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Iseul stared at Jongho in equal shock, her eyes wide open as Jongho just stared back and didn't look amused at all which shocked her even more. 

"Jongho-" She started to speak, letting go of her cheating boyfriend's hand and coming close to Jongho. 

He just shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest, actually feeling relieved because he wasn't surprised at all. Maybe now it's really time to break up with Iseul and focus on his own feelings, Jongho thought. 

Oh, he knew she was cheating. Jongho just didn't have the balls to leave her and instead felt guilty because he too cheated. But now he didn't feel guilty at all to be honest. He felt like he could breathe freely again. 

"Don't bother. I knew this was going to happen anytime soon." Jongho spoke.

The man besides Iseul tugged onto her hand. "What's going on?"

She looked at him and gulped, sharing a look with Jongho who just smirked. San actually had to keep in his laugh when he saw her look so uncomfortable. Iseul deserved it after all, and he didn't feel bad at all.

"Oh, you don't know? Let me explain it to you that you and me both have been fooled by this woman right here. Yes, my friend, you have been cheated on just like me." Jongho spoke up before Iseul could think of a lie. 

The man's face fell apart in just seconds when those words left Jongho's mouth, yanking his hand out of Iseul's grip and scoffing. San looked around for popcorn as he watched the drama unfold in real life now.

"Channie, please let me explain-" Iseul was once again cut off. 

"Explain what? That you're a lying bitch who just used me for money and actually had the audacity to ask me to marry you when you have been cheating on me on every step of the way? You know what? Fuck you! We are over!"

The guy stormed away as Iseul actually stomped her feet like a spoiled brat, making both Jongho and San laugh their asses off. She is so lame now, and Jongho is feeling more than happy. 

She turned to Jongho, pouting her lips and coming to him before she was stopped again. 

"No, don't go to me now. Go and find some fool that will buy you stuff and take you out every time you ask. I'm done doing that forever. We are over Iseul and I hope I'll never have to see your stupid plastic face again."

Jongho smirked as her face fell when he said that as San wrapped his arm around his shoulders and gave her a smile. 

"Bye bitch." San smiled before walking away with Jongho. 

Iseul was left standing there, stomping her feet again and whining like a spoiled child she really was. Jongho is finally free and single now. 

"I'll get you back, Jongho! Just you wait!" She screamed.

Jongho could only laugh with San about that. We will see about it. 

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Yeosang laughed as Seonghwa once again tickled him, making him jerk out of his hold and whine as Wooyoung laughed his ass off about that as he ate his mango ice cream.

Seonghwa started to tickle him because they were talking about Jongho and everything that happened, and Yeosang said that he didn't talk to Jongho yet and he didn't know if he moved on yet. 

Apparently that was forbidden to say and Seonghwa attacked him with tickles because he wanted to make Yeosang laugh and finally make him realize that he needs to move on from Jongho.

"And you still haven't talked to Jongho, huh?" Seonghwa asked as he stopped tickling him for a second and then started again. 

Yeosang groaned and laughed loudly, trying to make Seonghwa let him go as he squirmed in his hold again as the elder male kept lying on top of him and not moving even when he kicked his legs. 

"Hyung, stopp!" He whined between laughs, still trying to push Seonghwa's hands away from him and making him also giggle. 

Wooyoung laughed loudly as he pulled out his phone to record them, still eating his ice cream and recording like he was watching his favorite show. 

"Will you move on from Jongho and finally find someone who likes you back?" Seonghwa stopped, keeping his hands on Yeosang's sides where he was tickling him and staring at the male. 

Yeosang smiled. "Yes hyung, I will move on. I decided that a long time ago, but it's just hard to do it so easily in such a short amount of time when I have been in love for years now."

Seonghwa hummed as he pulled him up to sit, and sat down next to Yeosang. He sighed and looked at the male, giving him that same warm smile that Yeosang loved. That smile always made him so happy. 

"You will do good, I don't worry about that. Has Jongho been trying to reach you again?" Wooyoung asked. 

Yeosang hummed. "He keeps texting me and calling, but I don't answer."

Wooyoung nodded his head. "That's good then. I thought I should have thought him a lesson again like that time when I told him you loved him-"

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows. "You did WHAT?" 

Wooyoung stopped speaking, widening his eyes and sharing a look with Seonghwa. He hasn't told Yeosang about that and he now knew he was fucked up so badly.

"Wooyoung, have you told him about me crushing on him?!" Yeosang screamed. 

Wooyoung gulped. "I-It was an accident, I swear it wasn't on purpose!"

Seonghwa was equally shocked as Yeosang and he just widened his eyes and shook his head to let Wooyoung know he shouldn't have said that like he didn't know that already himself. He sighed and got up to Yeosang to hold his hand. 

"Wooyoung!" Yeosang whined, placing his head in his hands. 

It was so embarrassing. Now Jongho knows about his one sided love and he knows why Yeosang is ignoring him, which is why he is trying to reach out to him even more now than he did before. He was both pissed off and actually relieved Wooyoung eased his job of confessing. 

"I promise I didn't want to do it! He was shocked too and I just- I don't know! It just happened okay?"

Seonghwa sighed. "Yeo, at least now he knows why is this all happening. Maybe you are being worried about nothing at all?"

Yeosang sighed. "I wish.."

Wooyoung wrapped his arms around his body, pulling Yeosang close to him as Seonghwa hugged him too. Yeosang sighed again, cuddling against them as they kept him close in a group hug. 

"It's going to be okay, I know that.." Seonghwa mumbled. 

Yeosang felt like crying, but deep inside, he knew Seonghwa is right. 

A/N : they ate the comeback like always 😝

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