Miraculous Fontaine

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Genshin x Miraculous

"In the end, "fashion" is just a representation of the spirit of times. People support your mind because they support the vision it represents."

Marinette and friends are all in college
Y/N is studying her fourth year also Part-time idol and is in an international exchange program in Paris while Fontaine, the nation between France and Italy is hosting the next fashion week.

That afternoon

Xiao glanced at the designs of Agreste brand dresses.

Pantalone was also taking Saya (Ember) shopping. He was planning to buy the fancy attires for Pierro and Tsaritsa as well.

Xiao, Sara,  Kazuha, Kokomi and  Tomo followed behind us.

They heard voices down the hall.

"Thank you Mr. Agreste. This design is perfect." Replied a young male voice.

Taeyong walked out and he stopped in his tracks when he saw his fans.

"Hi guys. Be sure to check out our new song!" Taeyong replied with a wave.

He then sprinted towards the door, rushing to the car waiting for him outside.

Unfortunately, Taeyong forgot to look where he was going.

"Ooof!" Reacted Taeyong, "Aish! I'm so sorry! Are you ok?!" Asked Taeyong after he had accidentally smacked into someone.

"No worries. Hello there, oh you must be Taeyong from Nct." Began a young blond man.

"Hi. You are?" Asked Taeyong.

"I'm Adrien. My dad owns the fashion company." Adrien replied.

"Would you like an autograph or quick picture before I go?" Taeyong asked.

"Sure." Replied Adrien.

Taeyong hurriedly signed a piece of paper and took a photo with him.

"Nice. Well Adrian I gotta run because I'm supposed to meet rest of Nct 127 in hotel then head off for rehearsals." Replied Taeyong as he closed his phone and quickly waved.

"Well good luck Taeyong! Enjoy wearing the new designs my father designed for you." Smiled Adrien.

"Thank you! See you!" Replied Taeyong.

"See ya Taeyong!" Y/N and Xiao called.

"See ya!" Taeyong waves back and hurriedly got into the black van.

Some Nct members waved at them from inside the car.

"Ah yes where were we, Y/N did you find anything you like?" Dottore asked.

"They all look so lovely, so expensive." Y/N whispered to him.

"It's not that expensive." Pantalone replies, flipping his hand.

"Not as expensive as my father's artifacts I had to help buy the other day with Childe." Facepalmed Xiao.

"Dude that sucks." Replied Saya, trying not to laugh.

"Hey I like this one." I replied as I pointed at the silver dress on display in the middle.

"Oh sorry that one's not for sale. My dad designed that for my mom." Replied Adrien, looking sorry.

"No worries. What about this one?" I asked, pointing at a sparkly purple, flowy one.

"Oh yeah you can buy any of the ones here and there, just not the one in the middle that's just for display." Replied Adrien pointing left and right.

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