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Jongho knows how much he screwed up when Yeosang obviously started avoiding him a week later after the night they had sex.

He knew he screwed up so bad. Yeosang didn't reply to his messages or calls, not even looking at him and literally going away with some dumb excuse when Jongho tries to speak to him.

But it wasn't only him who seemed like he was avoiding Jongho like some kind of plague.

Wooyoung was also acting stupid like he had no idea what happened and instead coming to Yeosang with an excuse he needed to tell him whenever Jongho tries to talk to him.

Jongho knows, he just knows that they need to talk about it. Yeosang is obviously acting different ever since it happened and Jongho just knows they need to talk it out.

It was a genuine mistake, and they didn't mean for this to happen. Jongho is still with Iseul and he knows that, but he still didn't tell her anything about the kiss or the fact they had sex.

He doesn't know how to say it too. Jongho swore he would never cheat on anyone, no matter who is it, and yet he broke his own promise about it.

Jongho sighed, placing his pen down and placed his head in his hands. He felt his head start to hurt, and all of this is making him so mentally exhausted he just can't deal with this anymore.

He feels that all of this is just so annoying. Why is everyone always against him or something that he is doing?

Yeosang has been ignoring him for almost 2 weeks now, and even if Jongho tried to go to his apartment, Yeosang didn't answer just like he didn't answer to his calls or messages.

Jongho really wants to talk to Yeosang like a normal man, like a normal adults they are. Nothing else or more. He knows they need to talk it out but no one is actually listening to him whenever he complains.

"Why is Yeosang hyung ignoring me?" He suddenly asked as he kept playing with his pen, not looking up where Wooyoung and Seonghwa were staring at him.

Seonghwa and Wooyoung both turned to look at him, pausing their conversation and looking like they just saw a ghost pass by.

"What?" Seonghwa asked.

Jongho sighed. "Don't play dumb now. You know that he is avoiding me, and that he is just keeps ignoring my texts. I noticed that he keeps talking to you guys and not me."

Wooyoung looked at him, almost giving him the 'are you stupid' look and making Jongho stare back at him as he waited for an explanation.

He didn't care that they were in the middle of the study room. Jongho wanted to hear an explanation, and he will make sure he gets it whether it's now or never.

Jongho just crossed his arms over his chest and stared back, watching as Wooyoung's face turned into a frown.

"Jongho, I mean- He isn't ignoring you."

"Oh yeah? He isn't ignoring me, then why isn't he responding to me? He keeps ignoring me like I don't exist and didn't even answer the door to me when I knocked. You better be saying why is he doing that." Jongho cut him off.

"Are you seriously asking that now?" Wooyoung asked.

Jongho furrowed his eyebrows. "Of course I am."

He scoffed. "Maybe because you fucking had sex with him and kissed him for so many times when he told you to stop?"

"When the fuck did he say he wanted to stop?-"

"Jongho, think with your stupid head for once!" Wooyoung almost screamed at him, slamming his hand onto the table.

Seonghwa widened his eyes, staring at him and he slowly started to collect his things and get up. He hated when they fought, and he just hated being the one who is going to push them apart.

He slowly left and Jongho furrowed his eyebrows, then shook his head at that.

"Then tell me? What did he say to you then?" Jongho asked then.

Wooyoung sighed, running his fingers through his hair and looking at Jongho. They stared at each other and didn't say anything for a couple of moments.

"I don't know. He just doesn't want to see you now."

"But why?!" Jongho was the one who yelled.

Wooyoung kept quiet about it, just staring at him and humming a second later.

"It's his choice if he wants to say it, not mine. He will say it if he wants, not me." Wooyoung just replied.

Jongho felt like he was about to scream at him. He felt so fucking pissed of about it, and he didn't understand why do they keep quiet about this when they knew that he was upset and still dared to stay quiet about it.

He groaned. "If he wanted to say it he would have said it already. Don't be like this."

Wooyoung gave him a glare and started to pack his things, make Jongho almost bawl his eyes out at that.

"Are you fucking serious now? You can't just leave me here when I'm asking you about this! Just answer me!" Jongho yelled.

Woooyoung packed his things and looked at him, just staring before he let out a sigh. He just wanted to slap at him so so so badly now.

"Jongho, as much as I love you, I really can't stand you now. You have been such an asshole to him all this time and I really can't believe you are so dense about your own feelings and actions."

Jongho furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

Wooyoung sighed. "You were jealous of Yujin. That's why you made him push Yeosang away, not because you thought he wasn't good for him."

Jongho shook his head. "No, I wasn't-"

"You weren't jealous? Okay then, why did you make him stop seeing Yeosang then? Why did you say that every single thing of his boyfriends are bad for him? Jongho, think about it."

Jongho stared in disbelief. He didn't know what made him say all of that and why did he even do that, but he did it.

"I did that because I was trying to protect him. Then why was he so upset about me seeing Iseul and this now? He just seemed so upset whenever he sees us together-"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because he has in love with you for years already and you've been so stupid about it?!" Wooyoung finally snapped and cut him off.

Jongho stopped breathing for a second when he said that, widening his eyes and feeling his heart fasten up at that. He didn't feel well, like he might throw up and like he was about to faint.

Yeosang, his favorite hyung and friend has been in love with him for years now and he didn't even know about it?

"There, I said it now. I hope you're happy." Wooyoung snapped, turning on his heel and walking away.

He didn't turn back and kept walking as Jongho was left to sit there, all alone in his thoughts and not being able to come to his senses.

He was definitely fucked now.

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