One Last Dance

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🎶 Hawa Jastai - John Chamling Rai 🎶

We went inside the elevator without saying a word. Instead of hitting the first-floor button, he hit the button on his floor. Before I could say anything,

"I need to change," he said. 

His eyes were on the elevator door.

He was in his casual outfit with a cap on his head. An urge ran in my body to smile but somehow I didn't.

"Then I should change as well,"

"You look perfect," he said in a whisper. I finally placed my eyes on his.

"Your dress is fine," he quickly corrected himself.

Once we were in front of my desk, he stopped his feet.

"I will wait here," I said in a bare whisper. He nodded and walked inside.

When he came back he was wearing a suit. It happened so our dress colour seemed the same. My mouth went wide. Everyone would think we intentionally matched the colour.

"We can't leave like this," I said.

"It's just a col..."

"It's not," I cut him off. My voice was loud.

"I don't have any other suit to wear," he shrugged.

"Either I will change or I won't go,"

"We are running late,"

"How did this happen? I will be blamed..."

He quickly placed his finger on my lips shutting my words. My lips parted and his breath got heavy.

"I will be there with you. No one will say a word," he said with difficulty.

I sighed heavily and took a step back.

"Let's go," he whispered.

I nodded and then we left.

Alan was behind me when he walked out of the building. I had forgotten to bring a jacket. I started to feel cold. I waited for him to go towards the parking lot to bring his car but he didn't move. I turned to find him unbuttoning his suit jacket. Before I could protest he put it around my shoulder.

"Wear it," he whispered in my ear.

I was worried someone would see us but to my relief, no one was outside. I stood holding the jacket around my body. His car was in front of me in a few minutes. He opened his side of the door to get out but I was quick to open the door and get inside the passenger seat. He closed the door. I turned to me but I refused to look at him. He started the engine and we were off.

"I don't have a laptop or..."

"You have a phone," he said. "But you won't be needing anything. It's a party. Enjoy,"

Did he think I could enjoy a fucking party after everything happened?

"I didn't mean it like that," I heard him say again. He must have sensed my disappointment.

When we reached the place I slowly took his suit away and gave it to him. 

"You can still..."


"I wouldn't mind,"

"I would," I said getting out of the car.

He parked the car and almost ran to me before we walked inside. Nimek was on the stage, his hand on a mic. Rishant was beside him and Rekha was on the stage as well. When she saw us I could say I took a step to walk towards us but sensing the people she didn't.

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