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Jongho laughed as he watched as Yunho and San played fight with their meat shaped in dinosaurs.

"Guys, stop already!" Seonghwa whined as he wanted to make them stop.

Yunho and San instead just continued mimicking the sounds that dinosaurs made, instead oinking like a pig even when it made no sense at all.

They immediately started dying out of laughter, except for Yeosang who kept looking down to his phone and typing on the screen as he just kept that smile on his lips.

Jongho looked at him and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion when he saw that, placing his chin into his palm as he leaned on the table.

"Hyung, who are you texting?" Jongho asked suddenly.

Yeosang looked up, immediately stopping to smile as he also stopped typing. Jongho looked at him, waiting for response.

"Ah, it's just-"

"He is texting Yujin!" Wooyoung suddenly exclaimed.

Yeosang widened his eyes as he snapped his head to him, palm getting to his lips to make him shut the hell up finally.

He mouthed shut up to Wooyoung who just wriggled his eyebrows.

"So, Yujin?" Seonghwa teased too.

Yeosang's face flushed the moment he said that, going red as a tomato. Jongho raised his eyebrows at that. Are they dating now?

"Yeosangie is whipped!" Yunho teased.

Yeosang shook his head. "No! I'm not!"

They giggled, letting out an 'oohh' at that and made him almost melt down with the chair he was sitting on.

Jongho clenched his jaw. "Are you guys really dating?" 

Yeosang looked at him, shifting in his place as he tugged onto his sweater to pull them over his hands.

"Well, I won't really call it dating. I mean, I like him and all that, but.."

Seonghwa and Wooyoung let out an 'aww' as San and Hongjoong giggled at that, mumbling something about being romantic that Yeosang didn't really catch.

Jongho on the other hand was more than shocked by that. He stared at the blonde as he said that, processing the fact he just said he liked Yujin.

Is he for real? Yujin and Yeosang? Is he really dating Yujin?

He was in total disbelief. Why would Yeosang date him? Yujin was not his type at all, and Jongho is far away from approving of that relationship at all.

"You're seriously dating that guy?" Jongho snorted.

For a second, he stopped thinking after he said that. What was he even saying? Yeosang is a free man, he can date whoever he wants.

Yeosang and the others came to look at him in both visible shock and confusion as he said that, making them furrow his eyebrows.

"What do you mean by that?" Yeosang asked.

Jongho felt his soul leave his body when he heard that. He gulped a bit and crosded his arms over his chest, shifting in his place.

He definitely isn't jealous of Yujin after all. Yeosang is an amazing, talented and beautiful person inside and out. Yujin can date him, of course.

But Jongho just kept burning inside when he pictured the image of Yeosang and Yujin together, kissing on a party. Why is he getting so mad?

"Nothing." Jongho replied.

The others looked at him for a couple of moments before returning to the conversation they had about something.

Jongho thought he was just protective over his friends, fearing for them to be hurt by someone they thought liked them. Jongho doesn't want them to be hurt, specially not someone as close as Yeosang.

Yeosang and him were almost like best friends. They truly are close, and they have been here for each other though ups and downs.

Jongho would hate to see him cry. He hated to see his friends crying.

He sighed as he felt his phone buzzed with a message notification, making him tap the screen and see a message from Iseul.

She wanted to meet up, and Jongho needed to clear his head so he got up.

"I gotta go. I'll see you guys later." He said, turning around and leaving without turning back.

But what he missed was the sour look on Yeosang's face.

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Yeosang listened as Seonghwa explained him something about his newest project as they walked to the benches to look at Jongho and Yunho have football practice.

They sat down, talking about art and giggling as they watched Yunho and Jongho.

Yeosang couldn't take his eyes off from Jongho. He looks insanely good running around, panting as he hit the ball around and straight into the goal.

He just looked so handsome being all sweaty and just laughing. Yeosang could feel his heart fluttering because of him, and as he knew it was wrong, he just loved Jongho even when he is supposed to be with Yujin.

"Hey, isn't that your lover boy Yujin?" Seonghwa asked as he pointed somewhere.

Yeosang turned around, immediately perking up as he saw Yujin standing there and waving at him. He immediately got up and ran to him, hugging Yujin tightly.

He giggled. "Hello there. What are you doing here?"

Yujin hugged him back before they pulled away. He placed his hand onto Yeosang's cheek, cupping it and moving the hair behind his ear.

"Nothing much, just wanted to surprise you." He smiled.

Yeosang smiled back, talking about how excited he was to see him. But he didn't realize the angry eyes were staring at them.

Jongho gritted his teeth as he watched the scene in front of him unfold. Yujin is so obviously fake and he is just using Yeosang.

He hated that guy.

He sighed before he took a few steps backwards, running forward and hitting the ball as hard as he could with his foot.

Jongho groaned a bit when he saw the ball getting out of the field and going straight towards Yujin and Yeosang.

And just as Jongho felt a bit of satisfaction when he thought the ball was about to hit Yujin, it hit Yeosang straight in the head.

Yeosang immediately fell down, making Yujin hold him as Jongho ran towards them.

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