chapter 102 Greg's head

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Greg's now dark blue eyes opened, he put his now light blue hand on his head, feeling his newly grown hair and slightly sat up. "Ugh...what happened", he looked around, seeing the destroyed old kindergarten, his son watching in fear and wonder, lapis also watching, confused to what was happening, and blue diamond, standing in front of him with tears running down her cheeks. Greg's eyes widened as be took in the situation, he stood up then bowed, his head next to blue's feet.

"I vow my eternal servitude to you, my diamond", he said, blue stepped back, horrifed. "Well you did bring him back to life, I'd be really loyal if someone did that to me!", Steven said to her, wiping away his own tears and looking down to his father, assuming he was joking. his skin was now completely blue, his hair a very light blue almost white colour, and he had aged back one again, looking how he did when he first met blue, he had been resurrected like durgy and all of the many animals blue had cried over.

"Those I bring back to life always end up vowing to be my servant", blue said, looking back to steven who was now walking around the still bowing down greg, analysing his father's new colour, "It feels so wrong for him to do this, as I vowed to obey him as retribution for my crimes as a diamond". Suddenly, greg got up, he stayed on his knees and grabbed blue's hand and looked into her eyes, "my great diamond, blue diamond I will eternally thank you for giving me new life!", his voice almost didn't sound like greg, it made Steven and blue both feel so off, like they where no longer even talking to the greg they knew.

Blue shook her hand from his grasp and kept it away from him, "thank you, greg universe", she awkwardly replied, "you may get up from the floor now", greg did what she requested and then bowed to her again, he then walked up to steven and bowed to him (it was a slightly smaller bow), "Greetings my son, the son of blue diamond, I shall also vow to be your loyal servant", Steven gave him a thumbs up and looked back to his mother for help.

"My diamond, its amazing how you're able to bring organic beings back to life", lapis told blue, "now that greg is alive again we can fly out of here, Steven said yellow diamond left, correct?", lapis looked to steven, her face slightly worried, she didn't want to bump into yellow diamond when flying back up, in fact she wanted to get away from here as much as possible, and back to earth, all of homeworld felt so dangerous and foreign to her. "We will leave soon, greg will go back to normal and I", blue sat down on the ground, "need to relax for a bit, I'll be able to regenerate soon, my wounds aren't that serious, and pearl can get me new clothes", blues injuries were much worse than she claimed, her body was covered in giant cuts, she was missing a finger, and her neck had many giant slices in it that would've easily killed a human, it would take her a long time to regenerate all the injuries that covered her body.

"I can heal you!", Steven said, extiedly running to her,  wanting to try his new power, greg followed after him, still not completely used to his new blue body. "fine, I can grow all this stuff back in a minute but that seems quicker", blue laid down, "go ahead, heal me", she closed her eyes. Steven took a deep breath and rubbed his hands together,he put his hands on blues stomach and lightly pushed, remembering how he did it the first time he healed her. Soon Steven's hands and gem started to glow, and all of blue's wounds disappeared, her clothes where still torn but she was now at full power again.

"Thanks steven!", blue said, jumping up again, and looking at her healed arms, "You've learned that power so fast it's incredible!", lapis exclaimed, "if you ever have a problem just call me! Dr universe! I'll cure you!", Steven joked, winking at lapis who laughed, greg started to laugh with him, his original personality was starting to return. "great one steven!", Greg said, hugging his son, "dad you're not a zombie now?", Steven asked, confused and trying to gesture to blue to explain, "well I kinda am since I'm blue and undead!", Greg replied, letting go of steven and showing him his new blue body.

"right blue-blue?", he pointed over to blue who was just awkwardly standing there, "I don't like the term zombie, but yes when I bring an organic back to life they're very loyal and act odd for a small ammount of time but go back to their normal state, and greg is the quickest ive seen one return to their regular state", blue explained, her voice quiet and obviously showing how uncomfortable she was with this, she was happy with bringing greg back but she never wanted to do this to him so early.

"So now that I'm blue, is there anything cool I can do?", greg asked blue, still looking at his new colour. "You must have all of durgy's cool powers!", Steven exclaimed, "like your hair is a portal! And you can shoot portals out your mouth and go giant!", Greg looked over to blue, "giant you say?". "Wait dad! Can you Bend down for a second!", Steven asked his father, he was very excited and jumping around, "erm ok?", greg agreed and bowed his head in front of steven, Steven then poked Greg's hair, when his finger touched the hair it went though and the hair glowed, "OH MY GOSH IT WORKS!", Steven yelled, "OK Dad this may sound crazy but I need you to lie down? I wanna go inside your hair!", "MY WHAT!?", greg yelled, looking over to blue, blue shrugged, "it is your new power, he can keep everything in there", she said to him, greg huffed and laid down on the ground, Steven flew up on a rock and dived down into Greg's long hair, his entire body going in easily.

Steven found himself in a place very similar to how the inside of durgy's fur looked, he could even see a smaller new island not far away. He crawled to the top of that island and looked around, he could see durgy's own island not far away, along with many other islands of different sizes. "I wonder if I can cross there", Steven thought, flying to durgy's Island, walking down the island and then looking through her fur, only to pop out of durgy who was sleeping in what was left of blue's room, it was being fixed by pearl, garnet and an army of pebbles, pink diamond was alseep in the corner still recovering from a full power blast from yellow.

"Steven!?", pearl gasped, dropping some parts she was going to use to repair, and running to him, she picked steven up and hugged him. "Where is lapis!? Is she ok!?", pearl frantically asked, her hair messy and showing her eyes, her face was filled with fear. "Oh she's fine don't worry!", Steven told her, pearl took a deep breath and calmed down, "I was so worried about you! Where is blue diamond! Where is greg!", she asked him, more calm this time.

"Mum is OK, yellow flew off and dad's best if I show you", he held her hand and took her through durgy, guiding inside the fur and taking her to Greg's side. "So, will I live forever now as a blue Mr universe?" Greg asked blue diamond, they where now sitting with lapis discussing Greg's new found powers, before blue could answer his question steven and pearl crawled out of Greg's hair. "Lapis!", pearl cried, jumping off greg and hugging her, "did yellow diamond hurt you?", she asked, starting to cry, "no! She barely touched me!", lapis confidently replied.

"Where did you get pearl!? Was she in my head this whole time!?", greg exclaimed, trying to put his hand in his hair and see what was in there himself. "I was able to travel and see where durgy is! She's still in mums room, it's being repaired right now and yellow hasn't came back yet!", Steven told his dad, who was still shaken up from having two people come out his hair. "That's great", blue said, sitting up and summoning her wings, "we can get back up there, I've been sick of sitting in this old dirty kindergarten!".

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