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"Jongho, what the hell are you-"

Yeosang huffed when Jongho stopped walking and instead turned around, eyes literally red with anger as he widened them and stared at Yeosang.

It felt like he was about to yell at him like a parent would yell at the child for eating a candy before lunch.

"Don't fucking ask me what am I doing now! I can't stand the fact you literally just kissed that asshole right in front of me when I told you so many times he is bad for you!" Jongho almost screamed at him. 

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows from both shock and sudden anger. What the hell is wrong with him suddenly?

"First of all, why the fuck are you yelling at me?! I didn't do anything to you! I'm a fucking adult I can do what I want without asking anyone for their opinion!" Yeosang screamed back. 

Jongho huffed the air out, literally smirking at him as he nodded his head slowly. He looked kind of psychotic now.

"I told you to quit being around him for 5 times already and what do I see? You guys were all over each other! What if he ended up doing something to you that you didn't want?!" Jongho yelled back. 

Yeosang couldn't believe the audacity of this man. Has he gone mad? Jongho was getting pissed off over such a small things lately he wasn't sure if he was really mad or not anymore. 

"Jongho, what the fuck is your problem? I can do with who I want whatever I want and you can't stop me from living my damn life! If he did something I would say no and it would be over!"

"Do you really think he would let you go that easy? Yeosang, that guy is not good for you! Are you that dumb and stupid to understand that or what?!" Jongho now full on yelled.

Yeosang just stared at him, completely speechless. Not once would Jongho say that he is dumb or insult him when they fought. They knew to fight around small things, but not this much. 

Jongho seemed to realize what he said after a few seconds that he didn't respond, widening his eyes and just staring back in shock of his own words. He shook his head shortly after.

"No, hyung. I didn't mean it like that-"

Yeosang looked away, waving him off. Jongho felt himself freak out in just a couple of moments.

"Just forget about it."

Yeosang tugged his hand away from Jongho's hold, not wasting time and turning around. 

"Hyung, please listen to me." Jongho pleaded as he walked behind him to catch up. 

Yeosang didn't wait a second before he turned around and looked him dead in the eye. He was obviously pissed.

"Oh shut it now, Jongho! You've said enough in a few seconds. Let me go!" Yeosang now yelled again, turning his back to Jongho.

Jongho sighed. "Yeosang please! I wasn't thinking when I said that!"

Yeosang scoffed at the fact he even dropped the honorfics. How ironic of him to do that in such a time.

"You know what, Jongho? Go make out with your barbie there. I saw the way she was eyeing you while begging to go dancing. No wonder she is probably kissing someone else now." He said.

Jongho's face fell in the matter of seconds as he just stared at Yeosang who said that nonchalantly, like it was a piece of cake.

"What the fuck is your problem with her? She has been nothing but nice towards you all!" Jongho yelled again.

Yeosang couldn't believe the stupidity of this man. He is obviously so blinded by her.

"Are you for real now?" Yeosang asked.

Jongho stared at him, not even saying anything and just making Yeosang give up at even trying to explain to him what happened.

He shook his head. "Nevermind."

Before Jongho could utter another word, Yeosang just left him standing there in both confusion and disbelief.

  ► ► ► ► ►

Yeosang didn't come to university the next 2 days.

Jongho didn't know for 100% what it meant, but Wooyoung said he was sick. Jongho thought he is faking it.

He hated the fact Yeosang also didn't answer his calls, which was expected. Jongho knew it, but he also felt bad.

He also wondered if he should go and visit him to talk it out and apologize in person. Yeosang also probably doesn't want to see him too.

Suddenly, something fell down onto the table in the study hall Jongho was trying to study in, but Jongho didn't budge at all.

"What the fuck happened between you and Yeosang?"

Jongho raised his head up from where he was writing the notes, looking up to Seonghwa who was looking down at him.

He looked visibly upset, waiting for Jongho who just shrugged to say anything. He wasn't even sure what to say to him.

"Nothing happened." He mumbled.

Seonghwa sighed, walking around the table and sitting down on the chair next to him. He leaned back into his seat and crossing his arms over his chest as he stared at him.

"Jongho, who are you lying to? Me or yourself since I'm not blind."

Jongho sighed again, stopping in the middle of the sentence and just placing the pencil down on the notebook.

"Nothing much, really. At least I think so. I saw him and Yujin kissing on the party and I kind of... freaked out and yelled at him." Jongho mumbled the last part.

Seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

Jongho shrugged, avoiding his gaze and looking down to his notes again.

"We kind of fought. I called him stupid and he got mad and said something about Iseul. I don't understand why does he hate her so much?"

Seonghwa stayed silent for a few moments, just staring at him and making Jongho face him again.

"Jongho, don't you know she literally insulted him when you brought her over to have lunch with us?" Seonghwa finally broke the silence.

Jongho's eyes went wide in the matter of seconds when he heard that.

"What?" He mumbled.

Seonghwa nodded, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"Also this, look." He said as he tapped onto the screen a few times.

Jongho furrowed his eyebrows when he saw the video of the woman that looked like Iseul having her arm wrapped around some guy's arm.

She was giggling and smiling at him as they talked about something and walked around the mall just like a normal couple would.

Jongho's heart broke in the matter of seconds. He shook his head, feeling so much and yet nothing in the same time.

He sighed as Seonghwa pulled the phone away, sitting back into his chair.

"Sorry, just thought you should know." Seonghwa said as he pat his shoulder.

"It's okay. Thank you, hyung." Jongho mumbled.

He felt betrayed, but also kind of relieved?

Seonghwa pursued his lips. "But now that you know, maybe you should talk to Yeosang too."

Jongho knew he was right. He knew he should talk it out with his favorite hyung and just explain things.

"Yeah, I know.." He mumbled.

A/N : Thank you for 1k reads ♡

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