Part 2

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"Well, she didn't go far.... Leads say she's stuck around Gotham after the last little fiasco." *The goon's thick northern accent rang through the man's ears. Oz chuckled to himself, his eyes wrinkling at the sides.* "Is that the closest you've gotten?" *The goon hummed in response. Oz chuckled.* "So, she's somewhere in the city.... But, you... Haven't found her?.." *His sadistic grin sent chills down the thug's spine.* "I-I'm gettin' right on it, Sir!" *He quickly ran out before The Penguin did something bad. Oz's neck twitched as he grabbed a glass and poured himself a drink, waiting for where she was.* 


*She walked into the gloomy building cautiously as she observed the lobby. She straightened out her skirt and sweater, smoothing her hair down a bit. She noted the woman waiting uncomfortably in the lobby. She gave her a small smile and wave before walking up to the same lady.* "Hi, I'm the new doctor working under Doctor Crane." *She stated a bit timidly as she glanced at the time. 20 minutes early.*  


*Alex noticed a beautiful woman wearing a skirt and a sweater walk into the lobby not long after she had. The woman gave her a small smile and a wave, but Alex just kept her head down. She was having no unnecessary interactions today.* "Hi, I'm the new doctor working under Doctor Crane,"* she heard the woman tell the lady at the front desk. This got her attention. Y/N looked up and watched the woman sit a few seats down from her after the lady told her it would be a 20-minute wait. Intrigued, Alex stood and smoothed out her black sweater dress, glad she was looking somewhat presentable instead of in her zookeeper uniform, and sat beside the woman. The woman looked up at Alex, a soft smile on her lips. *"Hi, can I help you?* she asked sweetly. Alex cleared her throat awkwardly. *"Uhm, I just overheard you say you worked under Jonathan Crane. THE Jonathan Crane."* The woman nodded. *"Yes, I'm hoping to learn a thing or two about psychiatry from him. Why? Do you know him?"* Alex beamed. *"I'm his biggest fan! I've read all of his works on fear and psychology. I wish I knew him personally. You are so lucky."*


*Jonathan walked out of the room, leaving a screaming Phillip behind.*"His session is ending early today. He got disturbed."* He told the guards outside the room. He looked at his watch. Twenty minutes early. He loved it when that happened, it made his job much easier. He decided to go to the bathroom and straighten up, he was going to meet his new assistant soon. Once his glasses were clean and his hair was fixed, he made his way out into the lobby to see if she had arrived yet. Sure enough, two pretty women were sitting out in the lobby, deep in conversation- seemingly about him. Jonathan smirked when he heard his name mentioned. He cleared his throat, catching the attention of the two women. The raven-haired one glanced up and smiled at him while the brunette paled and blushed simultaneously. He smirked.*"So, which one of you is Ms. Wayne?"* 

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now