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Yeosang walked towards the cafe, holding his tote bag over his shoulder as he felt his phone buzzing. He took it out, smiling as he saw a text from the group chat where they are probably talking about going out and Yujin.

He didn't open the group chat, instead just opening Yujin's text. 

Yujin : 

Hey, I'm here! I got a table in the corner :)

Yeosang smiled a bit, finally happy to talk to someone about memories and things that happened in middle and high school apart from Wooyoung. It's truly a nice thing to see someone after so long. 

Yeosang :

Okay, I'm coming :)

He walked into the bar, searching for Yujin and finally seeing him when he waved at him. He walked towards him as Yujin got up, pulling him into a hug as they mumbled a small greetings and giggled like idiots.

"How are you doing?" Yujin asked as they sat down. 

Yeosang shrugged. "I've been busy with exams and I got a project to do, so I guess it's been a bit exhausting. How are you?"

Yujin chuckled. "Also been busy with work and getting used to living here. Seoul is much bigger than Pohang."

"Tell me about it! I also couldn't get used to it. I was too scared to go anywhere alone, but Wooyoung showed me around."

Yujin furrowed his eyebrows. "Ah, Wooyoung! I remember you guys were close hen he transferred to out school before you moved away. You still keep in touch with him, huh?"

Yeosang nodded. "He is my best friend, you know? He has been here for me through everything and even introduced ."

Yujin hummed. "As expected."

They continued to talk some more about various stuff, mainly talking about memories from the past and stuff that they have been up to. Yeosang missed Pohang and everything there since it was his hometown, but he liked Seoul too. 

"And then, she confessed to the other guy right after she rejected him! Can you believe that?" Yujin spoke.

Yeosang laughed at that, even if it wasn't too funny. He just remembered that. 

Just as he was about to say something, his phone beeped with a message. Yeosang tapped the screen, face immediately falling when he saw Jongho's name pop up. He took his phone in his hand and furrowed his eyebrows. 

Jjong bear : 

Hyung, are you home yet?

Yeosang : 

No, I'm still out with Yujin. Why do you ask?

Jjong bear : 

Really? You went out with that guy?

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows at that, trying to understand what to write back. 

"Is that your boyfriend texting you?" Yujin suddenly asked.

Yeosang looked up to him, letting out a small 'ah' before he shook his head. 

"No, it's just a friend. I don't have a boyfriend." 

Yujin hummed as he took a sip of his cold americano, watching as Yeosang typed on his phone. 

Yeosang : 

Jongho, what the hell is wrong with you? 

Yujin is my friend and you got no right to say 

anything about him when you don't even know him

Jjong bear : 

I just said i don't like him because he seems rude

Yeosang : 

Maybe you should look at your girlfriend 

before you say anything about him

Jjong bear : 

What is that supposed to mean?

Yeosang sighed loudly. This bitch.

Yeosang :

Idk ask her

Yeosang turned off his phone, placing it on the table as it buzzed again but he didn't answer. He just sighed and looked at Yujin. 

"Rough conversation?" Yujin asked. 

Yeosang hummed. "It's complicated to explain."

Yujin shook his head. "You don't have to say anything. Are you up for ice cream to cheer up then?" 

Yeosang immediately perked up on that. "What kind of question is that?"

Both of them giggled as they got up and paid for their coffees and got out. 

 ► ► ► ► ►

Jongho sighed as he looked down to his drink, taking another sip of it as the loud music played in the club, but he wasn't in the mood to get up and dance. He just sat there and stared off in the space, thinking about Yeosang's message.

Why do they have something against Iseul? She never treated Jongho badly, and yet they all just hate her without no real explanation. It just bothered him because he loved his friends and Iseul the same and wanted them to get along. 

"Oh, Yeosang just posted a new photo! He looks adorable!" Yunho suddenly exclaimed as he turned the phone around to show them. 

It was a photo of Yeosang and Yujin taking a mirror selca, holding hands and writing the caption 'finally a date' as a joke.  Jongho furrowed his eyebrows onto the sight of their hands being intertwined together. 

It felt like a pang in his chest, like he was about to yell at someone without any special reason. He doesn't know why the fact they are together on a so called date bothered him so much, but it was so annoying. 

Yujin is just a bad actor, and Yeosang doesn't deserve him. How doesn't anyone see that?

"Why is he so obsessed with that guy? Are they really dating?"

Wooyoung turned to him in confusion, not knowing what to say and just staring at him for a couple of seconds before he shrugged. 

"He is just a close friend of his from school. And they are probably not dating, but how it looks they might get together."

Jongho sighed again as he drank a bit more of his beer, slamming the bottle down onto the table. He doesn't want Yeosang to be with him. Yujin is a bad person. 

"What's wrong, Jjong?" Seonghwa asked.

Jongho shrugged. "Yeosang hyung said I should ask Iseul about being rude." 

San and Mingi shared a look before Hongjoong spoke up. "Well ask her then."

Jongho shook his head. "Why would I ask her something that I know she didn't do?-"

"So you don't trust Yeosang?" Wooyoung cut him off.

Jongho stopped speaking, just staring at him and not knowing what to say. It was like a cat caught his tongue. Of course he trusts his friends, but he also trusts Iseul. It was like a double edged sword. 

"What? Of course I do trust him. I trust Iseul too." Jongho spoke up.

Wooyoung scoffed, mumbling something like 'I see' under his breath as Hongjoong leaned back as he remembered an idea. They needed to show Jongho he is so wrong about Iseul. She is just pretending.

Hongjoong thankfully has a great idea about that too. 

"Just drink up, okay? We'll talk about this later." He said. 

Jongho shook his head, gulping his beer again. 

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