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Yeosang looked around the huge company, holding his bag close as he tried to search for Yujin. He wanted to talk to him for at least a minute, but the older was nowhere in sight. 

He sighed, turning around and trying to see if Yujin was maybe somewhere and he didn't see him, but that wasn't the case. Yeosang didn't see him anywhere, and he walked further inside in hope to see him. 

Yujin also still didn't answer his calls or messages, and after probably 15 minutes of searching for him, Yeosang started to lose hope. He sighed and looked down to his feet, trying to figure out what next. 

"Excuse me, can I help you?" Yeosang heard a familiar voice. 

He widened his eyes, immediately turning around and seeing Yujin standing there. The male was equally shocked as he was, staring at Yeosang in shock before he initially calmed down. 


"What are you doing here?" Yujin asked, not even letting him finish.

Yeosang was shocked at that. He gulped as he stared at him, trying to find the words what he wanted to say. Yujin seemed like he was annoyed seeing him, making Yeosang both confused and lowkey heartbroken. 

"Yujin, you didn't answer my messages or calls. I was worried about you, so I came to find you here." Yeosang explained. 

Yujin raised his eyebrows at that, nodding his head and scoffing suddenly as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Oh yeah? Why don't you go back to your lover boy then?" Yujin suddenly asked. 

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows at that, not knowing what to say as he just stared at him. 

"What?" Yeosang asked.

Yujin shrugged, obviously annoyed. "I don't know, maybe ask Jongho or whatever his name is about it. I'm pretty sure he will explain it better than me."

Yeosang knew it, and it was exactly what it was afraid of. His assumptions were approved, and he now knew Jongho said something to Yujin. 

"What did he say?" Yeosang asked. 

Yujin stared at him like he was doubting something, clenching his jaw visibly as he stared at Yeosang. The male felt so small as he just stared back, waiting for Yujin to say anything that he wanted. 

"That I'm just using you and that I mean nothing to you and that he is way better than me? Oh, and that he is going to punch me if I keep just wasting your time. Yeah, something in between those lines. Maybe you should keep your dog on a leash when I'm already just using you." Yujin sarcastically said.

Yeosang widened his eyes when he heard him say that. Jongho said that to him? Why would on earth he say that? Yujin didn't do anything to him, and yet he is the one who got things said. 

"What? Why didn't you tell me anything?!" Yeosang exclaimed. 

Yujin sighed. "Yeosang, please. I really can't and don't want to do this now. I would like it better if we stayed apart from each other for some time."

Yeosang's world came crushing down when he heard him say that. Yujin is leaving him after literally being apart for almost 10 years and now he is leaving him again because of Jongho and his delusions. 

"Yujin, please-" Yeosang started. 

Yujin shook his head. "Yeosang, don't do this now. I can't do it and I really have to go."

Yujin didn't waste time to turn around and leave, not turning back to look at Yeosang even once as he just stood there, heartbroken and sad. 

He will make sure Jongho hears it now. He did this and Yeosang will make sure he understands what he did.

 ► ► ► ► ►

All he felt inside was rage as he walked towards Jongho's house, not even calling or texting Jongho as he walked in the middle of the night without a single worry or care. 

Yeosang was mad. He was mad at Jongho who didn't say anything and just acted innocent, literally making him want to scream at him so badly. Why was he being so damn stupid and immature?

Yujin didn't want to be near with Yeosang because of him, and Jongho didn't care at all about that. He will make sure Jongho understands he is mad both for Yujin and the fact he was wasting so much of his time. 

He hoped Jongho was going to notice him, but he never did. 

Once he was in front of Jongho's house, he rung the doorbell and knocked loudly on the door, not caring about the fact it was almost 11pm now as he was just so mad at Jongho he didn't even know what to do now. 

He groaned in annoyance when no one answered, and he just had to pull out his phone and dial Jongho's number. Yeosang pressed his phone onto his ear, listening as it beeped a couple of times before he picked up.

"Hello?" Jongho asked.

There was a loud music heard in the background, and Yeosang immediately knew he was on a party. Jongho liked to party, and he was out now like every Friday, which explained why no one answered the door. 

"Where are you?" Yeosang asked, not even caring anymore.

"Out, Minjun's party. You remember Yunho said he is throwing it today, right?"

Ah, yes. Of course Yeosang knew about it. Minjun always threw parties and Jongho always went because they are on the same football team. Yeosang sighed before he rubbed his head a bit in annoyance. 

"Hello? Yeosang, are you there-"

"You know what? You better be standing outside when I come. I'm not joking now." Yeosang demanded, losing his cool. 

Jongho was quiet for a couple of seconds before the music suddenly stopped, indicating he went to the bathroom. 

"Hyung, what's wrong? What did I do?" He slurred, already half drunk.

Yeosang didn't answer, instead just hanging up the call and walking towards Minjun's house. He was so angry he wanted to scream, but he was keeping all his emotions bottled inside himself, but he knew he was going to explode once he sees Jongho.

He will surely make sure Jongho understands what he feels. 

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