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It wasn't a lie that Yeosang was skeptical to go on a date with Jongho after all of the things he went through. 

He didn't know what to expect from that date, considering all the horrible things Jongho did for first dates like going in a busy club and gym when he knew that not a lot of people like it or want to go to gym for the first date that is supposed to be intimate and supposed to put them closer together. 

It's not that Yeosang minded going to the gym with Jongho, of course he did that with him and always drooled at the sight of Jongho's muscles, but it just wasn't a good idea for Yeosang. He hoped it would be something else. 

His phone beeped with a text, and Yeosang immediately looked away and took it in his hand. He smiled when he saw Jongho's name popping up. 



Hyung! You up for a date tomorrow at 6? :)


Just you and me, I promise it will be good

Yeosang giggled like a school girl that was fangirling over her favorite band. He was so excited for date now that he forgot all of his worries and instead replaced them with hope it would be good. 

He immediately typed back a reply, not wiping that smile off of his face and just sitting on his bed as he felt so excited. 


Of course! See you tmrw <3



Yeosang squealed as he threw his phone away, covering his face with his palms and kicking his legs against the mattress. He was so happy and he couldn't wait for tomorrow, even if he never thought it would happen. 

It was so long ago and Yeosang lost hope, and now that Jongho knows about it and his feelings, Yeosang is willing to try and go out with him again even if nothing happens in the end.

Jongho and him are having a date, and Yeosang was over the moon.

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Okay, maybe Yeosang actually had something to be worried about.

When Jongho actually pulled him close and gave him a hug, petting his hair and giving him a small gift that was a rose that Jongho knew Yeosang loved, Yeosang got kind of confused when he saw an amusement park in front of them.

"I thought that maybe you wanted to do something different since we are always eating and having coffee, so I thought maybe riding a couple of those things could be fun too? There is also an escape room." Jongho said when he saw his face. 

Yeosang turned to him, then looking on those rides again and sighing a bit. He was kind of afraid, but now that Jongho is besides him, he is relaxed. 

"But of course we could do something that you like more-"

"Jongho." Yeosang suddenly giggled. "It's fine, I like it. Thank you for picking it out."

Jongho smiled at him immediately after he said that, making Yeosang smile too. The elder was suddenly pulled into Jongho's embrace again as the male held him close, now hugging Yeosang once again and shocking him.

Yeosang raised his arms up, wrapping them around Jongho's shoulders and hugging him back. He smiled as none of them said anything, just holding each other close. 

"Thank you for giving me another chance.." Jongho mumbled. 

Yeosang smiled, petting the back of his hair and mumbling a small 'always', but that doesn't mean that they are going to be together. He wants to take things slowly. 

And turns out that he was really worried for nothing. Jongho and him and so much fun at the amusement park riding all those rides and doing the escape room. They ended their little playdate with eating pancakes and smoothies in a restaurant there. 

Yeosang didn't want Jongho to pay, so after they argued a bit about who is going to pay, Jongho ended up giving his card to the waiter and made Yeosang pout as he wanted to be the one to pay for their food. 

Jongho chuckled as he raised his hand and gave his hair a pat. "It's okay hyung, I don't mind paying."

"It's not about that. I wanted to pay for it so we could be even since you paid for the tickets." He pouted. 

"Hey, it's okay. Don't feel bad about it, but if you want, you can watch a movie with me and we would be equal then." Jongho smiled. 

Yeosang just had to smile back at that, shaking his head and laughing slowly. They went out and took a walk, quietly talking about random things as the night slowly fell down and Yeosang desperately wanted it to never end. 

They sat on the bench, holding their hands together after so many awkward moments and finally relaxing. Yeosang placed his head on Jongho's shoulder as they talked and night fell down, still keeping each other close. 

But soon they had to go home, and Jongho insisted he sees off Yeosang to make sure he comes home safely and who was Yeosang to deny it?

"Hyung, thank you for agreeing to go out with me today. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did." Jongho smiled as they held each other's hands and stood in front of the door of Yeosang's home. 

Yeosang blushed, giving him a smile. "Thank you for asking, Jjong. I would love to repeat this again anytime you want it."

Jongho giggled, staring into his eyes like a fool he is and just not saying a thing. He loves Yeosang's eyes and the way they sparked. He suddenly looked down to Yeosang's lips and then to his eyes again. 

The male knew what that meant, and when Jongho leaned closer to him, Yeosang just wrapped his arms around his shoulders and pulled him even closer. 

Jongho suddenly pressed their lips together, humming a bit as Yeosang kissed him back immediately with a smile. He never wanted to stop kissing Jongho and still held him close as much as he could. 

They pulled away, smiling at each other sweetly before Yeosang giggled. Jongho loved his smile and everything about him. 

"Oh yeah, I have to give you this too." Jongho mumbled, pulling out a paper from his jacket. 

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows as he saw it, holding the envelope in his hand in confusion and just staring at Jongho. 

"What is this?" He asked. 

Jongho shook his head, pushing Yeosang to the door. 

"Come on, go inside. It's getting late."

"Jongho..." Yeosang whined. 

Jongho kissed his cheek and moved away, making Yeosang whine as he was pushed to the door and because he changed the theme too. 

"Text me when you get home!" He told Jongho. 

"Of course!" Jongho said back before walking away. 

Yeosang sighed and shook his head with a smile, looking into the envelope that was in his hand.

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