Chapter 231-240

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Chapter 231

  Shouqi didn’t expect that her plan had been leaked. At least Si Si and Lan Ting had guessed it right.

  Lan Ting also greatly appreciated her idea and thought it was an excellent idea.

  From this, we can see how important it is to know yourself and your enemy. It is precisely because Shouqi’s identity as a time-traveling girl was known to Lan Ting and Yinzhen that many of her next plans can be predicted by them. arrive.

  As for Lan Ting and Yinzhen, although there are things about these two that you know first and I understand later.

  However, the two of them have a special relationship, that is, they are husband and wife, which determines that Lan Ting cannot really hurt Yinzhen.

  As time goes by, and the relationship between Yinzhen and Lan Ting gradually improves, these problems will no longer exist.

  In fact, the Ulanala family only paid attention to the beautiful girls of Shangsanqi, although they paid more attention to the Niu Gulu family.

  Without Shouqi's suggestion, Tong Jia would not have discovered it.

  In Tong Jia's opinion, this is the style of Prince Jian Fujin and it is also in line with common sense!

  The emperor's words were true, but the queen Xiu didn't choose first. Even if the others were interested, they wouldn't say it openly. If Shouqi hadn't discovered it now, I believe Ulanara wouldn't have let her notice. arrive.

  "Bao'er is acting a bit too much. You said she's already a mother-in-law. How come she just doesn't grow up sometimes!"

  Tong Jiashi looked like she was scolding, but in fact she was full of love.

  "Master, the princess is kind-hearted. This is also the princess's blessing!"

  Tong Jia nodded. Shouqi had been in poor health since he was a child. Tong Jia didn't want to expose Shouqi to too many dark places. Tong Jia just hoped I wish Shouqi could have a safe life.

  Shouqi's identity was destined that as long as she could stay in the capital, no matter who she married, no one would be able to compete with her for the back house.

  It is precisely because of this premise that Tong Jia's teachings to Shouqi will not be so complete. As long as Shouqi has a rough understanding and will not be deceived by his slaves.

  Shouqi is not really a child. Over the years, Shouqi has observed a lot from the palace. She also has her own understanding of how to control the servants. So far, it seems that she is doing pretty well.

  Especially in terms of handling the relationship with several elder brothers who have taken over the throne, Shouqi handles it extremely well.

  Of course, the one with the best relationship is Yinzhen. This kind of subconscious investment is very important and will be beneficial to her in the future.

  A month later, the election was over.

  During this process, Niu Gulushi could be said to have suddenly emerged because she received two visits from the imperial concubine, and the imperial concubine's words gave her an excellent future.

  That is, for the Iron Hat King, she definitely has a good future as a fourth-grade person.

  "You are saying that the imperial concubine values the Niu Gulu clan."

  Ulanara clan's heart moved when she heard the news she received. Could it be that things will still proceed according to the original history now?

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