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Yeosang ignored Jongho. 

He just couldn't be there and just look and speak to Jongho like nothing happened. He knew Jongho wanted to know what was up with the Iseul thing and Yeosang just didn't want to say anything about her. 

He isn't stupid. Of course Iseul would do something if he even thought of saying something to Jongho about her. She is popular and could order anyone to do something horrible to anyone without a care. 

Gosh, Yeosang hated her so much.

"Hey, can you pass me the salt?" San asked, pointing to the salt container. 

Yeosang went to get the small salt container that stood in the middle of the table to grab it and give it to him, but instead his hand brushed against Jongho's who also went to get it. 

He didn't waste time and instead just moved his hand away from Jongho's, clearing his throat and looking down to his lap. Well, fuck. 

"Sorry-" Yeosang mumbled.

"It's okay, you can do it-" Jongho said.

"No, please, you-"

"Guys." Seonghwa spoke suddenly. 

They turned to look at San who was already holding the salt, feeling dumbfounded as they just sat there and bickered. Yeosang sighed as he looked down to his plate. 

"Are you guys going on the party tonight? Hyunwoo from the football team is hosting." Yunho asked. 

"Nah, I got an exam so I'll pass this time." Hongjoong replied. 

Mingi hummed. "Same here. Besides, it killed me when I was drinking the last time."

"It's because you went overboard on the shots." Wooyoung giggled. 

Yeosang smiled at the memory of Mingi losing his shoe due to how drunk he was. It was suck a good time, damn. He wished he could see that scene all over again. 

"Shut up, don't remind me of that horrible experience." Mingi squeezed his eyes. 

They giggled at the reaction, eating their food and chatting about their lives. 

"Yeosang, Jongho. Will you go to the party then? It's on Tuesday at eight." Seonghwa asked. 

Yeosang thought about it for a few moments, ignoring the look he got from Jongho as he was thinking about the answer. He really didn't want to deal with him and his beautiful puppy eyes, but he also didn't want to say no to the party. 

"Maybe. I'll see." He replied. 

Maybe Yujin wants to go with him? Wooyoung and San are busy being together and others are busy with exams, so maybe Yujin is a good idea.

"Yeah, same." Jongho mumbled. 

Seonghwa nodded, going back to chewing onto his rice cakes as Yeosang felt someone look at him. He just pretended not to notice and ate his food quietly.

He needs to solve this. It just doesn't make any sense anymore.

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Jongho noticed Yeosang started ignoring him. 

He just sat there as they ate their lunch, completely ignoring him and instead just answering in short sentences. It felt like he was doing that on purpose- screw that, of course he is doing that on purpose. 

Yeosang didn't talk to him since Saturday and it was now Tuesday. Jongho knows that he is mad or at least upset about something since they talked about Iseul and whatever that was. And it looks like others knew too. 

Specially Wooyoung. It was like he was talking to Yeosang all the time because of how he just found any type of theme and excuse to say something to Yeosang, and it was annoying. 

He sighed as he sat back onto the couch, holding Iseul's waist as she sat on his lap. The loud music was playing in the background as people danced and jumped around to it's beat. 

To be honest, Jongho isn't really liking the vibe of it. He was a bit tired from classes and everything, but he still went because Iseul wanted to go badly, and he didn't want to say no to her. 

Besides, Seonghwa and Yunho were also going but they got lost somewhere in the crowd, so Jongho wasn't completely alone in the house full of strangers with Iseul. 

But Yeosang on the other hand was nowhere to be seen, which was expected. Jongho knew he is an introvert and hated loud and crowded spaces.

"Oppa, come on! Let's dance!" She exclaimed, taking his hand as she got up with her way too mini skirt and high heels. 

Jongho sighed, shaking his head. "No, I don't feel like it."

She rolled her eyes, tugging onto his hand again. "Come on! Don't be a buzzkill!"

Jongho rolled his eyes, now being more annoyed with her and just pulling his arm away. He really wasn't in the mood for her bullshit now, maybe due to alcohol or just because he was tired. 

"Leave me alone for fuck's sake!" He almost yelled over the loud music. 

Iseul just stared at him for a bit before she tsked and turned around, walking away in her high heels and leaving Jongho there to hold his drink in his hand and groan quietly. He always fucks something up no matter what it is. 

He really doesn't want to make her upset, but he is so fucking tired and he just wanted to go home. Why did he even come when he didn't feel like it?

Jongho got up, drank the rest of his drink before texting Iseul that he was heading back home. He sighed, but as he got up he saw a familiar blonde in the crowd of people. 

Yeosang was standing right there, arms wrapped around that Yujin asshole as he giggled and leaned into the kiss.

Their lips were connected like it was the most normal thing ever, and Jongho just stood there and watched as Yujin kissed him with the slow music  playing in the background.

He felt that familiar pang in his chest as he watched Yeosang kiss him back with equal passion, making his eye twitch before he walked over to them without even thinking any more. It was like he just did it automatically. 

Without saying a thing, Jongho took Yeosang by his wrist and pushed him away from Yujin. 

"What-" Yujin started to say.

"Jongho, what are you doing?" Yeosang asked.

Jongho didn't let anyone say anything and he instead just walked out of the house while holding Yeosang by the wrist.

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