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Yeosang felt his heart beating like it was going to jump out any second now when he neared the park he was supposed to meet Yujin at. 

They agreed to go on another date, now going on an arcade since Yujin asked if he wanted to accompany him and Yeosang couldn't say no. He was also excited to go on the arcade like a kid he was. 

He waited for Yujin for a bit, looking around the park and not realizing how beautiful the nature has gotten lately. Or maybe he was just too busy to look at it to see actually. He wasn't sure himself. 

Yeosang hummed, holding his tote bag close and pursuing his lips until something was covering his eyes. 

"Guess who is it." Yujin chuckled. 

Yeosang smiled as he turned around to look at his beautiful eyes. Yujin really was handsome and very nice and polite, and most importantly, he was treating Yeosang right. That's just the minus Jongho has. 

"Hey." Yeosang giggled, opening his arms and wrapping them around Yujin without even thinking. 

Thankfully, the male hugged him back and wrapped his arms around his waist. Yujin giggled as he hugged Yeosang, making him at least a bit more relaxed now. Yeosang thought it would be awkward since what happened last time.

"How are you doing?" Yujin asked as they walked slowly.

Yeosang nodded. "I've been good. Kinda busy with the finals coming up and everything, but I'm doing fine. You?"

Yujin couldn't wipe off that smile he had earlier. It seemed like he was just so happy to be there, and that made Yeosang smile too. 

"I'm glad you asked to go out again, I would gladly agree to go out with you. Have you resolved things with that man from the last time?" Yujin asked. 

Yeosang widened his eyes as he felt like he was suddenly slapped. How did he know that he had trouble with Jongho?

"How did you-"

"Well, I saw what happened. He was pissed off, so were you but I really also didn't want to interrupt. Is he that guy that spammed you the day we were together?"

Yeosang suddenly felt so guilty at that. He knew that he shouldn't be lying to Yujin. 

"Yeah, that's Jongho. I kind of want to forget about him and everything, so.." He trailed off. 

Yujin looked at him with those pitiful eyes. He looked like he wanted Yeosang to explain it further, but didn't want to push it if he didn't want to share. 

"I'm glad I could be here for you so you can forget about him. I see that you like him, but he is too blind. I will gladly be your second option." Yujin smiled at him. 

Yeosang shook his head. He felt so bad, but it really did seem like that. He texted Yujin to go out because he is hoping to forget about Jongho. That's the whole reason, and Yujin can clearly see it. 

"I swear it's not like that-"

"Yeosang." Yujin cut him off. "Don't bother explaining. It's okay. Let's just enjoy and have fun together now while we still can, okay?"

Yeosang smiled immediately before he nodded and took Yujin's hand in his own, intertwining their fingers and making the other smile softly. 

"You're right. Let's go."

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Yeosang laughed loudly as he watched Yujin whine as he lost once again in the game. He really was good, Yeosang had to admit, but he was obviously better.

"It's not fair! You're cheating!" He whined. 

Yeosang clapped his hands as he came up to him, hugging him in a comforting way as Yujin pouted his lips. He was truly like a kid, looking so sweet and cute. 

"I'm sorry, okay? I'll pay for ice cream then." Yeosang smiled. 

Yujin smiled back, shaking his head as they stood close to each other. Yeosang saw how he looked down to his lips for a quick second before looking into his eyes again.

"Okay, come on. Let's go get that ice cream then."

Yeosang giggled as he held Yujin's hand without a care what people thought or how they looked at them. He felt happy and relaxed with someone that isn't Wooyoung or any of his close friends after so long, and he won't let anything ruin this feeling. 

"Oh, what did you get?" Yeosang asked as he held the cup of his ice cream while they sat down on the table, looking at the color of Yujin's that he hasn't seen before. 

The male hummed. "Oh, it said it's milk and cereal. I just had to try and see what is tastes like."

Yeosang gasped. He has never even heard of that flavor it just like Yujin and it kind of sounds disgusting to be honest. 

"Why does it sound so fake? I bet it tastes like plastic." Yeosang giggled. 

Yujin laughed, making him laugh too. Yeosang somehow actually loved hearing him laugh. It sounded like a music to his ear and Yeosang wished he could never stop hearing it. It just sounds amazing. 

"Can I try it?" Yeosang asked.

Yujin nodded, pushing the cup to him and letting Yeosang scoop it with his own spoon. It tasted kind of weird, but didn't really have much of a flavor, making him furrow his eyes at that. It was kind of confusing. 

"How is it?" Yujin asked with a giggle. 

Yeosang was pretty confused, so he shrugged his shoulders. 

"Eh, it doesn't really taste like anything." 

Yujin agreed with him, asking something that involved Yeosang's art before it turned into a full on conversation. Yeosang knew he didn't think of Jongho even once he was with him. The waiter came when they were done with their ice creams. 

Just as Yeosang took out his wallet, he was met with Yujin already paying by his card and making him widen his eyes. 

"Hey, what are you-"

"Thank you!" Yujin smiled at the waiter. 

Yeosang watched as he left, looking at Yujin in confusion. 

"But I said I'll pay. Why did you do that?" 

Yujin shook his head with a smile, tilting his head and staring at Yeosang. 

"You can repay me then." 

Yeosang beamed up on that, nodding his head as he waited for him to continue. He wanted to repay him no matter how he can. 

"You can give me a kiss, and we would be even." Yujin teased. 

Yeosang's face went pale in a moment he said that, feeling his heart bumping as he gulped. He couldn't really speak for a couple of moments as he was shocked until Yujin chuckled again. 

"I'm kidding. Come on, let's go." 

Ah yes, Yeosang was happy he didn't think of Jongho at all. 

A/N : So, maybe some of you haven't seen the announcement I made, but I'll say it now too.

User spaghettidestroyer is re-writing my book 'Horizon!' and it would be amazing if you checked it out since they are really amazing and working really hard on their works and it shows!

To user spaghettidestroyer (again) : Thank you for reaching out for probably 100th time, but I really am happy and very glad I agreed on this and I do not regret it one bit! ♡♡

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