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"Yeosang.." Wooyoung's voice muffled through the closed door as he knocked again. 

Yeosang didn't raise his head up or said anything at all, instead just burying it into his hands that were wrapped around his legs, feeling just empty and crying for what seemed like days, maybe even years. 

He was stuck in his room just sitting on the floor with his back against the door as he cried into his hands, trying to calm himself down and instead just crying even more. Why did it have to hurt so much?

He doesn't know why the fact Jongho is together with Iseul hurt so much. Yeosang knew they have been flirting with each other for a couple of months now, and it was just the question of time when were they going to start dating. 

Personally, Yeosang didn't like Iseul at all. She seemed like she was just using all of her boyfriends for something. She always changed boys like socks, literally having new boyfriends every week. And he didn't want Jongho to be used by her. 

"Yeosang, please. Open the door so we can talk." Wooyoung begged. 

Yeosang didn't want to talk. He wanted to be alone. He wanted to cry it out. 

"Woo, p-please. Leave me alone for now." He sobbed out. 

Of course Wooyoung wanted to talk to him. Wooyoung knew about his crush ever since the literal beginning, and he was worried about Yeosang crying when the news came out. 

There was a small sigh heard from the other side of the door and a sound of sliding. Wooyoung sat down onto the floor in the same position as Yeosang, now being a bit quiet as he just listened to Yeosang sob.

"Okay, we don't have to talk face to face if you don't want to. Are you okay with talking like this?" Wooyoung asked. 

Yeosang sniffled. "Okay.."

Wooyoung was worried. He didn't want Yeosang hurting because of Jongho. 

"How are you doing?" He asked when he already knew the answer from the obvious scene. 

Yeosang almost laughed at that. "I don't know.. Numb, I guess?"

Wooyoung hummed from the other side as Yeosang wiped his tears away, both of them being silent for a bit. He was just exhausted, and talking about his feelings isn't going to do much help for now. 

"I just want to sleep and don't have to think about anything.." He mumbled. 

Wooyoung hummed again. "Then go snuggle up in the bed and turn on the Netflix. I know you love to re-watch sweet home all over."

Yeosang sniffled before he got up and unlocked the door before he opened it, making Wooyoung almost fall down before he also got up from the floor in the matter of seconds and looked at the teary eyed Yeosang. 

"Will you join me?" Yeosang mumbled. 

Wooyoung's face bloomed into the smile as he said that. Without even saying anything, he just hugged Yeosang and rubbed his back. 

"Of course I will. You're my best friend, I would do anything for you." He said. 

Yeosang had to smile a bit on that. He loved Wooyoung to the moon and back. 

"Come on, let's cuddle. I'll just text San about staying here for the night."

And before Yeosang knew it, he was snuggled into his bed with Wooyoung spooning him as they watched sweet home for probably a millionth time. 

 ► ► ► ► ►

When Friday rolled around, Yeosang was nervous about meeting Jongho but not the rest of his friends. 

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