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Jongho threw away his cap, cheering loudly as the rest of his classmates and schoolmates did the same and raised their hands up.

He felt so happy now that he finished university, and now he is finally free from all the stress and schoolwork they had. He is finally done and he is overjoyed.

Yeosang and him were together still, maybe still taking things slowly with everything but for sure loving each other more than anything.

Jongho knows he would climb the mountains for Yeosang, literally would do anything just to be with him. He loves that man more than anything in this world.

Jongho think he has never loved someone more than he does Yeosang.

Yeosang is his happiness, his whole world and so much more. He loved that man more than he loved himself, and Jongho just hopes they would take their relationship on a level up in the future too.

"We are free!" Wooyoung almost screamed in the crowd full of people.

Yeosang hit his shoulder and said a small 'shut up' to make him quiet as San laughed and pulled him closer by the arm that wrapped itself around Wooyoung's shoulders.

"It's okay babe, you just got a bit too excited." San giggled.

Wooyoung leaned into his embrace, humming a bit and then kissing San's cheek. Oh, how they loved each other too. They were so cute together.

Jongho felt arms wrap around his upper arm, making him turn his head and see Yeosang clinging to him. Of course he had to smile immediately.

"Hey there." Jongho laughed.

Yeosang smiled. "Congratulations."

Jongho laughed and pulled him close by his shoulders. He kissed his forehead and held his boyfriend close as Yeosang wrapped his arms around Jongho's torso.

"Oh, look at you guys! You look so cute together!" Seonghwa pointed out and laughed shortly.

Jongho and Yeosang smiled, still keeping close to each other. Hongjoong said something in the lines of 'future husbands' or something like that as he obviously teased them.

"I told you that they are going to be together once!" Yunho said as he held hands with Mingi.

"Yeah, we all knew about that. So what?" Wooyoung sassed.

Jongho and Yeosang shared a look, shaking their heads at their friends and not knowing what to say now that they know they literally had a debate about it.

And apparently, Wooyoung, Yunho and Mingi were on the 'yes, they are going to be together' side and Seonghwa, Hongjoong and San on the 'no' side.

Maybe Yeosang didn't believe it too that they are going to be together one day as he once hoped, but here we are.

He is finally happy with Jongho, the love of his life and he has never been happier.

"Should we go and celebrate somewhere?" Seonghwa asked.

It's little to say that all of them yelled 'yes!' in unison, clapping their hands and now gathering their stuff before leaving in the nearby restaurant to celebrate and get drunk off their asses.

Jongho hummed as he pulled Yeosang close to him again, kissing the crown of his head and smiling.

"What was that for?" Yeosang laughed.

Jongho shrugged. "I just love you so much. I don't want to let you go ever again."

Yeosang almost melted at that, feeling like a high school girl crushing on her celebrity crush and almost turning into a putty as Jongho held him.

"I-I love you too.." Yeosang mumbled quietly, blushing immediately at that.

Jongho giggled as they started to walk to the restaurant, all engrossed in a conversation and feeling happy that they have each other as close friends.

Yeosang never imagined his life like this.

He has a boyfriend that loves him back, a good circle of friends and he is doing well. He is finally happy and actually feeling proud of himself.

He may not have a good relationship with his family, but he definitely has another family that are more his family despite not being biologically connected.

Yeosang's family are his 7 friends, and he would sarcifice everything for them.

Jongho understands him more than he literally understands himself, and Yeosang has never loved him more.

His boyfriend is perfect in any way, and he would do anything for Jongho.

Yeosang is not perfect, he knows he isn't. Neither is Jongho. All people make mistakes, and maybe just those mistakes led Yeosang and Jongho here where they are now.

He never imagined that he would be dating Jongho, and yet here he is. Almost a year into their relationship and is already hoping for something more in the future.

Of course Yeosang would marry Jongho. He loves him.

After all, they went through all of this together and they saw each other through everything. He is just so happy with Jongho.

And everything will be okay as long as they stay together.

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