Chapter 11-20

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Chapter 11

  Now Lan Ting's mental training has reached the peak of level five. What Lan Ting didn't expect was that after she started formal learning, her mental power increased faster, which is why Lan Ting's performance was so outstanding. Level five can already open space, but level six is more secure.

  Some people have said that it would be better to reach level 7, but Lan Ting has already understood that level 6 and level 7 are the biggest watershed. Even the experiences in her mind tell her that it will take five years at the earliest. Time, this is still a very talented person.

  Speaking of which, Lanting's qualifications are not bad. It took her more than four years to reach level five. This is rare, but there are prerequisites.

  First, Lan Ting traveled through time. She was already an adult, so her original mental strength foundation was higher than that of a baby. Naturally, the starting point was different. Second, Lan Ting began to practice when she was a fetus, and her innate energy was It had a great influence on her, so in less than five years, when Lan Ting of the Qing Dynasty was more than five years old, she had reached the peak of the fifth level of mental power.

  Lan Ting knew that among the cultivators who were relatively fast, of course there were even more perverted ones. They had reached level six in less than three years, but just like that, it still took five years to reach level six. many.

  So the sixth level is Lan Ting's ultimate goal before she gets space, and now she finally feels the bottleneck, that is, as long as she works hard, she will have space.

  Lan Ting was excited. She had already enjoyed the benefits of mental power, and needless to say, space, what a powerful plug-in it was!

  With it, Lan Ting can really ensure his own safety. At the same time, many of Lan Ting's subsequent plans need to rely on space to execute.

  The more Lan Ting thought about it, the happier she became. She didn't care about anything these days, all her thoughts were on this.

  But more than three months have passed, and no matter how hard Lan Ting tries, Lan Ting has not been able to break through to level six.

  At this time, Lan Ting's anxious heart calmed down. Am I too eager? Lan Ting thought.

  Anxious and unable to eat hot tofu, Lan Ting, who was already six years old, invited her husband to study alone. Although she was very involved, it seemed that her heart was not fully focused on it. However, because Lan Ting did quite well, the teacher also Just didn't say anything.

  The person who taught Lanting was someone specially recruited by Ma Qi. He had just passed the age of forty, which was when he was rich in experience. Moreover, Mr. Lanting was good at playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. On the contrary, he had not made any achievements in the imperial examination, but Ma Qi knew His knowledge is still very good.

  Lan Ting doesn't have to take the imperial examination, so this flexible method is the most suitable for her daughter. The gentleman in front is also good, but he is a bit too demanding of endorsements. Look at her daughter, now at such a young age, she has memorized all four books and five classics, but she only really understands one.

  Ma Qi has wronged others. It should be said that this is Lan Ting's own credit. And now, Lan Ting's Four Books are progressing well as a teacher. One hour a day to study, one hour to learn piano skills, etc., three days One rotation. Lan Ting has not focused on that in the past three months, because even if she is studying and etc., her mental strength has not increased at all. Lan Ting only thinks about how to break through the bottleneck as soon as possible, but now it seems that she is still too anxious.

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