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Jongho thought he was going crazy if he doesn't see Yeosang next to him for more than an hour. 

Maybe he is just obsessed with Yeosang to the point where he just had to text or call him every hour or so, but he is maybe also just so deeply in love he just felt so much better when he called Yeosang.

After the whole Byungho incident, Jongho also kept an eye on everyone around them. But he specially kept an eye on Byungho and Iseul since he had an idea that she maybe payed him to attack Yeosang. 

Jongho is ready to deal with her too, and now he won't even hesitate. He was just so badly pissed off he had to keep himself contained before he bursts out on Byungho specially. Who does that fucker this he is to touch Yeosang?

He had so many problems keeping things inside himself when he saw Byungho that Yeosang sometimes had to hold him back, which wasn't a surprise at all. He hates violence, and even if Byungho did such a thing to him, he told Jongho not to do anything. 

Jongho sighed as he looked up to his friends. Everyone was having lunch apart from Yeosang and Wooyoung who had another extra class, and they weren't able to join. Jongho missed Yeosang terribly. 

"Did Wooyoung say something about coming earlier, maybe?" Jongho asked, trying to ask if Yeosang would come on a suptile way.

San shook his head. "Not really, why? You excited to see Yeosang?"

Seonghwa wriggled his eyebrows at that, giggling a bit and making Jongho roll his eyes as he felt his cheeks flush in red color.

"Shut up." He grumbled as he stabbed his pasta with a fork and started eating it.

San and Hongjoong giggled at that as Yunho and Mingi kept talking about something Jongho didn't quite understand.

It's not like he cared at all, really.

San suddenly let out a small 'oh' as he saw Wooyoung and Yeosang approaching them, and Jongho immediately turned around to see Yeosang.

He immediatly smiled at the sight of the familiar blonde, just too happy to see him finally again even after only an hour passed since they haven't seen each other.

Yeosang gave him a small smile back as Wooyoung and San kept hugging each other, and Yeosang took that as an opportunity to take San's seat since he sat next to Jongho.

"Hey!" San pouted.

Yeosang giggled with Jongho, but San gave in and sat across from them while holding Wooyoung's hand.

"How are you doing?" Jongho mumbled quietly, grabbing Yeosang's hand and holding it in his own.

Yeosang smiled and squeezed it. "I'm good, you? I see that you missed me so much by the messages I got."

Jongho smiled, pouting his lips and swallowing his pride as he leaned his head on Yeosang's shoulder in front all of their friends.

"You're right, I missed you so badly..." Jongho mumbled.

Yeosang hummed, leaning his own head on Jongho's and smiling. He didn't care about the weird looks as long as he is happy with Jongho now.

"I missed you too.." He mumbled back.

They really didn't care about things people might say or the weird looks. They are happy together and that's all it matters.

But seeing how their friends shared weird looks when they saw the scene in front of them unfold, Yeosang and Jongho knew they will have explaning to do.

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"What got you smiling like that?" Wooyoung asked as he leaned over to look at Yeosang's phone where he was texting Jongho. 

Wooyoung noticed how he keeps typing on his phone the last couple of days and not even doing anything else, literally just smiling and typing the whole time. It wasn't a lie it kind of annoyed Wooyoung because his best friend wasn't giving him attention.

"Nothing much.. Just Jongho being funny again." Yeosang mumbled.

Wooyoung raised his eyebrow. "Jongho? You guys finally together or?"

Yeosang smiled a bit as he placed his phone down, looking at Wooyoung and giving him a small shrug. His best friend whined at that, grabbing Yeosang's hand and shaking it. 

"Are you for real now? You won't tell me?!" Wooyoung whined in shock.

He couldn't believe his best friend won't tell him about his love life. They always shared everything but now Yeosang won't talk to him about what happened between him and Jongho at all, and it annoyed Wooyoung. He wanted to know.

"I don't know what am I supposed to tell you. He saved me from Byungho the other day, but you know about it. And after that, I guess things just... happened."

Wooyoung widened his eyes. "So you are dating Jongho now."

Yeosang looked up to him, smiling a bit and nodding slowly. Wooyoung gasped, clapping his hands and feeling over the moon because of his best friend. Yeosang is finally happy again and Jongho is finally not dense anymore. 

They are finally together. Wooyoung squealed as he hugged Yeosang closer to him, hugging his best friend in a deathly grip as Yeosang groaned in pain when he squeezed him so tightly. 

"You're choking me!" Yeosang whined. 

Wooyoung giggled. "I'm just happy! You finally found someone who finally also realized their feelings for you. Jongho was such a dense bear all these years and he finally is dating you. I never thought it would happen!"

Yeosang smiled back as he hugged Wooyoung. It's true, he never also thought that one day he would be dating Jongho, but here they are. They are taking things slowly, and Jongho is always treating him so well.

They are dating and always going on dates, but now their favorite thing to do is to cuddle while watching tv and just being there in silence. Jongho was so cuddly even when he didn't express it, and Yeosang loved that so much.

But Yeosang was just so over the moon because he was finally happy again, and now he knows that the happiness is going to stay. 

And Yeosang's happiness is Jongho.

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