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Yeosang was walking through the empty hallway, going to his locker in silence since everyone left the university and he left behind to study for his upcoming exam before going to Jongho's place for dinner.

He was excited to hear that Jongho was making his favorite food, fried chicken for dinner. Of course he agreed to come when he heard he was making chicken. Who wouldn't?

He got to his locker, opening it before he started to gather his books and stuff he needed for studying at home. He hummed a bit, collecting his stuff calmly until the door of his locker suddenly got slammed shut right in front of his face.

Yeosang turned around in shock, seeing the tall guy standing in front of him as he found himself get pressed against the locker. He widened his eyes when he realized that it was Byungho, the guy that was known for being on football team and being the biggest asshole ever.

He hated gay people and women, and Yeosang just had to gulp when he remembered Iseul.

"Is that Kang fucking Yeosang that I've been looking for?" He suddenly asked.

Yeosang gulped, feeling his knees shaking as he just stared at Byungho. He didn't know what to answer, literally fearing for his life. Byungho was much stronger and taller than him and Yeosang knew that screaming for help won't lead anywhere.

"Answer me, you fucking fag! I wasted my time searching for you!" Byungho yelled in his face as he grabbed his shirt and pulled Yeosang closer to him.

The male felt himself shaking as he stared into Byungho's eyes as the male held him by the shirt, not being able to find words in his throat to speak. He was just so scared that he wanted to cry so badly.

"Oh, the little bitch is about to cry. Then cry!" He yelled, swinging his arm back and hitting Yeosang in the jaw.

Yeosang groaned as he suddenly fell to the floor, watching as blood came out of his mouth. He widened his eyes, but before he could even say something, Byungho hit him with his leg straight on his ribs.

"Please, don't! Stop!" Yeosang cried out as he rolled on the floor as he continued to hit his body with his legs and not stopping at all.

Byungho didn't stop even after his cried, instead just grunting as he continued to hit his body with his whole strength. Yeosang cried, now full on tears coming out of his eyes as his lip continued bleeding and cheek still hurt.

"You are so disgusting. I can't believe that people like you exist. You and your gay little friends can rot in hell-"

Byungho was stopped as someone punched him right in the jaw too, making him fall on the floor on the other side across from Yeosang. The male looked up, seeing Jongho as he just continued to punch Byungho as he lied on the floor.

Jongho looked so angry, but Yeosang felt so relieved.

"You fucking dare to touch him and call him names when you are the biggest cunt I have ever seen?!" Jongho almost screamed at him.

Byungho didn't answer, looking like he was about to pass out any time now. Yeosang widened his eyes in horror as he watched his face being all bruised and bloody now, and he immediately got up and caught Jongho's arm.

"Jongho, stop! You're going to kill him!" Yeosang almost screamed at him as he held him back from hitting Byungho again.

Jongho was raging mad now, eyes literally red with anger as he looked at Yeosang and panted a bit. He stopped hitting Byungho who just rolled around the floor in pain and held his bleeding nose, but still not completely calming down.

"You shouldn't have stopped me. He fucking deserved even more what he got now." Jongho grumbled.

Yeosang shook his head, almost feeling like he was about to cry because of all of this. Thank god the hallways had no cameras.

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