chapter 129 coming back

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Steven put bismuth's bubbled gem in his bedroom, he'd let her out soon, he already has a plan ready for how he'd do it. Steven yawned and lay down on his bed, it felt like days but his random teleportation to the moon, being smacked down to earth, nearly being lynched by potato clones of his mother and finally meeting bismuth only was in the span of 5 hours. Steven heard a knock at the door and sat up, fearing it was his mother and she'd notice the bubble, before he could get up from his bed and try and hide the bubble the door opened, revealing blue diamond, Steven froze from fear, it would be impossible to hide the truth from her.

"Garnet told me everything", blue said, taking the bubble and gently holding it in her hands, Steven watched closely, terrfied shed break the gem. Blue sat on the edge of the bed and looked over to steven, "I feel sorry for her, she was one of the first crystal gems and was just lead on by pink, I wonder how many people she used", Steven confessed, blue smiled at him, "you don't hate her, eventhough she wanted to kill you, that's a quality I'm not sure I like about you", she looked back down to the rainbow coloured gem, "pink used all of us, bismuth, jasper, me, even you, she lied to everyone", she let go of the bubble and let it float back in the corner of the room steven had put it, "we must tell everyone, but where to start", blue said to herself, Steven got off his bed and stood straight, in front of her, "I know who!", he exclaimed, "I promised to show jasper and ill show bismuth too! I gave jasper a diamond line! I'll just call her, wait for her to get to earth then unbubble bismuth, and if bismuth tries hurting me jasper can just beat her up!".

"Steven, I'm not sure that's a good idea!", blue told him, "it's just a test! jasper and bismuth where on two opposite sides and represent each side greatly! We can see how crystal gems and homeworld gems will react!", Steven reassured her. Blue sighed, "fine, pink is in my ship, I brought her home with us, I set up her own mini room since we both knew white diamond would be after her, you've beaten both bismuth and jasper so you'll be able to handle them if they get too much", blue got off his bed and walked downstairs, going to check up on greg who was passed out drunk on the couch after a long day at work.

"Erm it okay if steven invites more gems?", blue asked, greg lay on the couch, beer bottles everywhere with TV blaring, he didn't respond, he wasnt conscious at all, he looked like he had died a second time. pearl turned the TV down and picked up the bottles, "he told me he was very busy today, not just at the carwash but he got another brand deal as Mr universe", pearl told blue, blue looked down to greg, for once she felt complete disgust for him, like she had lost all her love she once had for him, it felt so strange, so wrong. "So....he rewarded himself with this?", blue asked, trying to hide her disgust, but it was impossible. Pearl carefully and quietly threw away all the beers, "it's a human thing, something we can't understand", she said to blue. Blue walked away, going outside to smoke or mess with water, "he's starting to remind me of my father", she mumbled to herself, lighting the cigarette with a small blue flame she summoned at the tip of her finger.

Steven closed his door behind him and took out his diamond line, he stationed himself in the corner by the window, so the bubbled gem wouldn't be visible on the screen. Jasper was on an old colony, she had been called by a local agate to show her quartz's what a real warrior was like, she'd spend the entire day, flexing and bench pressing giant rocks, it was quite a boring day for her, she hasn't even punched anyone today! As she sat in the wasteland, waiting for the ship an emerald had sent her to get there, the diamond line in her pocket turned blue and activated, floating in the sky and turning into a screen, "I forgot I had this!?", jasper yelped, standing up and saluting.

"Hey jasper!", Steven greeted her, his voice friendly and loud, "Greetings my diamon-steven", jasper said, noticeably nervous, Steven was still technically her diamond as pink was "dead" and he beat her in their fight, he may be small and seemingly kind but to her he was still a extremely powerful being. "If possible can you come to soon as possible?", Steven asked, "of course my steven", she quickly replied, remembering what he promised her, "great!", he gave her a big smile. "remember my promise to you? I'm going to show you pink diamond when you get to earth!". At the corner of jasper's eye she could see the ship for her landing and opening its doors for her, she smiled at the ship, perfect timing! "I'll be on earth in 1 human day if I'm lucky!", she told Steven, much more personality than usual, he could tell how much she wanted to see her diamond again. "great! But you're going to be really shocked when you see her and find how how I have her", he said, before ending the call.

Steven leaned back on the wall and took a deep breath, "maybe yellow was right and lying to the gems that pink actually had died was better", he thought, regretting his plan, so much guilt had suddenly hit him he had to quickly end the call. "When jasper learns the truth her whole life will be broken, she came out of the ground as a perfect soldier, she fought for her diamond, but still failed, her diamond died and she had no true purpose after that", he looked to the bubbled bismuth, "and you'll find out your leader hid you away only because she was scared youd kill the real her", he slumped down and looked up to the ceiling, "damn you pink diamond", he mumbled to himself, remembering all the horrible things she had caused.

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