind your business! Follow her!" *He made sure that the tint of the windows would block their faces.* "She's smart, so be careful... Dumb Criminal..." *He muttered the last part to himself as he counted a wad of cash and gave it to the goon endorsing he did a good job.* "The rest you'll get later." *The snarky man pinched his cheek and smiled in his face as if to say a lot is on the lineif he messes something up. He let out a cackle as the car started following .*


*She heard the door open and turned to see it was her new boss. Natalie smiled and waved as they made eye contact.* "Hi, It's nice to officially meet you!" *Her voice was soft as she held out her hand for him to shake. Her grip, much like her voice, was soft. She sat back down and pulled out a notepad and a pen in case she needed to write anything down while speaking with him.* "I see why you wanted to pick this place; it is..." *She paused trying to find a way to describe Arkham, though she'd only been in the lobby and main hallway,* "A lot brighter... Than Gotham, hm?" *She chuckled lightly to loosen what she was saying. Her eyes seemingly glittered with excitement as she waited for him to speak. She was going to be spending a lot of time with this stranger, might as well make an acquaintance, too. She rested her head in the palm of her hand which was resting elbow on the table.*


*After dropping Harley off at the front of the zoo, Alex rushed into the reptile department building, immediately finding Dave and the rest of her colleagues with the sedated Eyelash Viper on the table. She washed her hands before picking up the snake, not even bothering to change out of her dress and heels. *"Okay, I need someone to hold her head and body, someone to hold her tail, and someone to spread open the hole while I massage the egg out of her. Do not shake her, do not move her, if this egg breaks inside of her, it could be fatal."* She instructed. Everyone did as they were told, and Alex was easily able to save the egg and the viper. She examined it under a light. *"Wow... we have a live baby, everyone."* She said, causing a sigh of relief followed by cheers from her team. After making sure the viper was awake and there were no complications, Alex left the reptile department and sat on a bench in a secluded area of the zoo near the Reptile House. Alex could've texted Harley to come meet her, but she wanted to be alone. She was watching families go by. Families with children. Alex rolled her eyes. Children only contributed to the overpopulation of the earth. Why anyone would want those little brats around, she didn't know. But every once in a while, she'd see a couple go by. Laughing. Smiling. Kissing. It was almost like they were teasing her, saying she'll never have a relationship like that, not after... *"Oswald..."* Alex whispered to no one in particular. She found herself thinking of the crime lord. They were a great couple, but then he murdered her parents and drove a rift between her and her sister, Selena. This ultimately destroyed her trust, and the only person she trusted now was Harleen... and Jonathan Crane, when she thought about it. But it didn't matter. Oswald had tried reaching out to her before to fix things, but Alex was sure that their relationship could never be repaired.*


*Jonathan smiled, it wasn't a big smile, but it was a smile, at Ms. Wayne. *"Yes..."* he replied to her comment about how nice the restaurant was, trying not to get lost in her beautiful eyes. *"I come here often after work. It's nice to get a good meal after seeing what they serve the poor inmates at Arkham."* He watched Natalie raise her eyebrow at him. *"Don't you mean patients?"* Jonathan realized he had slipped up, but played it off casually. *"I used to work at a prison. Sometimes, I mix up my words, Ms Wayne."* Natalie laughed a wonderful sound that seemed as though it could brighten anyone's day. *"I know what you mean! I mix up my words, too. Also, please, call me Natalie."* Jonathan nodded. *"That's a beautiful name, for a beautiful woman."* He smirked as Natalie's cheeks turned the slightest shade of pink. *"And please, call me Jonathan."*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now