Chapter 141-150

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Chapter 141

  Lan Ting’s plan was good, but it was a pity that during the entire southern tour, she did not find the opportunity to hypnotize the two people Guo Luoluo mentioned to verify whether her idea was correct.

  She has never been away from anyone. At the same time, the security during the southern tour was even tighter, and the masters were all gathered together.

  Lan Ting thought that even if she returned to the capital, it would not be easy to find opportunities!

  But if you want Lan Ting to endure it, it won't work. It's not too late for a woman to take revenge in ten years.

  Lan Ting felt that she should actively learn from Si Si, so she also took a small notebook, solemnly started to write down the accounts, and then put the small notebook into the storage ring. These will be used by Lan Ting to punish people in the future. one of the principles.

  As for when it might be, Lan Ting has not calculated.

  Anyway, it’s still a long time!

  After Kangxi stayed in Jiangning for five days, he left Jiangning. During this period, he passed through Suzhou. When he arrived in Hangzhou, Lanting finally had a chance to take a good look around.

  This was what Sisi had promised her, to take the two of them out for a good look.

  When you come to Hangzhou, you have to go to the West Lake. The scenery there is very good.

  The ten scenic spots of West Lake are very famous.

  "Master, do you think the White Snake is really suppressed under the Lei Feng Tower? If so, it must have been hundreds of years ago."

  "Some say the Legend of the White Snake originated from the Tang legend White Snake, and some say it originated from the West Lake "The Story of the Three Pagodas, what we are hearing now is very similar to Feng Menglong's The White Snake Yongzhen Leifeng Pagoda in the Ming Dynasty. The Legend of the White Snake should have happened in the Northern Song Dynasty, about six hundred years ago."

  Lan Ting listened to Si Si's serious words When I started talking about the origin of the Legend of White Snake, I could say that it was very clear and logical.

  Sometimes Lan Ting also admired Kangxi. His endorsement of Dafa one hundred and twenty times seemed to be effective, because as far as Lan Ting knew, all the elders she had met were erudite and talented. No matter what you read, there is no problem in quoting scriptures.

  The biggest feeling that gave Lan Ting was that the method of the one hundred and twenty times Dafa was very similar to the crazy English that modern Lan Ting knew. They were both forced to memorize. It is estimated that after one hundred and twenty times, it should be able to blurt out.

  But seeing Leifeng Pagoda, Lan Ting wanted to laugh in her heart, "I don't dare to make a conclusion as to whether there is a white snake under Leifeng Pagoda, but I am sure that there is one suppressing one in your space, Sisi. I don't know when he will come. I'm out of trouble!"

  Thinking of this, Lan Ting smiled slightly.

  "What, is what I said wrong?" Sisi raised his eyebrows. If Lan Ting dared to say something wrong, he would have a thorough discussion with her, and of course it would not be here and now.

  "Everything you said is right!" Lan Ting thought to herself, no matter how good my memory is, I don't memorize as many books as you do. I use my brain like a dictionary and know everything immediately after looking it up.

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