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Yeosang's heart was beating inside his chest like it was going to jump out any second now.

He felt like he couldn't breathe as Jongho kissed him. Yeosang couldn't believe that it was happening after so many times he imagined it over so many years.

He was shocked as he stared at Jongho wide eyed, feeling like he was dreaming as Jongho kept his lips pressed against his own.

Yeosang let out a sound, trying to move back by placing his hands onto Jongho's chest and push him away, but a hand on the back of his head pushed him closer.

He dreamed of this moment, he really did, but now it just wasn't it. Jongho was drunk, he was doing this out of spite to show that he is better than Yujin to Yeosang.

It was so confusing. Jongho is dating Iseul, and he is straight but now he is kissing Yeosang who was his hyung to show that he is better than Yujin never treated him badly, and he never did anything to Jongho who still hates him.

Yeosang felt like he wanted to cry and scream when he started to move his lips against Yeosang's, literally keeping him close by the back of his head and not letting go.

The male started to shake as tears started to form in his eyes, still trying to push Jongho away before opening his mouth and biting onto his lower lip as hard as he could.

Yeosang didn't care at all. All he felt was anger and his heart hurting so much because he knew Jongho doesn't mean this.

Jongho moved away when the pain pierced through his lip, feeling a slight metallic taste in his mouth. He immediately touched his lip as Yeosang moved away, panting as tears started to run down his cheeks.

Jongho looked up to him, face softening when he saw him cry from that cold look he had when Yeosang bit his lip.

"Hyung-" Jongho started.

Yeosang immediately shook his head, placing his shaking hands over his ears and sobbing as he started to cry.

"No, shut up! I can't listen to you!" Yeosang almost screamed at the edge of a breakdown.

Jongho watched in shock, widening his eyes and not caring about his lip bleeding and hurting as Yeosang was crying his soul out and shaking right in front of him.

"Yeosang, calm down.." Jongho spoke up, walking a few steps closer and trying to hold him by the shoulders.

Yeosang jerked away, still holding his hands over his ears and slowly starting to sink down as his knees gave up. He felt his head and heart hurting so much, and he just wanted to lie down and cry.

He sobbed. "W-why did you do this? You are not gay, you are dating Iseul and y-you don't like me.."

Jongho watched in shock as he whispered that, crouching down and still holding his head. He gulped, not knowing what to do or say.

"Hyung, please. Calm down and I'll take you home-"

Jongho walked to him again, trying to reach out and hold him. But instead, a hard smack was placed on his cheek, making his skin sting with the sudden pain.

Yeosang just slapped him so hard Jongho thought his cheek might fall off as he rubbed his skin when his head turned left.

"No! You know what, Jongho? Why would I ever agree to go with you again?!" Yeosang yelled, cutting him off and still crying.

His face was red with anger and so many emotions as he yelled at Jongho like he was waiting to do that for so many years, keeping his hands clenched to the point his knuckles turned white.

It was clear he was showing a lot of pent up anger that was built over the years.

Jongho was scared, he was confused and also embarrassed because of his own actions. Why did he do this?

"All I ever did was to finally be happy, nothing else! I wanted nothing else! You ruined my only happiness and now even Yujin won't talk to me!" Yeosang yelled.

Jongho stayed silent on that, not knowing what to say and feeling ashamed of every single thing he ever did. He felt so small and stupid as he yelled at him.

He doesn't like Yeosang in that way, of course. He likes him as a hyung and a person, but he would never be in a relationship with him. But Jongho doesn't know why he kissed him and why does he get so mad when he mentions Yujin?

"Yeosang, I did that for your safety and for your own good! Yujin is not good for you-" Jongho started to yell, now also feeling mad.

"And you are?!" Yeosang cut him off.

Jongho just stared at him in shock as he said that, trying to find any other word or excuse to say something but nothing actually worked.

He stayed silent, gulping as he stared in front of him. Yeosang wiped his tears away with the back of his hand and with the sleeve of his hoodie.

"Go to hell! Why did I ever think I would actually be happy for once when I never was?" Yeosang slowly calmed down, still sobbing as he wiped away his tears.

Jongho's heart broke at that. He knew his family situation and everything they said and did to him, and it just hurt so much to hear him say that like it was the most normal thing in the world.

He knew he didn't deserve it. Yeosang didn't deserve to be treated like that, and yet Jongho was treating him exactly like that because he was petty for reasons that didn't even include Yeosang.


"Fuck you, Jongho. I don't want to see you." Yeosang spat out before turning around and not looking back.

Jongho stared at him as he walked away in shock, wanting to run to him so badly but instead staying paralized in his place.

He looked down to his feet, feeling his eyes start to hurt as they started to get glass-like with tears that are filling them up.

Yeosang was right this time, he truly was right.

It was all his fault, and Jongho knew that very well.

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