Part 65

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*It was casual for him to be at war with people, so he did not fret. However, he had never faced someone with as much power as Jonathan Crane. He shook his head free of those thoughts and focused on what was more important: Alex.*"What are you looking for, Babe?" *He immediately was by her side assisting her. She didn't answer, only frantically searching around her apartment. Lucifer mewed as books were thrown off shelves and clothes were scattered.* "Baby, please!" *Oz pulled her up against her will. She tried to escape his grasp until he cupped her cheeks.* "Alex." *She blinked back tears as she looked him in his eyes.* "I.. I've been hallucinating! He's the reason! I-I felt INSANE!" *Alex ranted as Oz set her gently on the couch with a kiss. He looked around, inevitably finding the vent Crane put the toxin in.* "He's dead. He's so dead." *Oz was so angry he felt his hands shake as he threw more books off of the shelf,* "Why is he messing with you?" *His voice was stern, but Alex knew it wasn't directed at her.* "Oh, God! He's all weird about Natalie Wayne and I was rude to her and Selena kept messing with him and-" *Oz stopped her.* "Well, he's going to learn his lesson now." *Alex hoped that was true, but she knew it would be a hard battle. This is a fight that she didn't know the ending to and it scared her. Oz could tell and cuddled up to her, smoothing out her hair.* "Let's not worry about that right now, okay? How about the Investigation Discovery Channel? I know how much you like crime." *Alex smiled at how cute and sweet he was to her.*


"I am an adult, Bruce! It's really not any of your business who I sleep with!" *Natalie argued with Bruce. He let out a frustrated groan as he tried to get through to Natalie.* "Besides, it shouldn't matter. You and Alfred weren't even here.." *Bruce folded his arms.* "It does matter, Natalie!"**"It shouldn't to you or to anyone else!" *She huffed as she looked away from him. Bruce stormed off as Natalie turned on her heel and made her way to the kitchen.* "Ah, siblings.." *Alfred sighed as he handed the doctor his drink. Jonathan watched Natalie's face soften as she walked into the kitchen and saw him and Alfred.* "Hi.." *Her gaze averted to the ground as she spoke to them shyly. She sat with her head on the table. Alfred made her a bowl of cereal.* "Everything all right, Miss Wayne?" *Natalie thanked him as she lifted her head up,* "Yeah, Bruce was just telling me how proud he is of me." *Alfred let out a sarcastic chuckle as he patted her back before sitting back down. Natalie sat silently as she played with her food. Jonathan watched how the family interacted, but before he could speak, Alfred gestured for him to stay quiet. He was confused until Natalie blurted out,* "Ugh! I mean, he's trying to tell me what to do and he's been ditching me for months! Do you wanna control my life or be in it?!" *Alfred was used to how the pair argued. He knew by the end of the day, Bruce would have apologized and they'd be close again, but for now, they argued.* "He cares for you in his own way, Nat. You have both been very busy." *Natalie sighed and nodded.* "I know. I just needed to get that out of my system, I suppose." *She stated shyly. She was embarrassed at the fact that Jonathan had witnessed everything.* "Sorry... How awkward is this?.." *She chuckled lightly as she continued to eat.*


*Even though watching violent murders cheered Alex up a little bit, she was still upset about the whole situation. It hurt her. She idolized Jonathan, she'd been his biggest fan since forever. She chuckled as the murderer was shot onscreen, but Oz could tell it was half-hearted. *"I promise, Jonathan will pay, my love. No one hurts you and gets away with it."* Alex pursed her lips. *"You did."* Oz chuckled, rubbing her shoulder. *"I had to endure a whole year without you by my side. That was torture."* Alex almost couldn't believe he'd been in love with her this whole time, but a part of her had been as well. But she'd suppressed those feelings, hoping if she did she could connect with Selena again. Her mind drifted to her sister... *"Oh my God, Selena!"* Alex exclaimed suddenly, startling Oz. *"What?"* *"Selena, he's going after Selena! What if he hurts her?"* Alex panicked, hoping her sister was okay. *"Relax, Selena is a very fierce girl. Trust me, from the amount of times she's tried to steal from and murder me, I know. She can take care of herself."* Oz assured Alex trying to prevent her from getting worked up. He found himself doing that quite often when they were together, but he didn't mind. She was cute when she was upset, and he normally got extra cuddles. But Alex shook her head. *"Selena is so naive sometimes, she won't know who she's dealing with."* Oz shushed her soothingly. *"Would it make you feel better if I put a few guys near her apartment to report back to me if they see anything?"* Alex nodded. *"Oh, would you? I don't think I could stand losing her."* She looked up at him with her big eyes glistening with tears. *"Anything for you."* He whispered, giving her a quick kiss. Even though she was still on edge, Alex was able to relax more knowing that Oz was helping her through this. She had spent so long hating him, that she forgot how great he really was.*


*Jonathan smirked at Natalie's flushed cheeks. *"It's alright. I'm sure Bruce will learn to accept us."* Natalie's eyes widened. *"'Us'?"* She repeated. *"A-Are we a thing now?"* Jonathan wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer forgetting Alfred was in the room. *"If you want to be."* Natalie giggled softly. *"I think I do. But, Bruce won't like you. At all."* Jonathan played with a strand of her hair. *"Who cares? He doesn't have to like me. He's not going to be my girlfriend."* Natalie blushed even harder at being called his girlfriend. Jonathan grinned. *"Oh, you like the sound of being called my girlfriend? Of being called mine?"* She nodded a bit shyly. *"Well, guess what?"* Jonathan continued. *"You get to call me yours. I belong to you."* Alfred debated whether or not he should leave. He was glad Natalie was happy, and he could've watched her smile all day, but he had a feeling things were going to get spicy soon, too spicy for his tastes.*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now