chapter 73 son of a diamond

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"Ill be getting you and the rest of your group back to homeworld in me and blue's ships soon", Yellow said as she lead Steven through her ship, her voice echoing through the entire ship. it was like Blue's ship but mirrored and completely golden, with less messy rooms and more visible machinery and so many long corridors that seemed almost endless.

Pearl stood next to steven and followed him and yellow, she had reformed not long before. Her new form kept the same hair (only she was more comfortable moving it to show her eyes), but her outfit had completely changed. Now, she was wearing dark blue shorts, her shirt had the same patters at the top but was a stronger, light blue colour, she wore dark blue gloves that went to her elbows, but ended at her knuckles, similar to the gloves blue used to wear before steven was born, they where the same shade as her shorts, and her transparent skirt was now only at the back, making her almost resemble a butler.

"Is Mum OK?", Steven asked, looking up to his giant aunt, he was wearing the Cape his mother had gifted him and wore it over his head to feel more like a diamond, he thought it would be best to wear it in a situation like this. Yellow paused and stopped walking for a second before she answered Steven's question, "pearl?", she looked down to pearl who nervously bowed, "I allowed you to check up on her about 5 minutes ago. Would you say steven is able to see her?", "yes my diamond she seems stable enough", pearl nervously replied, "well then", yellow changed direction and pushed a button on a nearby wall opening up a hidden door, "follow me Steven, we'll use this shortcut to get you to your mother as quickly as possible".

Yellow and steven stood outside the door and let Pearl come in first, Steven was very nervous, yellow had to poke him to get him to stop shaking. Pearl was in there for only a minute, then opened the door for them from the inside. Steven nervously stepped in and took the hood off his head, ready to finally reunite with his mother. Blue was sitting up on a bed and putting on her shirt, her old clothes had been completely destroyed when she was corrupted, she now wore a dark blue button up shirt with a big collar and the top buttons undone to show her gem, and slightly darker blue pants and dress shoes.

"Hello there," blue greeted them, sounding surprisingly happy. Steven rushed past yellow diamond and flew to blue, flying to her hand where he sat on her palm. "Oh my! Who is this powerful gem!", blue joked, "Are you a lapis lazuli?", Steven laughed at this and poked his mother's cheeks slightly, "Come on! mum! You know it's me, Steven!", "you can't be steven! My steven can't fly", blue replied. "Well, you missed him discovering that power, blue," yellow interrupted, ruining the mood and standing over them menacingly with her arms crossed.

"And I've missed Steven's entire existence," yellow huffed, blue looked away and frowned. "Awww come on guys", Steven complained, "at least I finally meet aunt yellow and you guys are together", blue looked up, "I never wanted you two to meet, well not like this", she said under her breath as yellow gave her an angry look. "Well as I've missed so much and blue you've also missed a lot while you where.....having one of your meltdowns", yellow said, sitting next to blue on the makeshift bedroom she had set up for her, "I think its best If steven tries to explain things to us".

"Me!? Explain!?", Steven exclaimed, "I'm not the best at that. Maybe you can get pearl. She's super smart", Steven pointed to Pearl, who was still waiting at the door. during this yellow's pearl also came in to look around and smirked at her. "Nice new outfit", she joked, lightly nudging her, "What's it like to have that banshee as an owner? Fearing getting shattered all the time?", blue's pearl paid no attention, she's dealt with this enough times. "No, we want to hear it from you, the son of the diamond himself!" yellow commanded, Steven gulped and flew to the floor, standing in front of them and preparing his story.

Steven took a deep breath, did some stretches and readied himself to try and do some sort of speech yellow had randomly told him to do. "I am steven diamond demayo universe!, but you can just call me Steven", he began, blue yawned but yellow watched in awe, "my dad is Greg universe and you know my mum she's blue diamond!", he awkwardly pointed to his mother who was now laying down on the bed and texting some sapphires on her gem tablet, yellow on the other hand was watching very closely, taking in every word he dramatically proclaimed.

"My parents met in a super sad but romantic way, I've already told you this, at a place of mourning her lost love she found a new love in my dad as he understood her feelings", Steven struggled to find the right words here, especially after the whole pink diamond incident, at least blue didn't seem to be listening, he couldn't risk her going corrupted again. "My mother shape-shifted from her normal giant size to be small just for my dad, and then they fell in love and had me", pearl cringed at this, yellow's pearl laughed at her reaction. "I don't know how I was born, my mum doesn't seem to know either but I remember her saying she was very worried only one of us would be able to exist".

"Fascinating", yellow said, getting off the bed and kneeling down to get a closer look at him, picking him up and very gently taking off his Cape and shirt. "H-hey!?", Steven yelped, as yellow poked his gem, "yellow! stop touching my son like that!", blue yelled, hitting yellow over the head with her shoe. "There is only one being like you in the entire history of the universe, Steven universe", yellow said, holding steven closer to her face and spinning him around as he tried to yell at her to put him down and let him put his shirt back on at least. "How was blue able to clone her gem like this?", she asked, "none of us know, now can you please put me down I'm very cold without a shirt!", Steven yelled back to her, "very well", yellow said, suddenly dropping steven and his clothes, he was barely able to summon his wings in time before he'd hit the ground.

Yellow stood up and walked out the room, her pearl following after, "blue, when you're able to, get to your ship", she said, using a commanding voice she'd usually never use on a fellow diamond. "Why?", blue asked, raising an eyebrow, "because", she turned back to blue and steven, "we need to go home, we need to let HER see this". "Her? Her who?", Steven asked, blue bowed her head and yellow turned to them, shocked and enraged by blue, "what do you mean who!? WHITE DIAMOND IS WHO I'M SPEAKING OF! DID BLUE NOT TELL YOU ABOUT HER?!", she exclaimed, steven and blue both awkwardly shook their heads as yellow watched them disapprovingly.

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