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The first thing Yeosang heard in the morning was the birds chirping from the open window, making him whine as he woke up from the deep sleep early in the morning. 

There was a sudden shuffle around his room as the door was suddenly opened. Yeosang felt his bed dip a few moments later.

"Yeosangie-hyung?" Someone asked.

Yeosang didn't move even an inch, instead just lying in his bed without a care until someone shook him softly.

"Sangie hyung, wake up." Someone chuckled.

It wasn't Wooyoung.

Yeosang stretched his limbs, moving his neck from one side to another before opening his eyes and getting met with eyes of Choi Jongho who was looking at him.

Yeosang widened his eyes, suddenly jumping away and sitting up, staring at the younger in shock. Jongho just smiled back at him.

"Holy shit! Jongho, what are you doing here?" Yeosang almost screamed in shock.

Jongho giggled. "Did you forget that school starts today, hyung? I came to get you when you didn't answer your phone when all of us called you. Woo hyung gave me a spare key to get you."

Yeosang widened his eyes, getting his phone that was charging on the nightstand next to his bed, only to be met with 10 missed calls from his friend group.

"Oh fuck!" He exclaimed.

Yeosang suddenly felt like his heart was jumping out of his chest for a second after he realized it was the first day of the new school year, and yet he was already late. He just hated being late.

Maybe staying up all night during the summer was just a bad idea, specially because he was now late by 20 minutes, already probably skipped the speech from the principal, which meant that he had 10 minutes to get ready and leave. He looked all over what his friends sent him.

He texted them a short explanation before doing his skincare routine as fast as he could. Just as he was brushing his teeth, he was looking through the missed calls.

2 from Hongjoong and Seonghwa, 5 from Wooyoung (of course) and 1 from Jongho.

Yeosang suddenly stopped brushing his teeth as he stared at the last name, feeling a small pang in his chest. 

Jongho was the youngest of his friend group. He just didn't like skin ship or any type of affection, which meant he rarely called Yeosang.

But whenever they were out on a meal or anywhere else, Jongho always made sure to include Yeosang in any conversation and always made sure he was eating enough. Yeosang was so grateful for him and it just made him feel loved, to the point where he knew he liked Jongho. 

He liked Jongho for almost a year now, but he kept all of his feelings bottled inside of him and instead just acted like nothing was happening because Jongho is the straightest person that ever existed. 

Yeosang knew that he called him because Jongho was worried even if he didn't say that directly, but he just can't feel alright knowing that his feelings are one sided. No matter how much he wanted to get over him, it was hard. 

"Hyung, are you done?" Jongho asked as he knocked onto the bathroom door.

Yeosang shook his head. "Yeah!"

He got ready in 5 minutes, not even doing his makeup and just placing his bag over his shoulder, panting with every step he took until he came downstairs.

Jongho was already waiting for him, again giving him a smile. Yeosang wanted to squish his cheeks and never let him stop smiling with his stupid gummy smile that made him look even more adorable.

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