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Yeosang sobbed as he scooped the ice cream directly from the box into his mouth with a thick blanked wrapped around him as he lied on the couch.

He doesn't know why is he still so upset over everything. It's been almost a week now, and he still cries every time he remembers Jongho kissing him.

Or maybe he is now just crying because he hates pistachio flavor from the deepest ends of his soul, but he is eating the ice cream now.

There was suddenly a tissue dabbed on his cheek, making him look up from where the hand was coming from.

"Don't cry.." San mumbled as he stood there.

Yeosang sat up, giving him a smile as he sat down next to him.

"Thank you Sannie.." Yeosang mumbled.

San smiled. "Of course. I hate to see anyone cry."

Yeosang giggled. Of course he hates to see people cry, it was just such a San thing to do and Yeosang expected that from him.

"I'm okay. I just got overwhelmed again.." Yeosang mumbled as he putted the box of ice cream onto the coffee table.

San looked at him with those puppy eyes full of guilt and pity. Yeosang smiled at him, shaking his head and handa coming and holding San's hands.

"Don't be sad. Jongho isn't worth your tears, but I should tell you that he has been asking about you." San said as he rubbed his hand.

Yeosang's shoulders slumped. He knew Jongho was asking about him since he didn't go to classes and didn't answer his messages or calls, claiming he was too sick.

It wasn't too far away from truth, after all. He was just sick by seeing Jongho act like that, and his heart hurt the most.

"I knew it. I just can't face him now.." He said.

San bit his inner cheek. "I know. You should take care of yourself for now and worry about him later. Things will calm down as the time goes, but please take care of yourself. You can stay here with us as long as you need it too."

Yeosang smiled. Oh, how he loved San and Wooyoung. They were always here for him no matter what he needed or when. It feels like they are pampering him like he was a baby and not an adult.

"Thank you, Sannie. I really love you guys so much. Thank you for being here for me.." He mumbled.

San didn't answer, instead just opening his hands and inviting Yeosang inside. Yeosang giggled before he hugged him back.

Someone suddenly gasped. "You guys are hugging without me?!"

Wooyoung was standing there suddenly, hands on his hips as he gasped. The males giggled as he came up to them, pulling both San and Yeosang into his arms like a group hug.

"Group hug!" Wooyoung exclaimed.

Yeosang giggled, finally feeling better and not thinking about Jongho.

San is right. He should put himself first now.

  ► ► ► ► ►

Jongho sighed as he held Iseul close, closing his eyes as she once again leaned in to kiss him.

They were sitting in a park, trying at least, to have a date but it only seemed that Iseul wanted to use him for getting expensive gifts and later on try to make Jongho have sex with her.

It's not that he minded having sex, he just didn't want it with her. She was pushy no matter what, but how will it be when they have sex then?

He was just so stressed lately, and he just couldn't do it. All wanted to go away and never return back. 

Ever since that day with Yeosang, he hasn't seen him at all. He wasn't coming to classes, nor did Jongho come to see him. 

He knew that he is staying with Wooyoung and San for now, but he couldn't bring himself to face Yeosang after what happened.

It was genuinely just a drunken mistake, and that he didn't mean to kiss him, but Yeosang breaking down?

It was strange, and Jongho felt even more like an asshole because he let him go to go home all alone in that state without even trying to bring him home. 

"Oh my god, can you fucking stop sucking faces here? It's a public park and we don't want to see something you should keep for yourself here!" A woman suddenly exclaimed.

Jongho looked at the woman, apologizing to her as Iseul tsked. He felt so embarrassed because of her sometimes.

"Stupid. I can do what I want."

Jongho stayed silent, not looking at her and instead just staring into space.

Iseul pulled back immediately, scoffing at her before she got up from Jongho's lap and took her purse. 

"Hey, what are you-" Jongho started to ask.

"I'm going on a party since you are so incapable of keeping me occupied and instead are thinking of your stupid friends." She said and started walking away. 

Jongho widened his eyes at that. "What? So now it's my fault you wanted to make out in a middle of the park and that she didn't want to see it?"

She turned around and scoffed. "Yes, it is. Don't you know how humiliating is this now? I had to listen to her because of you!"

Jongho couldn't believe his ears. How could she be so selfish after all he did for her? And this is what he gets in return?

"You know what actually? Fuck you. Go find someone that will satisfy you then."

Jongho turned around, not turning back as he walked and heard her scream. She was pissed off too, but he was even more.

"Fuck you too! Go be a fag like the rest of your friends!"

Jongho squeezed his fists, feeling his blood boil at that but he just closed his eyes and continued to walk without giving her much attention.

He sighed, pulling out his phone before he checked the time and finally made up his mind.

Jongho walked now faster, turning left and going to Wooyoung and San's place to find Yeosang.

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