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"Do teeth taste like nothing or we just got used to the taste of teeth?" Wooyoung asked as he placed his head on his palm, staring somewhere in the space.

Yeosang's face fell the moment he looked up and heard such a stupid question leave Wooyoung's mouth. He couldn't believe what he was thinking about when they are supposed to be studying for exams that are coming up very soon.

"Are you for real now?" He deadpanned.

Wooyoung shrugged. "I was just wondering."

Yeosang rolled his eyes, looking down to his book again and ignoring his best friend who didn't study. He wondered how didn't he fall his classes already.

"Did Jongho come to yours, by the way? I forgot to ask. I just remembered he said he will drop by since he was worried about you." Wooyoung asked as he looked at his nails, looking like a queen somehow.

Yeosang looked up again, furrowing his eyebrows at that when he said it. Jongho was worried?

"He said he is worried, or?" He asked, silently hoping he said it.

Wooyoung sadly shook his head. "No, but from the looks he really did look worried. You didn't answer his messages so he said he will drop to see how you're doing."

Yeosang definitely didn't expect Jongho to drop by. Usually that was Seonghwa or Hongjoong, but Jongho?

"Oh, and Iseul and him fought. He said it too." He added.

Yeosang widened his eyes. "What?"

Wooyoung looked up from his nails, also confused as him.

"Yeah. You didn't know that?" Wooyoung asked.

Yeosang shook his head. When did that happen? Jongho didn't say anything to him about that, instead asking what she told him.

So that's why he asked, huh? Yeosang didn't know that.

"No. He just came and we had coffee when I got a bit better. He asked what she told me and said how he was upset about me not saying anything." Yeosang explained.

Wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows. "Wow, I thought he was going to tell you."

Yeosang shook his head. Jongho didn't say anything to him, really. He suddenly felt so embarrassed when he remembered he said I love you to Jongho.

"Oh god.." He mumbled.

Wooyoung looked up. "What?"

Yeosang slapped his hand over his forehead.

"I literally suddenly said 'I love you' to him.." He mumbled.

Wooyoung's face went pale when he said that, eyes going wide and shock written on his face.

"You did what?!" He almost screamed.

Yeosang felt so stupid. Why did he have to do that?!

"Did you literally confess to him? And what did he say?!" Wooyoung exclaimed.

Yeosang shook his head. He wouldn't call that a confession. He had no idea why did he suddenly blurt that out, but he definitely won't do it again.

"I didn't confess, at least not directly. He didn't really take me seriously, like I was telling him a joke instead for a serious I love you!" Yeosang hid his face.

Wooyoung was more than confused, leaning back in his chair and not believing what he just heard.

"He is so stupid! Why is he so dense! You confessed to him and he just took it like a stupid joke!" Wooyoung sounded upset.

Yeosang sighed. "I don't know anymore. He just said 'I love you too' like, totally unseriously. I feel like this is leading nowhere."

Wooyoung stayed silent as he looked at him before he sighed. He hated seeing Yeosang so down because of him.

"And Yujin?" He asked.

Yeosang took some time to answer on that. He really did enjoy spending time with Yunjin since they have been friends since forever, but crushing on him?

Was falling for Yujin going to fix things?

"I don't know. I mean, he is really good to me and everything but it's... different." He said.

Wooyoung looked at him before he pursued his lips. He felt bad for Yeosang, specially when he left so many direct and indirect signs for Jongho.

And yet, nothing happened. He is just the same like nothing ever happened at all.

"Maybe you really should try with Yujin." Wooyoung said suddenly.

Yeosang looked at him, staying silent as he just collected his thoughts. He wasn't sure what to think about it.

Yujin is really his one of his oldest friends, specially because they spent so many years together but maybe..

Maybe it really might be worth a try? It won't hurt anyone if they at least try, right?

He sighed. "I don't know. Maybe you are right after all, specially with everything happening now."

"You know that Yujin is someone that actually cares for you more than a friend, right? I saw the way he is looking at you, but I didn't want to force you." Wooyoung spoke.

Maybe he really was right. Yujin is always so nice to him, not pushing him to anything and always staying respectful.

After they kissed on that party, they talked about it and apologized since both of them were tipsy. Yeosang really didn't want it to end up badly, so they talked about it and honestly what they felt.

Yujin is amazing, truly. He is really making Yeosang stay happy and not think about Jongho at all when he is with him.

Maybe, just maybe..

"Maybe you're really right."

Wooyoung smiled. "I know. Text Yujin, tell him you want to go on a date or grab food and coffee again. Maybe if you try you might finally get over Jongho."

Yeosang nodded his head. He wasted so many time already for Jongho to finally try and notice him, but he always seemed so stupid.

He knew it was time to get over him. He just has to. It's not worth it anymore, it just isn't. If Jongho didn't get it now, he won't ever get it.

Yeosang pulled out his phone, looking up at Wooyoung and shaking it.

"So, what do I say for a date?"

Wooyoung's face bloomed in a small smirk the moment he said it.

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