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In the past few days, Jongho realized so many things about himself that he didn't even think of before. He became so much happier now that him and Yeosang are finally reunited, but he also came to know a couple of things.

Jongho knew that he was terribly wrong about his feelings all this time. He was so jealous of Yeosang's ex boyfriends that he always said to Yeosang how they were using him when in fact he just hated to see Yeosang together with another man.

But apart of that, Jongho also realized he loved going on dates with Yeosang. He never thought that dates could be that fun when you are with someone you actually enjoy being with.

Dates for Jongho were never fun when he had to take out girls that expected him to pay for every single thing and never actually bothered asking if they should pay too, so he never had fun with them.

But with Yeosang?

Dates with Yeosang were little to say, perfect. Jongho was so happy being with him, never thinking or looking away from Yeosang. He never thought about nothing else other than Yeosang.

The male had some kind of effect that caused Jongho to be like an obedient puppy and act like he was under the spell. If Yeosang told Jongho to bark for him or even to run naked he would gladly do it without a problem.

He was so insanely whipped for Yeosang. Jongho felt like he was in high school having a crush again, but now he felt so much stronger for Yeosang.

He just couldn't stop thinking about him and texting him, always initiating skin ship with Yeosang which was a shock that it was coming from Jongho who usually hated it, but for Yeosang, he didn't mind.

Jongho would climb the mountain just to be with Yeosang.

Now that things between them are good, Jongho never wants to let him go.

So Jongho woke up in a middle of the night when he felt his arm being numb with all eight of them having a sleepover at Seonghwa's house and sleeping on the floor. Jongho saw Yeosang using his arm like a pillow, but instead of feeling annoyed like he usually would, Jongho didn't feel anything but pure happiness at that moment.

He pulled Yeosang even closer, ignoring his numb arm and just kissing his head as the male slept. If anyone else did that, Jongho would push them away, but it's Yeosang. Jongho couldn't push Yeosang away now.

Instead, he pulled Yeosang closer and closed his eyes again as he cuddled right next to him without feeling weirded out. He didn't feel weirded out because it's Yeosang.

It's Yeosang, his favorite hyung, and Jongho never wanted to let him go again.

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"It's a shame you haven't seen it yet, really. It's an amazing movie!" Jongho pointed out as he held onto Yeosang's hand as they walked through the city.

Oh, how they were both unbothered by the weird looks they got for holding hands together. Screw all those people who found it disgusting and weird, they didn't care as long as no one touched them. They are happy together.

"Well, do you want to come and see it with me then? I wanted to go to cinema for a long time now, but Woo is always with San and others are away now visiting their families.." Yeosang pouted.

Jongho tilted his head with his furrowed eyebrows, making Yeosang also look at him in confusion. Has he said something wrong?

"What?" Yeosang asked.

"You asked everyone to go with you except for me?" Jongho asked, literally sulking in front of Yeosang because he didn't ask him to go out.

Yeosang's heart almost burst at that. He was so pouty over such a small thing, and he just had to smile at Jongho. Why was he being so cute? Yeosang swore he was about to scream at him.

"Oh, don't be so sad over that. I wanted to ask you too, but since everything happened I didn't really have a chance to do so." Yeosang smiled as he petted Jongho's hair.

"But you could have asked me now!" Jongho protested, tugging onto Yeosang's hand.

The male laughed again, shaking his head and literally forcing a smile out of Jongho too. God, he never wanted to stop hearing Yeosang laugh. His laugh was just so perfect Jongho wanted to yell at him to smile more.

"But I'm asking you now. Will you go to the cinema with me?" Yeosang asked as he tucked a string of hair behind Jongho's ear.

Jongho smiled immediately. "Of course I will."

Yeosang giggled, and just as he was about to answer, he heard his phone buzzing in his pocket. Yeosang took it out, seeing the unknown number and answering it after a few second.

"Hello?" Yeosang asked.

"What the fuck are you doing with my boyfriend, you fucking bitch?! I told you to leave him the fuck alone and you still haven't listened to me, huh?" Iseul's angry voice yelled on the other side.

Yeosang's eyes widened as he looked up to Jongho who just furrowed his eyebrows back.

"I will end you if you don't leave him alone! I swear I'll end you!-"

Jongho suddenly tugged Yeosang's phone out of his hand, making the male yelp and let out a small 'hey!' as Jongho pressed his phone against his own ear. He looked pissed off even more now.

"What the fuck are you saying, you psycho? Just dare to come close to him and I'll end you too. You think you can scare me with those empty words? Just watch me ruin your life then. You better be staying away from Yeosang or I'll deal with you myself." Jongho spat out.

Yeosang widened his eyes as he heard those words leave his mouth. He was shocked mainly because Jongho has never sounded so angry like he did now, and he would lie that it didn't scare him at least a bit.

"But, O-Oppa-"

"Iseul, I said what I said. We are done and get over it and don't text or call this number." Jongho cut her off before ending the call.

Yeosang just stared back as Jongho gave him back his phone, sighing a bit after that.

"Please, don't answer the calls anymore. And also, you have to tell me when something like this happens. I don't plan on standing there and doing nothing while they take their delusions out on you."

Yeosang smiled slowly and nodded his head. "Thank you, Jjong."

Jongho smiled back, slowly going forward and wrapping his arms around his waist. He held Yeosang close and hummed.

"Of course, hyung. You know you can trust me."

Yeosang stared a bit at him before he leaned forward and pressed their lips together for a second, pulling away and humming.

"Let's go watch that movie, then?" Yeosang asked as he locked their hands together.

"Of course!" Jongho smiled.

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