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Yeosang squeezed his eyes shut immediately after opening them when he saw the light of the celling.

His head was hurting badly as he laid on the bed, making him raise his hand up and rub his temples. He groaned quietly as it did lessen the pain a bit.

"Hyung? Do you hear me?" Jongho's soft voice was heard.

Yeosang slowly opened his eyes, looking right and seeing Jongho sitting on the chair next to his bed in the infirmary where he was placed. His head was pounding, but he knew what happened.

"Jongho?" Yeosang asked slowly in confusion.

Jongho smiled and stood up from his chair. "Hey. Are you okay? Does your head hurt? You fell pretty harshly. I was worried something dangerous happened."

Yeosang slowly started to sit up, making Jongho place his hands on his shoulder and help him get up. He felt butterflies in his belly at that, literally almost squealing from the simple skin ship.

"My head hurts a bit, but I'm fine.." Yeosang mumbled, holding his head.

Jongho nodded. "I'm sorry, hyung. I didn't want to hit you at all. I just wasn't looking where I was shooting and it just hit you. I really didn't mean to do that-"

Yeosang smiled, cutting him off. "It's alright, Jjong."

Jongho sighed, shoulders slumping a bit and he just felt so guilty because Yeosang got hurt instead of Yujin. He deserved it more, Yeosang didn't deserve it at all.

"I hope you can forgive me. I really didn't mean to do that." Jongho pouted.

Yeosang couldn't believe he thought he won't forgive him. After all, he has such a weak spot for Jongho. He could never say no to him no matter what he did.

He is so insanely in love. He is just crazy for Jongho.

"Don't be ridiculous, of course I forgive you. But where is Yujin? Wasn't he here too?" He asked.

Jongho's face went pale for a moment as he stared at Yeosang, scratching the back of his neck with his hand.

Yeosang scrunched his eyes at that. He looked like he was confused as to what to say to him, also looking a mix of confused and scared to say something.

That was more than suspicious to Yeosang.

"Yeah, about that. He said he had some job left to do so he had to leave. He said he was sorry and that he would text you." Jongho said.

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows. Yujin just left him there with Jongho without saying anything? That seems a little strange, and why did Jongho act like that after all if it's just that and nothing else?

Jongho avoided his gaze for a second before he smiled st Yeosang. Maybe he really is saying the truth. Why won't he after all?

He nodded his head. Maybe he really was busy and had job left to do, it happens sometimes.

"Alright then."

Jongho smiled. "Let's go, I'll drive you back home. I would feel bad if I let you go back alone when I did all this mess."

Yeosang agreed nonetheless, getting his bag and texting Seonghwa he is with Jongho now and that he is okay.

He took some painkillers as Jongho made him a cup of cocoa and watched some shitty k-drama with him, being bored to the tears.

It was so pathetic they soon fell asleep on the couch in Yeosang's living room.

  ► ► ► ► ►

It's been a couple of days, and Yujin was nowhere to be seen or heard.

Yeosang was worried about him. He texted and called him so many times already, but he just didn't answer. It was like he suddenly vanished from the face of the Earth.

He was worried sick for him. What if something happened to Yujin and he isn't able to reach anyone to help him?

It wasn't like him at all. He never did anything like this, really.

Yeosang sighed as he called him once again, but that call went straight to the voicemail once again. What happened?

Yujin never actually disapperared like that, even before they lost contact. They knew to even fight sometimes, but never to the point where he won't answer his calls or messages and now when nothing happened?

He fainted when the ball hit his head, Yujin held him, and when he woke up Jongho said that he left for work so suddenly.

Yeosang thought about possible reasons. Could it be because he was confused about their dates and kiss or he was busy? Yeosang had many theories.

He suddenly widened his eyes as he went and replayed everything that happened. Jongho looked nervous when he said that about Yujin, and yet he still said how he left for work.

Or could it be that...Jongho lied to him?

But why would he do that? Yeosang knew he didn't like Yujin much, but he never did anything to make anyone leave. Yujin didn't do anything to him, and yet he seemed to resent him.

Did he say something to Yujin that made him snap and leave so now he won't even answer his calls? Yeosang hoped he was wrong.

Yeosang widened his eyes as he thought that was probably the truth since there is no other explanation. It had to be Jongho who did it.

Jongho never lied to him in so many years they knew each other. He never did, and yet he probably did it now. Yeosang felt more upset at that than he did about him probably saying something rude to Yujin.

He hated to say it, really. He really did hate to be the one to assume Jongho was behind it, but there is just no other explanation for it, really.

Yeosang sighed again, shaking his head before realizing he needed to go. He grabbed his bag and keys, immediately going out of his apartment and walking to Yujin's workplace.

It was the only way to solve this, and Yeosang is ready to do it. He will deal with Jongho later.

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