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The moment Yeosang woke up in the familiar room with someone's arms wrapped safely around him and a familiar scent that he knew too well, he wanted to cry his soul out. 

He remembered what happened. He had sex with Jongho, a man that ruined his relationship with Yujin and the man he was supposed to get over with. He wanted to cry so badly because he knew he agreed on having sex with him. 

Jongho was tipsy and he wasn't thinking straight even when he said he was sober, and Yeosang felt like he took advantage of him. Jongho was drunk and Yeosang had sex with him and now he is regretting all of this. 

He turned in Jongho's hold, seeing his peaceful face as he slept next to Yeosang like he didn't have a single worry in his mind. Yeosang couldn't stop tears at that point, silently sobbing as Jongho's hand remained on him. 

Yeosang cupped his cheek and rubbed it, tears rolling down his cheeks as he couldn't stop them. He leaned in and pressed their lips together for one last time as the guilt washed over him again. Why was he so stupid?

Jongho is dating Iseul. This guy is so damn straight Yeosang knew he won't have a chance with him ever, and he still just did this without even thinking what will happen in the future. He felt so mad at himself for doing that.

Yeosang pressed their lips together, holding them there and didn't do anything else. He just stayed there and cried before he moved away.

He sobbed, wiping away his tears and just taking a deep breath before he slowly moved away from Jongho's hold and got up from the bed. He took all of his clothes and wore them, not turning to look at Jongho's peaceful face. 

Yeosang wore all of his clothes, now finally gaining courage to turn at Jongho and just stare there for a couple of moments before he shook his head, closed his eyes and sighed at the self disappointment he felt. 

It was finally the time to officially move on, and he was finally confident enough to do so. 

Yeosang looked at Jongho for one last time before leaving his room. 

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"Are you sure about it now?" Wooyoung asked as he leaned his head against his palm.

Yeosang sighed, rubbing his forehead as he looked at the mug of hot cocoa in his hands as the blanket kept them warm. Wooyoung came over after Yeosang called him and told him everything that happened.

It's little to say Wooyoung was shocked. He couldn't stop gasping and just being shocked at the fact Jongho and Yeosang slept together and that Yeosang now finally really wants to move on. He really did sound so sure about that too. 

Wooyoung was happy that he is finally so determined to do it. Jongho wasted so many years of his life, but let's not talk about tears he wasted because of him. He remembers when Jongho got a girlfriend in high school and didn't talk to them at all because of her. 

Yeosang was just so crushed about it. He wanted to talk about it with Jongho and getting ignored by him just made him so heartbroken. 

Yeosang forgave him then, he forgave when Jongho forgot about his birthday because he was on a date, he forgot because he wasn't saying anything with Iseul to make her stop commenting, he forgave Jongho when he ruined his friendship with Yujin.

Jongho hurt him so many times, and Yeosang didn't bat an eye and always forgave him like he did nothing wrong. 

Wooyoung was mad that he was forgiving him so easily when he did so much to hurt him, and it just pissed him of because he was so blind about all of it. 

"Yeah. I'm sure that I want to move on. It's been too long, and I just can't face him now after this." 

Wooyoung nodded, placing his hand on his wrist and rubbing it a bit. Oh, how he hated when any of his friends were sad. It made him sad too. 

"I'm happy that you are finally putting yourself in the first place. It's been so long and Jongho didn't even think of you once. He acted like you are okay and didn't even take the hint you gave so many times. Really, that 'I love you' and all those gifts even for Valentine's day? He is so stupid." He shook his head.

Yeosang nodded, smiling as he remembered the stuffed teddy he gave Jongho for Valentine's day and Jongho just laughed about it. He bit the inside of his cheek and just sighed. 

"I will never forgive him for Yujin. Why was he acting like that towards him when he never literally did anything to him. He said he wasn't good for me and that I don't deserve to be with him."

Wooyoung sat up, still keeping his legs on Yeosang's lap. "He said that?"

"Yeah. Because of him Yujin doesn't want to see me. I still hope that at least he will find it in himself to talk about it like normal people."

"Maybe Jongho said it because he was jealous?" Wooyoung suddenly asked. 

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows. Jongho? Being jealous of Yujin? But why? Even if he was jealous, it doesn't give him the right to say that to Yujin when he did nothing at all to him and he just did that. 

Jongho doesn't seem jealous of Yujin at all. He seemed more like he disliked him than actually hating the thought of him dating Yujin.

"But why would he be jealous? He is dating Iseul and he doesn't even care that she is cheating on him. Why would he care about me?" Yeosang asked. 

Wooyoung shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe because he is just overly confused and is actually jealous but he says that he just wants to protect you?"

Yeosang sighed. He feels his head start to hurt so badly and he just didn't want to think about Jongho anymore. 

"I don't want to talk about him anymore.." Yeosang mumbled as he pulled the blanket closer. 

Wooyoung nodded in understatement as he sighed and pulled himself closer to Yeosang, hugging his best friend and just staying there until he gasped when he remembered the idea on what they could do. 

"Let's make you a tinder account." Wooyoung suddenly spoke.

Yeosang moved away, furrowing his eyebrows. "What? No-"

"Oh, come on! Give me your phone!" Wooyoung demanded as he started to tickle Yeosang and take his phone away. 

"Woo, no!" Yeosang whined and tried pushing him away no matter how he could.  

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