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Yeosang woke up as he felt sun hitting his face, making him let out a short whine as he pushed his head into a pillow more. He didn't want to get up, nor go to classes or do anything at all. He just felt tired.

All he wanted was to be alone with his own thoughts after yesterday. That's all he wanted now, nothing else. 

He got up with a long huff after stretching his body like a cat. He did his morning routine and changed into an oversized hoodie with his pajama pants still on. Walking out of his room into the  kitchen he immediately stopped in tracks. 

Jongho was standing right there, wearing Yeosang's apron and humming quietly as he placed the fried eggs onto the plate. It was little to say Yeosang was flabbergasted. 

It smelled so amazing, literally looking like a breakfast from a 5 star hotel and making Yeosang's stomach immediately growl. Jongho turned his head suddenly, connecting their eyes together and just staying there without saying a thing. 

Yeosang sighed suddenly, already preparing himself for a long discussion. 

"Good morning." Jongho smiled to ease the situation suddenly. 

Yeosang, however, didn't feel any better. He was confused, but more like shocked and actually worried on how things might end up.

"Jongho, what are you doing here?" Yeosang asked, closing his eyes. 

Jongho bit the inside of his cheek, trying to find a way to say it before letting the spoon down and taking off the apron. He turned to Yeosang who stared at him with his arms crossed. 

"Wooyoung hyung told me the passcode." Jongho confessed, and Yeosang felt like he picked the wrong nerve suddenly. 

He sighed. "That bitch.."

Jongho smiled awkwardly. "He thought it was the best idea for us to talk things out, so I thought I would make you breakfast to take it easy for now-"

"Jongho, why in the world would you just show up in my apartment and make me breakfast?"

Jongho was taken aback by that question, which he didn't have a real explanation why. He was just thinking it might make him feel a bit better at least and make them talk finally, but he was wrong it seems. 

"Because I care for you?" He said, more like asked. 

Yeosang blinked at him, still keeping his hands crossed over his chest and sighing once again.  Jongho felt like he wanted to die suddenly. Why was everything so complicated? They have been friends for ages now, and Yeosang is now acting differently. 

"Please, spare me the lies." Yeosang mumbled, now going away to the living room and sitting down on the couch. 

Jongho sighed, immediately following him and sitting down next to Yeosang. 

"Hyung, please. Stop being so stubborn when I tried my best to reach out to you for ages now already. It hurts me to be like this, I really can't do it anymore. Let's just talk things out like adults and finally be on something."

Yeosang isn't sure if he wants to talk to him. He doesn't know if he can take it.

"What is there to talk about anymore?" Yeosang whispered, looking down to his lap. 

Jongho wanted to scream. "What do you mean by that? Literally everything that happened. Everything that happened with us is a thing to talk about, starting from the night we kissed for the first time."

Yeosang shifted. "I'm sorry about that-"

"Hyung, no." Jongho sighed, now moving closer to him and shocking Yeosang when he grabbed his hands and held them.

Yeosang looked up to him, and then to their connected hands. 

"I don't want you to apologize when I should be the one doing that after all this time. I want to talk to you and hear your feelings too. I know it's maybe too late to hear them now, but you should know that I care for you too. You mean so much to me, and I just want us to be close like before. I'm so so sorry for all the times I've hurt you and ignored your feelings too. I swear I didn't know anything about it even when there were obvious signs about it. I feel so stupid now, and I hope that I didn't hurt you the night when we.. you know, slept together-"

"Jongho.." Yeosang mumbled suddenly, cutting him off and looking into his eyes.  

"You didn't hurt me, I swear I enjoyed that night and I won't forget about it. It's been so long since I've had a crush on you and I don't know how to move on anymore. I thought that Yujin was maybe a good replacement and that I will finally move on from you, but it doesn't seem like true anymore. I did all those things because I was so stupidly in love with you, and I desperately wanted to find someone who would love me the same." Yeosang explained. 

Jongho suddenly felt an overwhelming feeling of jealousy. He doesn't want Yujin to date Yeosang, and maybe he was also selfish not to want Yeosang to move on from him. 

"Hyung, I promise that I'm very sorry for everything again. I will do everything just so you forgive me, I even ended things with Iseul forever now-"

"Hold on, what?" Yeosang cut him off again, his eyes being wide open.

Jongho gave him a confused look. "I broke things off with Iseul because I found her cheating? San didn't tell you anything about it? We were together when we saw her."

Yeosang was even more shocked. "No, he didn't. When did that happen?"

"About a week ago. That's why we were at the club yesterday, to celebrate my freedom finally."

Yeosang just had to laugh at that, and when he heard Yeosang laugh, Jongho felt the warmness around his soul and he suddenly felt so calm about everything that happened recently. 

"So, are we good now?" Jongho asked, squeezing his hand. 

Yeosang stared at him for a bit, still holding their hands together and sighing. Jongho suddenly felt afraid of what he will say. 

"Jongho, you know that I don't trust you anymore like I used to before all of this. Right?" 

Jongho expected that, definitely. "Yeah, I know."

Yeosang looked down to their locked hands, shaking his head a bit. Jongho didn't want to let him go ever again. He was finally near him again, and he didn't want him to go ever again. 

"Hyung, please. Don't go anywhere anymore. I think I'll go insane without you." Jongho said.

Yeosang nodded. "Don't worry. I won't go anywhere, even if I don't trust you."

They were silent for a bit, and Jongho suddenly looked up to his eyes again. 

"Then let me gain your trust again."

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows. "What? What do you mean?"

Jongho smiled. "Let me take you out, like a real date now."

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