Chapter 261-270

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Chapter 261

  The Ulanara family has been planning since their rebirth. When she was young, although it was not convenient for her to arrange people because of her age, under her suggestions, the Ulanara family at least cultivated a lot more of secret personnel.

  These are all for the convenience of Ulanala in the future. Originally, Ulanala thought that after she got married, he could slowly do something about it. Anyway, from the time she married Yinzhen to Niu Gulu's entry into the house, at least It will take ten years, and anything can be arranged.

  However, what Uranala never expected was that she finally pointed out to the royal family that the problem was not the emperor's son, but Prince Jian's son.

  This kind of life is completely different. From this moment on, the thoughts of Niu Gulu and Ulanala have changed.

  Ulanara's birth date and horoscope have changed in this life, and this is also the biggest reason why Ulanara thinks his life has changed. But Niu Gulu's family has not changed at all. If this woman still enters Prince Yong's palace, maybe her fate will still be the same.

  Then by placing people around Niu Gulu, no matter what, they will be put to good use in the end.

  The Ulanara clan asked his people to think of the Niugulu clan wholeheartedly without making any obstacles. This also allowed him to gain the complete trust of Niu Colu.

  However, after the draft in the 42nd year of Kangxi's reign, Niu Colu, who was supposed to enter Si Age's mansion, turned around and was actually pointed to his own house by the emperor. The root cause was traced to her attention to Niu Colu. .

  Ulanara also got a good reputation, but she really didn't want such a reputation. If Niu Gulu pointed it out to Yinzhen, maybe Ulanara thought it was difficult to say who would own the throne in the end. .

  But if Niu Colu arrives at Prince Jian's palace, no matter how talented her son is, he will not be able to become the heir to the throne.

  On the contrary, he might become the person who caused trouble for his son, so in the past three years, Ulanara directly ordered someone to drug Niu Gulu.

  But Lan Ting didn't notice all this, but Yinzhen, who was paying attention to the Niu Colu family, discovered it. Yinzhen looked at Ulanara's actions and could only sigh inwardly. When Ulanara knew that Niu Gulu was about to enter Prince Jian's palace, he was able to bribe the people around Niu Gulu. This skill is really not bad.

  When he saw this, Yinzhen felt that it was good that Niu Gulu could not have children. In her last life, it was because she gave birth to Hongli, a prodigal, who caused trouble in the Qing Dynasty...

  In fact, Sisi probably was also angry, Because Hongli was his son, and it was his intention to elect Hongli as emperor.

  Yinzhen and Lan Ting had no secrets, so in the 42nd year of Kangxi, not long after Niu Colu was drugged, Lan Ting knew about it.

  When I found out, I just sighed a few words, but there was no reaction at all.

  There were many things going on in Lanting later on, so he naturally forgot about this matter.

  After all, no matter how lucky Niu Gulu was, he would never be able to regain the status he had in his previous life.

  Until recently, Lan Ting had some free time and heard that Niu Gulu was about to enter Prince Jian's palace. The two people who were fighting in the previous life were still superiors and subordinates in this life. Lan Ting was curious for a moment and used his mental power to observe the following Ulana. Ra's.

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