Part 25

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*Oz could feel his heart swell up in joy every time she lacked basic humanity. He wished she could have the same lack of humanity for her parents; they'd still be in love and together. He'd give her everything. He focused back on the conversation.* "Bye, Alex. Call me, I'll come!" *Harleen gave her final goodbye before heading out. Something still felt wrong to Alex, though. After sitting in the feeling for a while, she finally paused the television to search around. Oz didn't want to scare her by immediately jumping out, unfortunately, things looked so much worse when she opened the same shoe closet.* "Surprise?!" *Oz looked up from the spot he was in to see Alex standing, a mix of fear and fury in her eyes. He didn't know that was possible.* "HELP!!" *Alex immediately turned to run and get help, but Oz sprung up and gently kept her in place, taking the punches and scratches Alex tried throwing his way.* "Alex, please listen to me!" *He had her mouth covered so she couldn't scream anymore.* "I'm not going to hurt you!"*


*She hummed again, standing close to him. Even though it was her first day, she knew she could handle much worse patients. She smiled at him, tucking some of her hair behind her ear before speaking.* "It was simple enough, though I do have to sa-" *She was cut off by one of the guards barging into the room frantically in search of Jonathan.* "Doctor, Patient 24 is screaming about Scarecrows again! They're gettin' real riled up!" *Jonathan shot a glare over to the worker, his gaze was harder at the mention of it.* "Do not interrupt my conversation with Miss Wayne with any 'Scarecrow' ordeal again. Do you understand?" *It was just her first day working with patients; she didn't need to know he was causing terror in them. Natalie was intrigued now, it seemed like a sign since she had a terrible nightmare about a scarecrow chasing her that previous night.* "No, that's okay! Let's go see what's wrong. I'd lo-" *But Jonathan cut her off.* "Miss Wayne, I really don't think that's a good idea." *He remained formal in front of the guard. He nodded at the worker, signalling for him to go take care of it the best he could.*


*Due to her restricted mobility and injuries, Alex quickly tired trying to fight Oswald, eventually just going limp in his arms, hoping the weight of her casts would force him to drop her. But Oswald held strong, pulling her closer to him. Her heart beat faster and faster from being so restrained. This was so similar to her dream-no, her nightmare- and it freaked her out. *"If I take my hand away, will you scream?"* He asked. Alex narrowed her eyes, not giving him a proper answer. Oswald tried to remove his hand, but the minute Alex opened her mouth, he clasped it over her again. Alex rolled her eyes and smacked Oswald's hand away. *"No, I'm not going to scream, dickhead, my neighbours wouldn't even care if they were home."* She snapped, not wanting to admit that she felt too weak to scream. *"Then... why'd you scream before?"* He asked. *"Because you make me so fucking upset! You're stalking me, what do you expect me to do? Say, 'Oh, I know you're creeping on me, but it's fine'." Oswald could tell Alex was feeling better because of the amount of snark she was giving him. But he also knew as much as she tried to hide it that she was tired because she already would've freed herself from him if she had more energy. Alex pouted. *"Is it too much for me to ask you to just leave me alone?"*


*As soon as the guard left, Natalie bombarded Jonathan with questions about this Scarecrow thing. It was extremely irritating. *"MS. WAYNE, PLEASE!"* He huffed, causing her to draw back. Jonathan took a deep breath and apologized. *"The best I can explain this to you is that shortly after I was hired, I noticed that many of the inmates-er-patients were terrified of this 'Scarecrow' figure. There's no connection between them so far."* Natalie stayed silent for a moment, thinking. *"Do you think we could walk the halls so I can see more of the patients?"* She finally asked. *"Well, they don't normally allow new doctors back there..."* Natalie looked pleadingly up at Jonathan, and even though he tried to resist, he caved. *"Fine."* He said, leading her down the hall to the entrance of the wing where the patients were kept.*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now