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Wooyoung's blood boiled when he saw Yeosang looking all shaken up and crying when he knocked on his door.

He was literally boiling when Yeosang told him what Jongho did, and he really couldn't calm down for so long. How could he?

Jongho is such an asshole. He has a girlfriend, and yet he kisses Yeosang like it's the most normal thing ever done. He was so selfish Wooyoung wanted to bite his head off.

He finally calmed Yeosang down, letting the male fall asleep in his embrace before he slowly and carefully left the bed not to wake Yeosang up. The poor baby was probably exhausted after crying and almost breaking down.

Wooyoung sighed as he closed the door of his room, rubbing his face when he saw San come up to him. He gave him a smile and wrapped his arms around his waist.

San kissed his cheek, smiling at his boyfriend softly who just gave him a small tired smile.

"How is Yeosangie?" San asked as he held Wooyoung close.

He sighed. "I don't know. He finally fell asleep and I don't know what to do. Jongho literally just broke him and he won't stop texting him to say he is sorry. I just had to turn off his phone."

San nodded as he listened to his boyfriend, sighing a bit as he rubbed his waist a bit. He could feel Wooyoung is anxious and scared for his best friend and San didn't blame him.

He knew that Wooyoung and Yeosang were like a nail and a finger. They have been there for each other through hell and back, and he knew how much Wooyoung is worrying.

San is also worried about this entire situation completing. He knows that Yeosang is in love with Jongho, but now this? It won't lead anywhere really.

Yeosang is just broken now. He is broken because he knows Jongho did this because he is drunk and not because he is actually in love like he is.

San is specially worried on how Jongho will take it all in. He knows Jongho is dating a women, but when he finds out that Yeosang likes him?

He isn't sure it might turn out good in the end.

"Honey, let's not worry now. Let him sleep and try to relax now. You know that worrying so much won't do anything good to you." San said as he rubbed his waist.

Wooyoung knew San was right, so with a long sigh and a nod of his head, his boyfriend gave him a smile again.

"Come on, let's go make something to eat and we can watch something too. I don't want you to worry your little head so much." San smiled.

Wooyoung smiled back. He is so insanely whipped for his boyfriend he can't do anything else but fall right into his arms and be useless because he is just so in love.


"Okay then. Come downstairs, I'll wait for you."

San walked away, leaving Wooyoung there alone as the male pulled out his phone the moment he turned his back.

Wooyoung bit his lip as he typed Jongho's phone number, pressing his phone against his ear.

After a few of seconds and beeps, Jongho finally answered.


"What the fuck do you think you are doing with Yeosang?"

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Mingi hummed as he read the lecture from today while sipping onto his hot cocoa as he leaned his chin against his palm and scrolled through the document on his laptop.

He was lost in his mind, reading and trying to remember at least something for his upcoming exam.

While he was busy taking notes and reading, Mingi didn't hear footsteps approaching him from behind where he was sitting on his chair.

Suddenly there were arms wrapping around his torso, making him gasp in surprise and throw away his pen that was in his hand.

Yunho giggled as he saw him do that, holding him close as he back hugged him and placed his chin over Mingi's shoulder. He looked so adorable like that, literally looking like a huge puppy wearing Yunho's hoodie.

"Did I scare you, love? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that." Yunho said with a smile.

Mingi smiled back, shaking his head as he rubber his hair. Yunho is like a huge giant and he just loved when his boyfriend hugged him.

"It's alright, I was just caught off guard. I didn't expect you to do this." Mingi chuckled.

Yunho smiled, leaning over and kisssing his cheek for a moment. Mingi's cheeks burned with the red color a moment later as he blushed when he did that.

"What are you doing?" Yunho asked as he rubbed his shoulders.

Mingi hummed, relaxing a bit. "Studying. I got an exam on Friday, so yeah."

Yunho nodded, kissing his cheek again and making Mingi giggle as he held Yunho's hands with his own. He rubbed his knuckles and hummed as he felt the warmth from him.

"Do you need help with something? I would gladly help you." Yunho asked.

Mingi smiler as he looked up to him, giggling a bit.

"It's alright Yuyu, I can do it on my own. I know you are also tired from studying for your own exams and all the projects you had. I don't want to bother you with my stuff too." Mingi replied as he messed his hair.

Yunho hummed, smiling a bit. He wouldn't mind helping Mingi, of course. He would do anything for his baby.

"Okay. Then please don't go overboard. Do you need something?"

Mingi hummed, looking around before looking up to his boyfriend again with those puppy eyes Yunho couldn't resist.

"Can you make me hot chocolate then? I'm almost out of cocoa." Mingi pouted.

Yunho laughed, shaking his head at his boyfriend and his behaviour. He is so sweet and just so amazing.

He leaned down and kissed his cheek again, then kissing Mingi's lips as they both smiled into that short kiss.

"Of course, baby."

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