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When Yeosang said 'going out' he didn't mean this at all. 

Jongho and him ended up in a nearby bar that was full of people who were already drunk and dancing around to the sound of music. They went here a lot, and it isn't a surprise it's packed even during the day. 

Yeosang watched as Jongho took another shot, slamming the glass onto the table as the older just watched him with his hands on the table. He just didn't feel like drinking, and he also hated that he said going out. 

He thought that Jongho might take a hint and know what going out means. Yeosang wanted to go on a date with him, not go out and get drunk. All he wanted was to go back home now and sleep. 

"Why aren't you drinking?" Jongho suddenly asked over the music when he realized Yeosang wasn't drinking at all. 

Yeosang looked up from his drink, shaking his head and didn't say anything else instead looking down to his glass again. He ordered whiskey, but didn't want to drink at all as Jongho just kept drinking shot after shot and drink after drink. 

"What's wrong?" Jongho asked as he leaned closer. 

Yeosang didn't know what to answer on that. Everything was wrong. All of this is messing up his mind and he didn't want to waste away his life thinking about how Jongho and him may have a chance even if he knew it was far away from the truth. 

He didn't want to say anything to Jongho. He wanted to curl up and cry his feelings out like he did all these years, but now he had to face the reality and talk to Jongho who was sitting right across from him in that stupid bar once again.

"Nothing. I just can't really breathe here. I think I'll go to the bathroom." Yeosang said as he pushed his chair back, getting up from his seat and walking away to the bathroom before Jongho could say anything. 

Yeosang sighed as he closed the door, walking slowly to the mirror and washing his hands in the sink. All he wanted was some peace for now, and the bathroom seemed the only good place for it now. 

He looked up to the mirror, seeing his disheveled state and tired face. He was just exhausted because of all of this and he didn't know why did he even expect Jongho to take his hint and finally go out with him like a real date and not a stupid get drunk with me tonight moment.

Maybe it was stupid, since Jongho was also the one who said he was still dating Iseul. Yeosang suddenly felt so stupid because of all of this that happened and his own expectations. He doesn't know why is he bothering anymore. 

He knows this is just all bad. Yeosang wanted to desperately move on and he just wanted to be truly happy again like he was before. 

Yeosang rubbed his face as he shook his head and went out into the crowded bar, bumping against people as he walked back to their table to find Jongho. But what he didn't expect was that Jongho was nowhere to be seen.

The male looked around, trying to spot the younger and furrowing his eyebrows when he saw Jongho was nowhere to be seen. Yeosang got so confused suddenly, but he didn't know where could he go in such a short amount of time.

Jongho wasn't there anymore, and Yeosang just kept pushing through people to see and try to find him anywhere. It couldn't be that he left him there all alone. He would ever do that.

Yeosang gulped and sighed again, looking around again as he suddenly heard someone giggle behind him.

"Hyung! My hyung is here!" Jongho giggled as he walked to him, holding the glass in his hand. 

Yeosang widened his eyes as he saw how drunk he looked, literally like he was about to fall asleep immediately with his eyes looking so droopy and hair looking messy. 

Yeosang sighed, knowing that he would need to carry him all the way back to his apartment. 

"Jongho, how much did you drink?" He asked. 

Jongho hummed cutely, pouting his lips and making Yeosang smile a bit. He looked so cute like that. Like a baby penguin or something like that. He was just so adorable. 

"I don't know, I stopped counting.." He slurred. 

Yeosang shook his head, opening his mouth as he wanted to say something but instead getting shocked by Jongho suddenly wrapping his arms around his waist and giggling. He placed his head in his neck, making Yeosang stiff as he held him so easily. 

Yeosang felt his heart beating like it was about to jump out of his chest any second now, but he just kept Jongho close and acted like he was okay. 


"My pretty hyung... looking so beautiful always." Jongho mumbled.

Yeosang gulped, feeling his cheeks blush at that. What the hell is he saying? 

"Jongho, let's get going. You're drunk and have no idea what are you saying-"

"I know." Jongho pouted, cutting him off as he raised his head up from his shoulder. 

Yeosang stopped talking, looking at Jongho who just seemed so determined to say what he thought even when he was just so drunk to the point he didn't know his own name let alone anything else. 

Jongho pushed his head closer to Yeosang's, feeling his breath against his lips and making Yeosang shiver immediately. He gulped as he looked down to his lips again. 

"My hyung is always pretty.. He is always so perfect to me and always being so cute.." He mumbled. 

Yeosang stuttered, feeling Jongho tighten his hold on his waist and their foreheads almost pressing together. His eyes started to close on his own as Jongho just held him so close. 

He gulped. "J-Jongho.."

Yeosang wasn't able to finish his sentence as he felt that sweet lips pressing against his own. Jongho kissed him so passionately, holding him close as he kissed Yeosang again in the crowded bar. 

Yeosang felt so wrong, but he felt so right at the same time as he wrapped his arms around his shoulders and kissed Jongho back.

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