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Jongho sighed, placing his head onto his palm and looking down at his drink. Seonghwa, Yunho and San kept talking about something that he didn't know, and he wasn't interested to know too just like Hongjoong and Mingi. 

San invited them all to celebrate Jongho's freedom, but now that they were in an actual club, Jongho didn't feel like celebrating at all. The timing just wasn't it and the party was pretty shitty too. Or maybe it was just him. 

All he knew is that he is done with Iseul, and Jongho isn't feeling nothing more than happiness now that he is finally free of her. It has been too long that he wasn't this happy, and Jongho finally knew that he should focus on himself now. 

"Oh yeah, Woo said how him and Yeosang are going to be late because he decided to die Yeosangie's hair." San said suddenly over the loud music. 

Jongho turned his head suddenly. "He dyed his hair?"

All of the eyes were on him suddenly like he said the most unusual thing ever, until Seonghwa grinned. 

"Look who finally decided to speak. You look so happy now that someone mentioned Yeosang." He teased. 

Jongho stared at him, realizing that he is in fact right. He hasn't said a word to anyone, not even tried to make a conversation with them and they just assumed that he was sad because of Iseul situation which was a false. 

He definitely wasn't upset about it. Why would he be? She cheated on him. He is glad it's over, but maybe he was just not in the mood because he was still confused over this whole situation with Yeosang. 

How come he didn't notice any of the signs Yeosang left him? Wooyoung said he has been in love for years now, and Jongho just thought he was being silly or just playful. He really is dumb. 

"Yeah, didn't you hear what he just said?" Mingi asked suddenly. 

Jongho sighed. "I did, I just-"

"Oh, here they are!" Yunho exclaimed suddenly with a smile on his face. 

Jongho immediately turned around, seeing the two males holding each other's hands and walking through the busy club. Yeosang looked kind of scared, which was a pretty normal thing given that he hated crowds, and Jongho knew it, but he always assured Yeosang it was going to be okay when they are in the club. 

But he didn't expect for Yeosang's face to turn into a frown a second later when he sees Jongho sitting there. 

His long white hair was now mint blue, and he looked more than cute that way. He looked so much younger, and Jongho suddenly found himself lost as he stared at Yeosang and not being able to take his eyes off. 

He looked so damn huggable in that denim jumpsuit with that yellowish shirt and his old converse San got him for his birthday. Jongho tried his best not to pull him close and never let him go now that he is in front of him again. 

But then the male tugged onto Wooyoung's hand and pulled him back.

"You didn't tell me he was going to be here too!" Yeosang whispered, but Jongho heard anyway. 

Wooyoung sighed. "Come on, you can't avoid him for eternity! You guys need to talk!"

"Wooyoung, I told you that I don't want it! Why didn't you tell me?" Yeosang suddenly raised his voice, now visibly upset and making Jongho feel like an asshole because of his own presence here even if he didn't know Yeosang was also coming. 

"You can't be serious now. Come on, just relax. It's going to be okay." Wooyoung said. 

Yeosang just stared at him, suddenly looking at Jongho and sighing. He just shook his head, let go of Wooyoung's hand and turned around and walked towards the exit. 

"Yeosang!" Hongjoong yelled back, and just as Wooyoung was about to go after him, Jongho got up and made him stop. 

"It's alright, I'll take care of it." Jongho spoke, stopping him. 

Wooyoung looked at him, looking kind of worried considering what Yeosang said before he sighed and just gave up and nodded. 

"Don't do anything stupid."

Jongho nodded his head, immediately pushing through the crowd of people and getting out of the busy club. He looked right and left before he noticed the figure slowly walking and looking down to their feet, making him sigh. 

"Yeosang!" Jongho exclaimed as he walked behind him. 

The male didn't turn around, instead pushed his head more down and just walked like Jongho didn't exist. Jongho fastened his steps to catch up to him, but Yeosang just went faster.

"Yeosang.." Jongho said as he neared him. 

Yeosang still didn't turn around, but Jongho was now able to catch his elbow and turn him around. He was stopped in his steps, now looking at Jongho with the biggest disappointed face he has ever gotten.

"Jongho, leave me alone-"

"Yeosang, please. How long are you going to keep on doing this?" Jongho asked.

"For as long as needed." Yeosang turned around to walk away, but his elbow was again grabbed. 

Yeosang sighed, looking like he was on the edge of crying as Jongho pulled him back. 

"Please, let's just talk things out like normal adult people. I can't keep on doing this and I can't act like I don't care." Jongho said. 

Yeosang let out a shaky breath. "What is there to talk about? It just happened, and it meant nothing at all. W-We are nothing, and we will never be more than friends.."

It was now Jongho's turn to sigh. "Don't say it like that. You mean so much to me, and I can't bear to lose you again. I feel like I'm going crazy without you. Please, let's just grab a coffee and talk everything out. I can't act like everything is normal when I can't stop thinking about what happened."

Yeosang closed his eyes, hung his head low and shook his head. Jongho felt a pang inside of him, feeling like he was the biggest asshole in the world for making Yeosang cry every single time they talk. 

He cupped Yeosang's cheeks, seeing tears rolling down his cheeks that instantly made him wipe them with his thumb.

"Please, don't cry.. I hate seeing you cry.." Jongho mumbled. 

Yeosang sniffed. "H-How am I supposed not to cry when I wasted so many years trying to move on from you and I never succeeded and now you're telling me all this?"

Jongho was left speechless at that, just staring at Yeosang's crying face and feeling his own heart break. He felt so selfish, he didn't want Yeosang to move on from him. He wanted to figure his own feelings out and give Yeosang a chance. 

"I'm telling you this because I care and I don't want to lose you.." Jongho mumbled. 

Yeosang gave him a sad smile as Jongho still kept cupping his cheeks, tears still rolling down his cheeks and making Jongho feel so damn guilty about everything. He was such an idiot for allowing all of this to happen, and for allowing Yeosang to be like this now. 

"Jongho, I lost myself the moment I got involved with you.." Yeosang whispered. 

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