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Yeosang sneezed a bit as he held a tissue over his nose, groaning quietly as he scrunched his nose because of the sore throat.

He got sick the night him and Jongho had a fight, and he hasn't been out of his room at all after that. He basically just texted Wooyoung he was sick and got free food from his best friend to get better fast.

Apart from going out, Yeosang also wasn't checking his phone often. He just ate, took medications and rotted in bed while watching movies.

It kind of felt like he was going through a some kind of heartbreak, which wasn't too far from the truth since all he wanted to do was eat ice cream and cry when he remembers the fight with Jongho.

He doesn't know why it affected him so much. Jongho always acted like that whenever he was in love with some new girl,  literally going as far as ignoring them all when he is with her. He is always like that. 

Yeosang doesn't know why he just can't see what they are doing to him. Is he that blindsided by love that he doesn't recognize his own feelings anymore? He isn't sure, but he knows that Jongho called and texted him, but he didn't reply. 

He sighed as he threw the dirty tissue somewhere on the floor, not bothering to pick it up and instead just lying down on the couch in the living room and closing his eyes. His head was pounding so much and he just couldn't stop it. 

Yeosang slowly drifted away in his sleep as he held a hand over his face, but his sleep was interrupted by a doorbell ringing. He groaned quietly, moving his hand away from his face and getting up slowly.

He felt so annoyed. Who is it and what the hell do they need? Yeosang was ready to yell at anyone for disturbing him when he is trying to relax. 

Well, the yelling plan fell deeply into the water when Yeosang saw Jongho standing there with a bag that had a box of fried chicken and medication. His eyes were sparkling with worry as he stared at Yeosang who just stared back in equal shock. 

The box of fried chicken sounded amazing, but Yeosang felt like he would throw up if he ate that. Jongho looked like he was tired, but that tiredness just faded away from his body when he laid his eyes on equally exhausted Yeosang. 

"Jongho?" Yeosang hoarsen out. 

Jongho seemed stuck in place as he looked at him, furrowing his eyebrows and then widening his eyes. 

Jongho shook his head. "Yeosang- Hyung, what are you doing up? You're literally about to faint right here!" 

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows as he coughed a little, waving him off like it was nothing. He felt dizzy, but he also didn't want Jongho to see him look so fragile and weak. It was just embarrassing. 

"I'm fine, Jongho. You can go back." He waved him off. 

Just as he was about to close the door literally right in front of Jongho's face, there was a hand that stopped it from closing and instead Jongho got inside and leaned against the door and stared at Yeosang. 

"Hyung, you are not good. You are pale as a ghost and you didn't even answer on any messages I sent you. I was worried sick and I see why you didn't answer now."

Yeosang sighed. Screw him for being head over feels for Jongho and screw Jongho for being such an angel. Why did he have to say to Yeosang he was worried about him?

"Wooyoung didn't tell you?" He asked. 

Jongho sighed. "He did, but I thought you were ignoring me because of what happened."

Oh, fuck. Yeosang's head hurt even more when he remembered that. 

"Jongho.." He sighed as Jongho shook his head and placed the bag down. 

"No hyung, let's get you to bed. You don't look good, so we can talk about it later." He cut him off. 

Jongho wrapped his arm around his shoulder and started to lead him to his bedroom. Yeosang didn't even bother to argue with him, knowing it would be like talking to a wall and instead just walking to his bedroom as he felt himself get exhausted.

He sat on the bed as Jongho rummaged through the bag he got back in his hand, pulling out some pills and then getting up to grab the bottle of water from the table. He pushed them towards Yeosang.

"Come on, take this and try to get some rest. If I knew that you were this sick I would have came sooner." Jongho explained as Yeosang drank the pill. 

He sighed as he placed the bottle on the nightstand next to the bed, shaking his head at Jongho. 

"I would be fine, really."

Jongho looked at him almost like he was holding back from saying something, shaking his head instead.

"Go to sleep, hyung. I will stay here."

Yeosang just laid back, relaxing his body slowly as he just fell asleep in the matter of seconds. 

 ► ► ► ► ►

Yeosang's body suddenly shook as he opened his eyes wide. He breathed in and out deeply in shock, shaking his head as he realized it was just a bad dream. 

He sat up on the bed, rubbing his face and taking a deep breath to calm down completely. His heart was beating probably 100 on hour, and he just shook his head again. 

"Hyung, are you okay?" Jongho's soft voice suddenly asked. 

Yeosang looked up to him as he stood in front of his bed, now dressed in comfortable clothes like sweatpants and hoodie. He doesn't know where it's from, but he still looked as handsome as before.

He sighed. "I'm fine, just dreamt bad."

Jongho's face perked up at that as he furrowed his eyebrows, taking a few steps forward and sitting down on the edge of bed. It was the middle of the night and he still looked just beautiful barefaced like that. 

"Want to talk about it?" Jongho asked.

Yeosang didn't want to talk about it. He just couldn't talk about it, specially because it was about his family. He slowly shook his head and looked down at his lap. 

Jongho stayed quiet, staring at Yeosang for a few moments before he nodded slowly. 

"Is it about your..family?" Jongho asked unsurely. 

Of course Jongho knew about it. He knew that Yeosang was badly abused by them all his life until he was 18 and ran away. It was a sensitive topic for him, and he just didn't talk to anyone about it, not even Wooyoung. 

"Yeah.." Yeosang mumbled. 

Jongho stayed quiet again, letting the silence settle a bit before he cleared his throat. 

"Do you want me to stay with you, then? We can talk just until you feel sleepy again."

Yeosang really couldn't say no to that, really . He just couldn't, so he nodded his head slowly as Jongho smiled at him. He lied down on his side, facing Jongho who did the same. 

They just stared at each other for a few moments and let the silence wander around in the air, making Yeosang feel small butterflies in his stomach until they laughed like idiots at each other. 

"Thank you.." Yeosang suddenly mumbled. 

Jongho smiled back softly. "Anything for you, hyung."

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