Chapter 241-250

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Chapter 241

  Yinzhen was beside Lan Ting at the time. When Lan Ting fell to the ground, he was hugged by Yinzhen. "Physician, why don't you look at what happened to Fujin?"

  Yinzhen felt a little panicked, even though he knew that Lan Ting The court had space and spiritual liquid, but he also had space (the one in Lanting). He usually drank spiritual liquid, but as a result, smallpox and epidemics came to him one after another.

  It took a lot of effort to pass the test, but Honghui was doing this again just now, which made people's mental endurance continue to decrease.

  Regarding the spiritual liquid, Yinzhen was really speechless.

  Call it effective, and it is indeed effective. Just look at E Niang and you will know that without the spiritual liquid, she would never have lasted until now. Look at Prince Yu and Yu Chenglong again. The effects of these two are surprisingly good, but why do they become like this when they are used on their own family members!

  There was a thought in Yinzhen's trance that he did not dare to think about in this aspect after all, that is, if the spiritual liquid failed in Kangxi's body, wouldn't it...

  Maybe such a thought flashed through Yinzhen's heart, maybe He himself is not such a person, so even Yinzhen himself did not realize it.

  Doctor Fang and Doctor Cheng finally saw that their eldest brother was recovering and out of danger.

  Doctor Cheng, in particular, was extremely happy, because there was a good treatment for gills, and this rescue experience gave him a lot of inspiration.

  Imperial Physician Cheng also admired Sifujin, because as a mother, it is understandable to love her son deeply, but she could personally take care of her child at the bedside when he was sick without relying on others. This was rare among the royal family.

  In particular, scabies are somewhat contagious. Although adults are unlikely to be infected, they are still dangerous.

  And it's not like Si Fujin doesn't have other children, so taking such risks would be undesirable in the eyes of other Fujins.

  Now that the eldest brother is about to recover, is Fujin really going to be infected?

  In the blink of an eye, Doctor Cheng had many thoughts running through his head.

  "Your Majesty, please put Fujin on the couch so that we can diagnose and treat him."

  After all, Imperial Physician Fang was relatively familiar with Yinzhen, so he said boldly.

  Seeing the anxious look of Prince Yong, Imperial Physician Fang understood that Prince Yong would not let anyone else take care of Fujin, so Imperial Physician Fang persuaded Yinzhen himself.

  After seeing Lan Ting fainted, Yinzhen was a little confused. After hearing Dr. Fang's persuasion, he slowly placed Lan Ting on the couch.

  "How is Fujin doing?"

  Yinzhen asked as he looked at Imperial Physician Fang taking his pulse.

  Doctor Fang checked his pulse, his face changed again and again, and finally his brows were filled with joy, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations, Your Majesty, Fujin is happy!"

  Yinzhen was speechless for a moment, "You mean, Fujin is pregnant!"

  Yinzhen finished Lanting. She was prepared for all kinds of problems, but in the end she told him that it was all her own worries.

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