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"Guys, do you mind if Iseul joins us for lunch today?" 

Yeosang definitely didn't want to hear that almost the first thing today. He really couldn't believe Jongho would take his plastic Barbie to hang out with them. 

Iseul eyed them all like they were some kind of peasants, literally looking down on them with that bitchy face and looking like she was disgusted. Yeosang wanted to take off his shoe and slap her with it so hard she would faint.

"Of course, Jjong." Hongjoong said with the forced smile, definitely not because he wanted but because he didn't want to look like an asshole.

Yeosang wasn't happy at all. He looked over to Wooyoung who seemed equally upset about her being there, sharing an eye contact.

"I'll go get some food for us. Does anyone want something?" Jongho asked as he got up. 

San hummed. "Can you get me americano? I'll give you the money later."

Jongho nodded. "Of course. Anything else?"

No one said anything, making him turn around and start to leave until Iseul spoke up. 

"Oppa, can I sit next to you? I don't feel comfortable sitting by someone I don't know." She said in a high pitched voice that was obviously fake as she eyed Seonghwa up and down, making Yeosang roll his eyes mentally. 

He rolled his eyes so hard he almost saw his brain, literally stuffing his face with food just to keep quiet, almost wanting to snap her head open. She is so annoying. 

"Why? Seonghwa hyung is kind. He isn't going to bite you." Jongho answered. 

She whined, pouting her lips to the point she almost quacked. Yeosang wanted nick-name her ducky and will definitely make fun of her later with Mingi and Wooyoung.

"Please oppa? If you don't do it, I'll be upset if you leave me sitting here with them." She said, literally manipulating Jongho into doing something he didn't want. 

She even emphasized the word 'them' like she was saying something that had to do with their sexuality since all of them are couples except for Jongho and Yeosang.

Jongho sighed, looking at Seonghwa who looked confused and Hongjoong who was even more pissed because she was literally subtly insulting his own boyfriend and his friends right in front of him like some brat. 

Well, the brat part wasn't too far away from the truth.

"Okay, fine. But don't do this again." He said before he went to get food. 

Iseul smiled like a witch, getting up and sitting on Jongho's place that was a chair since they didn't have enough place on the benches. Even her outfit and attitude made it seem like she was a night lady. 

"So what are you up to, Iseul?" Yunho asked as she tapped on her phone. 

She looked up to him with that death stare, like she wanted to snap his neck. Yeosang wanted to beat her with a fork. 

"I don't speak with losers like you, so don't talk to me. I can easily ruin your life." She snapped. 

San tsked and mumbled a small "Bitch.." under his breath as Yeosang sighed, keeping in his rage.

"What is it, you fag?" Iseul asked when she heard him sigh, looking at Yeosang.

He shook his head. "Nothing, I'm just breathing loudly."

"Well, I hope you stop breathing. You're just wasting the oxygen." She waved him off. 

Yeosang just stared at her as someone at the table gasped, making him get up in the matter of seconds and just take his bag.

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