Chapter 121-130

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Chapter 121

  Don’t blame Lan Ting for still being interested in teasing her. This is also Lan Ting’s joy in suffering. It has been more than ten days since her confinement, but she still has no good ideas. Seeing that time is running out, could it be said that, Will she continue to be in a coma?

  Thinking of this, Lan Ting shuddered. She didn't want to do it. Firstly, such little physical activity would definitely be bad for her health. Secondly, it would attract too much attention.

  Just three months awake and then asleep again for who knows how long this time.

  Lan Ting doesn't want to stay in the space like that all the time. She still has children.

  But she really doesn't have any ideas now, but she can't really just wait!

  Lan Ting thought for a while and decided that it would be better to keep it close. Yongzheng was an emperor and should keep his promise.

  Thinking of this, Lan Ting sighed in her heart. No wonder people are said to be greedy. At that time, she only thought that as long as she could come back and keep her child, now everything was going smoothly, and she hoped that she would be safe as well.

  "I've seen that you're still not in good spirits these past two days. Are you thinking too much?" Yinzhen has been busy again recently. Three days after Lanting gave birth successfully, Kangxi asked Sisi to go back to work.

  Moreover, a lot of extra work has been assigned to Yinzhen, which means that you have been resting for more than two months, and you must seize the time to work later.

  Yinzhen naturally didn't have that much time in the house, but he still noticed that after Lan Ting's confinement, her spirit seemed to be wrong again, as if she was thinking too much, or there was a possibility of recurrence.

  It was precisely because of Yinzhen's careful observation that he reminded Lan Ting in time.

  "Perhaps it's because I haven't rested recently. Regarding my physical condition, didn't the imperial doctors all diagnose that there is no problem? So you can rest assured."

  Lan Ting's answer could not reassure Si Si. After all, Lan Ting The imperial doctor also answered him in the same way when he was in a coma.

  "Then you should rest more, and don't stay in the house all the time. You can go and tease Baifu and Baishou. Even Jade Claw has called me many times, but it can see you every time, so finally it doesn't matter. Big trouble."

  Yinzhen wanted to like Lan Ting to be more active, so he used Lan Ting's interest to seduce her.

  Jade claw!

  Lan Ting was filled with emotion when she thought of the sea turtle. This high-quality jade claw followed her from Rehe to Beijing and settled on a tree in the yard of Lan Court. When Lan Ting was happy, the jade claw Zhao also made a special trip to a distant place, saying that he wanted to talk to the wolves.

  It will take more than ten days to arrive after this departure. God knows that Hai Dongqing will not have to fly for that long. As for what it did, Yuzhao is very strict, Lan Ting did not ask, and other people will not care about this issue. .

  After Lan Ting fell into a coma, Yuzhao became a little irritable and screamed non-stop every day. Finally, he got better when he was around Baifu and Baishou.

  Lan Ting thought that it was because they were talking to themselves. Although they couldn't make any judgments, the jade claws were no longer irritable.

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