Off The Market

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For the next few days, Alan didn't spend time with me. He would send me texts occasionally but neither came to my place nor met me face to face. This left me wondering and I couldn't ask him if he was ignoring me because the office workload was too much. I believed he was busy not because of personal reasons but a cause of professional.

On a Wednesday afternoon, after it had been over two weeks since the Rekha incident, Mausam came to visit me at the office. She said she had something to tell me. Alan wasn't at the office and I was free so I decided to call her in the office. When she walked out of the elevator and towards me she seemed overjoyed. We haven't met in a while. She ran to hug me and I hugged her back.

"Been so long," she smiled.

"I know," I replied.

What I missed most about the customer care department was Mausam and our lunch break together. Here, it was only me and Alan, who was mostly busy.

"Where is Alan?" she asked.

"Must be in one of his meetings," I shrugged.

As we started to talk about things I decided to order food in the office. Once I ordered food and drinks I asked her about her days at the office.

"It's good. I won't say bad,"

"Wow, don't tell me you started to like it here,"

"I think I should tell you something,"

"Don't tell me you are dating someone?" I joked.

Her blushing confirmed it.

"No way, tell me, who?"I asked.

I was so excited to know.

"You won't like it," she muttered playing with her hands.

"Come on," I insisted.

"It's our manager,"

Once it was out of her mouth my eyes widened. I tried to speak but nothing came out and then suddenly I started to laugh. Mausam looked at me with embarrassment.

"What kind of joke is this?" I continued laughing but she looked down at her feet without saying a word.

When I realised she was serious I started to shake her.

"How on earth did it happen? when...."

"We went on a date but it was only once," she cut me off.


She sat in silence.

"How did this happen?" I asked again not believing it.

She was dating an arrogant, rude man like Nimek. How could I believe it?

"We started talking for a few weeks and then," she paused. "It was this Saturday. He asked me on a date and I couldn't say yes,"

"Few wee..."

"After his relationship ended we became kind of close," she said not letting me finish.

"Do you like him?"

"I am afraid I might,"

"You know what kind of guy he is, right?"

She nodded.

"He might be a bad boss but he isn't a bad guy,"

What the fuck.

I waved my hand in front of her.

"Are you sure you are in the right state of mind?"

"I know you won't believe it, but in these few weeks I got to see the different sides of him," she tried to make me understand but I wasn't in the mood to. I disliked him and nothing in the world would make me like him.

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