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"-it was so damn boring!" Wooyoung whined as they all sat together in the cafeteria, finally having lunch after numerous classes. 

By this time they were all starving and just ready to have a break. Yeosang felt like his brain is becoming a liquid from all the information he learned today. It was just so exhausting and yet it was still just a beginning of the school year. 

It's safe to say that they can't wait for summer to be back even if school started literally 4 days ago. 

Yeosang watched as he slid down until he was literally lying on the table, not even bothering to get up and just lying there as San petted his hair and said encouraging words to him like 'you can do it, jagiya'. Sometimes, Yeosang wanted to be carefree like Wooyoung was. 

A few days of the hell- I mean school finally passed, and Yeosang is already back into his routine like he used to be before summer. He wasn't late, and he always walked to school. Oh, and he still sat with Jongho in all the classes they shared since all of their other friends are together as couples. 

Fucking great. Really, just great. It couldn't be better at all. 

Speaking of Jongho, he was nowhere to be seen. He just disappeared after class, and Yeosang doesn't know if he should be worried or relieved. He really doesn't want to talk to Jongho, but also doesn't want to look like an asshole. 

He knew that if he did that Jongho would ask why is he being different to him and him only. Yeosang is truly screwed if he asks that. 

And he would feel bad if he ignored him too, definitely. Yeosang just doesn't want to catch feelings even more than he already did. Although he really doubted if he can fall in love even more than he already did or not. 

Probably not. 

"Sangie, are you going to drink that banana milk too?" Seonghwa suddenly asked. 

Yeosang stopped munching onto his food, looking up to his hyung and shaking his head. He would feel bad if he says no to Seonghwa, specially when he always takes care of all of them, 

Seonghwa smiled before he took the small bottle off of Yeosang's plate, mumbling a small 'cute' as Hongjoong and him chuckled at Yeosang's behaviour. Yeosang just shifted in his place and continued to eat his Kimbap. 

Literally anything he did was cute to them in some way. He didn't know what was up with that, really. 

"So what do you guys plan on doing on Friday?" Yunho suddenly asked as he broke apart the sweet bread to share with Mingi. 

"Nothing much. Probably just sleep or hang out with this cutie here like always." San said as he pinched Wooyoung's cheek as the male still lied on the table.

Yeosang rolled his eyes playfully as he made a fake gagging sound. Of course Woosan is going to be together, who else if not them? But they were so cute together. 

"Why do you ask?" Hongjoong asked. 

Yunho shrugged. "I thought we might go out, all eight of us. If you guys are up for it, of course."

Yeosang nodded. "Of course we are. I missed hanging out with you guys."

Wooyoung suddenly let out an 'aww' as he hugged Yeosang by his shoulders, placing his head onto his shoulder since he sat next to him. Yeosang smiled a bit as he did that. He truly did miss all of them. 

"So Friday at usual time and place?" Mingi asked. 

They agreed to meet at 6pm in that park nearby university. It was just the best option since all of them lived nearby no matter in dorms or the apartments they owned. Yeosang just loved hanging out with them.

"So, who is going to tell Jongho?" Hongjoong asked.

Yeosang stopped eating for a second as he remembered that Jongho wasn't here yet. Where the hell did that guy disappear? He was literally gone for half an hour and he still isn't back. Should he be worried or not?

"Yeosang will tell him." Seonghwa teased. 

Yeosang widened his eyes, immediately shaking his head as a no. No way in hell he will have to speak to Jongho. He knew that Seonghwa did that on purpose because everyone knew about his crush except for Jongho himself. 

And thank god he didn't know, really. Yeosang would go insane if Jongho knew. How would he even act around him? It was just a lot. Yeosang knew he would reject him because he likes girls and not him.

"No way in hell!" Yeosang exclaimed. 

Seonghwa nodded his head, not accepting no as a response. "Oh, yes! You will speak to him!"

Yeosang whined. "Hyuuunnng...Please don't do this to me." 

Seonghwa wriggled his eyebrows as the rest of the group laughed, not even trying to comfort Yeosang. They just seemed on Seonghwa's side although they never do that. 

Yeosang turned to Wooyoung, taking him by the arm and shaking him while giving his best to make the puppy eyes. He really couldn't take it. He knew they were doing this on purpose just to tease him and nothing else. 

"Woo, please. You have to be on my side for this!" He literally begged Wooyoung.

Hongjoong chuckled. "Too late. The code red is approaching us."

Fuck, fuck, fuck.. Yeosang panicked in his mind. 

 Jongho approached the table with a huge smile on his face as he held his bag over his shoulder, literally smiling so big that his lips could touch his ears. Yeosang wondered what happened that made him so happy. 

"Hey guys, sorry for not being here earlier." He spoke up, still smiling. 

Seonghwa placed his hands on the table, intertwining their fingers together as he smiled back at the younger. 

"It's alright Jjong. We waited for you too." He said.

Hongjoong then suddenly raised his eyebrow. "Who got you smiling like that?"

Jongho smiled again. Yeosang became even more confused. Is he high or something?

"Something like that.." He spoke. 

Mingi looked shocked as he looked at the rest of the guys and then to Jongho again. He still kept his gaze on Yeosang, crossing his arms as he waited for Jongho to say anything.

"Well, spill it then." Yunho said.

Jongho chuckled. "Iseul and I are finally dating, officially now."

It's little to say Yeosang's heart broke into pieces in just a second. 

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