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"...Jongho, Jongho!" San almost yelled at him, snapping the male out of his thoughts. 

Jongho looked away from where he was spacing out, shaking his head and looking at his hyung with wide eyes. He was just spacing out and lowkey got shocked when San snapped him out of it, but he just stared back at Jongho. 

They were in a restaurant with Yunho after their classes, and Jongho just couldn't focus on anything they were saying at all. He was just lost in his mind and clouds it seems. 

"What's wrong with you? You literally didn't even listen to me when I was speaking to you. Yunho even got up when he had to go and you didn't even react at all. Is something bothering you?"

Yes, everything was bothering him. Jongho wanted to scream all of his feelings and thoughts out, but he just sighed and shook his head. He doesn't want to explain anything to his friends yet even if they probably know everything.

"I'm fine, really. I've been just a bit tired lately." Jongho replied. 

San definitely didn't buy that at all. He just stared at him, almost giving him the 'be fucking for real' look as he wanted to hear the real truth and not some stupid excuses he knows aren't for real. 

Jongho just gave him a weak smile to turn around the theme, but San just furrowed his eyebrows. 

"Are you seriously lying to me now? Jongho, I noticed that you just keep being lost in your own thoughts and not paying attention to us lately. Yeosang has been the same like you too. I don't understand why are you guys acting like that."

Jongho looked up. "Yeosang?"

San just stared at him, blinking a few times and just shaking his head as he furrowed his eyebrows. 

"Jongho, what happened between you two?" He asked. 

Jongho gulped. He wasn't sure what to answer, specially after he read all those LGBT articles and did those sexuality quizzes. It didn't really lead anywhere, but Jongho came to know that there are many more sexualities than he thought actually. 

But apart from that, Jongho maybe thought that he is bisexual. It was just a thought, but he himself didn't know about his own feelings and let alone anyone else. His mind was just a mess and he was going crazy. 

Jongho stayed silent, letting out a sigh and just shaking his head. San waited patiently for a reply, but he just kept silent. 

"I mean, it was just a mistake. We kissed a couple of times and.." Jongho mumbled. 

"We had sex with each other, but after that, he just kept ignoring me.." He trailed off. 

San seemed like he was hearing the most normal thing and not all those things that happened between them. Jongho half expected that he already knew about it, which was expected knowing that Wooyoung can't keep his mouth shut about anything at all. 

"You knew about it, right?" Jongho asked. 

San sighed. "Of course I did, Jjong. You know that I care about Yeosang so much and Wooyoung really has been acting strange too. You know that he never does anything like ignoring anyone, but now he did it. He was just hurt, and Wooyoung tried to protect him."

Jongho let out a desperate sigh. "But why didn't he at least talk to me? We could have resolved things easily-"

"Jongho, do you really expect him to do that when Iseul literally tried to threaten him?"

Jongho's face fell in a second when he heard that. He had no idea that happened at all, he was literally just shocked. Iseul threatened Yeosang?

"I didn't know about that..." Jongho mumbled. 

San nodded. "We didn't know too. It was a couple of days ago when Woo and him saw you guys kiss. He was just sad and Iseul sent him a text saying something like 'you better be leaving Jongho alone or your head is about to be rolling down the street'. Yeosang was scared-"

"Of course he was, what the fuck! I didn't know about that!" Jongho almost yelled. 

San shook his head. "Jongho, why are you still with her? Don't you realize how toxic she is towards you and that she is just using you?"

Jongho sighed. "I don't know why, hyung. I guess I'm just guilty to leave after I.. cheated on her I guess."

San gave him those eyes full of pity, raising his hand up and placing it on his shoulder. Jongho just stared at San and didn't know what else to say.

"How about we go and have a couple of drinks, hm? It's my treat. I see that you really need to relax and talk about some stuff with someone. I'm always here for you, you know?"

San has always been such a sweetheart. He is always trying his best not to make anyone upset and even if anyone is having a bad day, he will cheer them up. Jongho appreciated him so much ever since the first time they met years ago. 

Jongho knows that he can rely on him. San is truly a good man. 

He smiled and nodded his head, and soon they were getting up and walking out of the restaurant. They slowly started to talk about everything that happened, and Jongho really found himself feeling better now that he is speaking out his feelings.

"So yeah, we just did it and I know that I screwed up so badly. I mean, I don't blame him for ignoring me at all. I guess he has a good reason of it too." Jongho sighed. 

San looked at him. "Don't be upset. I'll try to talk to Yeosang, okay?"

Jongho smiled, nodding his head and just as he was about to speak, he stopped when he saw a familiar black haired girl giggling as she walked with some unknown man. Their hands were locked together as they walked, talking as they seemed in their own world when Iseul came to kiss the man's cheek. 

Jongho just watched, letting out a sigh as they neared them. He didn't know why, but he felt so relieved and not guilty anymore.

Her face suddenly fell. "Jongho?"

Jongho smiled at her, crossing his arms as San touched his shoulder.

"Let it go, come on, let's go." San spoke.

Jongho shook his head. It was finally over, and he never felt better than now.

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