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One day Alan got an invitation to a party. He asked me to tag along.

"Do you think I should go?"

"Why not?"

"I don't think I should be around mafias. Rekha would be there too. It could get...."

"Rekha's mother, Nima threw the party for me as I got those casinos from Niccolo. If it's for me then I can take whoever I want with me, no?" he asked.

I nodded after thinking about it.

"Get ready," he said placing a kiss on my cheek.

"What happened to Niccolo's family? Will they come for you?"

"I made a pact with his brother. He wanted the power. He got it,"

"So, everyone in here is after power,"

"Nope," he said making me raise my brows. "This man in front of you is only after you, my cute little mouse," he said placing a quick peck on my lips.

"And I thought cheese stopped melting,"

He laughed.

At 8 p.m. we left for the party.

Alan went to talk with a few people while Matteo accompanied me. Nima's mansion wasn't bigger than Alan's. I sat on a chair and watched him. It had been so long since I sat and just watched him. His eyes were warm and his smile just wanted you to smile. My Alan was back and I wanted nothing more.

Someone clapping their hands got our attention. A woman was in front of us with a drink in her hand. I recognized her immediately. Nima Limbu, Rekha's mother. Rekha and she had the same smile. She started her welcoming speech and thanked her son-in-law for his devotion to their business. Her husband was nowhere to be seen nor Silavano was at the party.

"You could say I got the best son-in-law in the world,"

Everyone clapped for Alan.

She asked him to join him. I watched him walk towards her with full of love in my heart. Only for him. My eyes started to glisten with tears. Every day he made me love him more and more. I had never thought a man would make me feel like this. I never had a man in my life growing up who could show me love and I never imagined I would be able to love one either.

Nima poured  Alan a drink and all of them cheered. Rekha was beside them in an instant.

"I never liked this woman," I heard Matteo mutter.

"She is the same as Namrata but we could say... she..." he paused.

"Didn't torture her?" I finished it for him.

Matteo looked at me with surprise in his eyes and then he nodded.

"Where's Silvano?"

"He is not allowed to leave his place,"

"Wow," I murmured.

"Their husband share the same fate. What a horrible life to get married to these women,"

"I feel sorry for them,"

"I do too," he said. "Marrying these best friends must be the biggest mistake of their lives. I bet they regret it every day. Wanted to be free from this life..." he said showing his hand around. "only to get more hell in return,"

The party went on and Alan was nowhere to be seen. Matteo was gone when his phone rang excusing himself. I was alone with my thoughts.

"You could own his heart but when he is in the crowd I will be the one to own him," I heard a voice say.

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