Chapter 211-220

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Chapter 211

  No matter what, Yinreng was raised by him personally. Although Yinreng made mistakes, looking at his recent performance, Yinreng is also someone who can understand his mistakes and correct them.

  "I have many sons, who may inherit the throne..." Kangxi looked up to the sky with tears in his eyes. Now his two sons are fighting on the line of life and death. Although Lao Shi is mostly recovered, if he is infected again, If so.

  As for Yinzhen, this child has had a strong temper since he was a child. He is rigid in doing things and has no trace of dirt in his eyes. Now I don't know if he can turn around.

  Yinreng has done so many wrong things again!

  In a short period of time, he had three sons, which made him feel uncomfortable. In terms of family background, Yinreng was the highest born, followed by the tenth son, and then the fourth son who was raised by his cousin.

  Why did the three highest-status people get into trouble one after another!

  Maybe it was because Yinzhen's life and death were unknown, Lao Shi's lively son had become a little languid, or there were other reasons. In short, Kangxi finally suppressed Yinzhen's actions.

  "Yinreng, this is the last chance I give you, I hope you will cherish it!"

  The prince's various actions still made Kangxi sad. In the end, Kangxi gave Yinreng a bottom line. If he continued to make mistakes, then His Ama allowed him, and the Qing Dynasty could not have such an heir.

  Kangxi knew that his health was good and it would not be a problem to live for ten years. This period of time would be enough for him to raise another good son.

  Of course, the premise of this is that as long as Yinreng knows his mistakes and can correct them, he will still be the prince of the Qing Dynasty and the future emperor.

  If Lan Ting knew Kangxi's various thoughts, he would only feel that the sentence he had read somewhere was really correct.

  It is not easy to be a prince, and it is even more difficult to be a prince. His father is a wise emperor, and there are many brothers who are both civil and military. It is even more difficult to be such a prince,

  and Kangxi's longevity and the position of prince cannot be exceeded, and it is also difficult to be a prince. You can't make mistakes. If you make too many mistakes, you will think that you want to seize power, and Kangxi will be suspicious; if you make too many mistakes, your performance will be mediocre, and Kangxi will think that such a son is not good enough to be a prince.

  Therefore, if the throne is the end of a career, then the second-in-command position of the prince is the most dangerous career.

  Because he cannot resign. The emperor is still the emperor even if he does not resign. As for the prince, if he resigns, even if it is because of poor health, then the time when the new emperor ascends the throne is when you meet the King of Hell, so the prince's position can only be ascended but not removed.

  There is no life if you get down, but the scenery is really endless if you get up, so there is the possibility of such a big harvest, but you have to bear such a big risk.

  This is relatively fair!

  Moreover, even if Lanting knew about Kangxi's thoughts, he would not think anything of it. Who made Kangxi always want to be a wise king.

  In Lan Ting's view, the emperor is not easy to be an emperor. If he is a foolish emperor, then he can do whatever he wants, because he doesn't listen to his ministers at all!

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