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Wooyoung scoffed the moment he saw Jongho standing in front of him after he went to open the door when he heard it ring.

He couldn't believe the audacity this man had to show up just now, after almost 2 weeks to find Yeosang and to finally talk to him.

Jongho's lips were swollen and red, seemingly from the lipstick since he was probably kissing that bitch right before he came here, which made Wooyoung's blood boil even more.

"What are you doing here?" Wooyoung asked through his teeth, crossing his arms over his chest.

Jongho sighed. "Wooyoung hyung, please. Let me see Yeosang-hyung. I really need to talk to him and I know he is here."

"And why should I let you see him?" Wooyoung barked back, leaning against the doorway.

Jongho didn't know what to say on that. Why did he deserve to see Yeosang, and did he even deserve to see him after all he did?

He gulped as he just stared at Wooyoung who just looked at him with the blank face, still having his arms crossed over his chest as he just gave off that "don't fuck with me" look.

Jongho knew he was pissed off, but he needed to see Yeosang. He just had to see him and talk things out. He really couldn't take it anymore.

"Please, just let me in. I promise I'll fix things."

Wooyoung scoffed. "You think I would let you see him-"

"Wooyoung, who is that?"

Wooyoung was cut off by Yeosang walking up behind him and asking that, suddenly stopping in tracks when he saw Jongho standing there.

He just looked taken aback as he stared at the younger, gulping as Jongho just kept staring back and Wooyoung eyeing Jongho like he wanted to bite his head open.

Jongho was also taken aback just by Yeosang's appereance. He wore an oversized black hoodie that probably belonged to San and shorts, hair messy and not wearing any make up. He was looking tired as he just watched Jongho.

He felt so bad knowing that he caused Yeosang to feel like this, specially because he is his favorite hyung.

"Hyung-" Jongho started.

"Wooyoung, what is going on here?" Yeosang asked, completely ignoring Jongho and turning to Wooyoung.

Jongho didn't say anything, instead shifting awkwardly in his place as Wooyoung continued to look at him with that same annoyed look.

"He wants to talk to you." Wooyoung spoke, not taking his eyes off of the male.

Yeosang looked between him and Jongho, knowing that Wooyoung is just being protective and nothing else.

Jongho stared at Yeosang back, literally begging him to say something and allow Wooyoung to talk to him.

Yeosang sighed, petting Wooyoung's shoulder.

"Woo, just let him in. Don't complicate things even more than they are now." Yeosang suddenly said.

Jongho perked up at that, looking up from where he was looking at his shoes and watching as Wooyoung's face fell.

"Are you serious, Yeosang? You want him to talk to you-"

"Wooyoung, please. We'll talk later, okay?" Yeosang asked.

Wooyoung stared at his best friend for a bit before he sighed and nodded his head, going inside and grabbing his phone and wallet before he turned to Yeosang again.

"Call me if anything happens, okay?"

Yeosang gave him a smile before he nodded and Wooyoung left them alone.

With a long sigh, Yeosang crossed his hands over his chest and looked at Jongho.

"Get in and you have 10 minutes."

Jongho nodded with a smile before getting inside and slamming the door shut, ready to talk things out with Yeosang.

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Hongjoong laughed as Seonghwa once again kissed his cheek, holding him by the waist and not letting go for what seemed like years.

"Hwa, stop already. I can't be late to class again.." Hongjoong mumbled as he giggled again, but still not unwrapping his arms from his shoulders.

Seonghwa hummed as he kissed his jaw. "You don't seem like you want me to stop at all. Doesn't seem like you're in a rush to me.."

Hongjoong smiled as he held him close, hand being placed on the back of taller's head. Of course he would never let go of Seonghwa, even if it meant being late to classes he had. He loves his beautiful boyfriend too much to let him go.

"Mr. Young is gonna be so annoyed.." Hongjoong giggled.

That teacher is known for not letting students go if they are late, and Hongjoong is probably going to be late since he was supposed to go already.

Seonghwa pulled away from his neck, instead coming to his face and smiling. He rubbed Hongjoong's sides as they stood in the middle of Hongjoong's studio, right next to the window.

"Then I'll just drive you.." Seonghwa whispered to him.

But they didn't care about the fact anyone could see them now, being too lost with loving each other that they just didn't care about that.

Hongjoong giggled, shaking his head and looking into his beautiful eyes.

Seonghwa hummed as he pressed their lips together, getting the kiss back as Hongjoong tightened his grip on his shoulders.

They kissed for a couple of moments, nothing too special. Just the slow kiss that was full of love they had for each other and nothing else.

"Who cares about Mr. Young and what he will say now now? We are here together and I want to never stop kissing you again."

Hongjoong's face flushed red at that, and he just couldn't do anything else at that point and he just giggled at his sweet boyfriend.

"You're right.."

Seonghwa leaned in, pressing their lips together again and humming as they smiled into the kiss. They were just whipped for each other so badly.

"I'm always right, honey." He smiled.

Hongjoong smiled back, shaking his head before he got on his fingertips to reach his head and pecked Seonghwa's lips again.

"Of course you are, love."

They were insanely in love with each other, and no one would ever make them stop.

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