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Yeosang took a sip of his iced americano after a long week of struggling with being sick, almost drooling at the familiar taste.

He may be a coffeeholic, but it's definitely worth it even if it meant staying awake for too long. And it's also worth it if it meant being on a date with Jongho.

Well, it wasn't officially a date, but Yeosang liked being delusional and think it's a date in his head. He is just a boy after all, don't blame him.

There was a small chuckle suddenly, making him look up from the cup where he was keeping a straw in his mouth and just sipping onto the coffee like it was a juice.

Yeosang widened his eyes and pulled away from the straw, face going red as Jongho gave him a smile that soon turned into a small pout.

"Why did you stop doing that? You looked so cute like that, hyung. Like a child drinking it's juice." Jongho chuckled.

Yeosang was even more embarrassed than now, literally wanting to hide his face and never show up again. Why did he have to be like this?

"Stop.." He mumbled, looking down onto the table in embarrassment.

Jongho giggled as he took a sip of his own drink, not moving his eyes away from him as he raised his eyebrow suddenly.

Yeosang didn't react at first, but when he felt a finger rub the face where the birthmark was on his face, he jumped a bit.

Jongho was leaning towards him, rubbing the part of his face and furrowing his eyebrows. He spoke up before Yeosang could say anything.

"Why do you keep hiding your birthmark? You look amazing with it being shown. It makes you look unique and truly beautiful. It looks even better with that sweater you got now." Jongho explained.

Yeosang just stared at him in both shock and shyness, not sure how to react and just gulping a bit.

He didn't really like his birthmark. His siser and mother used to make fun of him for having a mark on his face, going as far as saying it was a devil's sign.

Yeosang just grew not to like it, instead just keeping it hidden with makeup and not saying anything about it.

He leaned back into his chair, moving away from Jongho's hand and just fiddling with his sweater paws. He didn't like the memories of his family, and it just made him remember all of it.

"I don't like it.." He mumbled, not looking up from his hands.

His happiness faded away as soon as he mentioned the birthmark. Yeosang hated it and he hated being remembered of his family.

Jongho's eyes sparkled with worry as he saw the sudden change of the behaviour. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Hyung, did I say something wrong?" Jongho asked.

Yeosang didn't answer for a few moments, instead just playing with his fingers and letting out a small sigh. He shook his head and smiled at Jongho.

At that moment, Jongho felt like he wanted to scream at him. He hated the fake smiles someone gave him when they were obviously upset about something.

Jongho wanted to talk it out, but he also didn't want to force Yeosang on anything. He will say it when he is ready.

"What did you want to talk about?" Yeosang asked.

Jongho perked up on that, straightening his back and nodding his head. He knew what he wanted to talk about, that's why he called Yeosang for coffee meetup.

"Ah, yeah. I wanted to talk about something." Jongho said.

Yeosang nodded his head, waiting for him to continue. Jongho tried to find the best words to describe what he wanted to say.

"Well, Hwa hyung showed me a video of Iseul. He also said how she was rude to you and everyone when I brought her over to have lunch with us."

Yeosang went pale in the matter of seconds. He gulped and stared at Jongho, not knowing what to say.

"I told him not to say anything..." Yeosang mumbled.

Jongho sighed. That's what he was afraid of.

"Why didn't you tell me anything? You know I would have taken care of it and it won't happen again." Jongho explained.

"I just didn't want to talk about it. It's not that big of a deal anyway-"

"It is." Jongho cut him off.

Yeosang stopped talking, just staring at Jongho who stared back with his hands crossed over his chest.

"I won't be allowing anyone to step over my best friends like they are some kind of a bug. I love you guys to the moon and back and I would protect you from anyone, even it it meant my own girlfriend." Jongho spoke.

That's what Yeosang loved about him. He is always trying to make things right and protect all of them like a good person he is.

He just had to smile at that. Yeosang is so damn whipped for him.

"Thank you, really." Yeosang mumbled.

Jongho smiled. "Of course. Please tell me if anything more happens. I hate to see you or anyone else to keep quiet about their problems. It makes me feel bad for not being there for you too."

Yeosang awwed inside, literally cooing over him being so caring about them that he felt bad for them. It was just so beautiful and Yeosang knew that he was smitten even more than he already was before.

"I love you." He suddenly blurted out, not even thinking about it.

It was Jongho's turn to he shocked now as he stared at Yeosang with eyes wide open, getting the same stare back.

"S-sorry-.." Yeosang started to apologize.

"I love you too, hyung." Jongho cut him off.

Yeosang almost died right there and then. He almost squealed inside, face going red in the matter of seconds.

He just blushed and looked away from Jongho, taking the cup in his hand and leaning back in his chair as he took a sip and shook his head.

Yeosang is so in love with him.

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