Chapter 1

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Daniela's POV:


"Well that's my shoulder popped out of place again." (*sigh)

I turn my head to see my sister getting the same punishment as me apparently we didn't clean up after them well enough so now were getting the shit beaten out of us to teach us a lesson.

Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself, "hi my names Daniela I'm 16 and that's my twin sister Lucía we live in Chicago, and this is our daily lives."

Every morning we get up, make them putas (sluts) breakfast, be out of the door before they come downstairs, go to school (*yawn) back home again, clean this shithole of a house, make tea and make our way back down to the basement and lastly take a beating, rinse and repeat.

Today is a little different 1st I have to pop my shoulder back into place, bracing myself for the pain am about to receive I smash my shoulder into one of the basement beams and pop it into back into place that should work for now.

We must follow certain rules in this hell hole those rules are:

Call them Sir and Ma'am.

Eyes always on the floor.

Dont talk unless they tell you to.

Dont eat unless they let you.

Take the beatings, dont cry or whine.

Never and I repeat NEVER talk back.

Make sure your out of the door before they come downstairs.

I'm sick of it the constant abuse we've had them all Verbal, Mental and Physical well todays the last time any of this happens I cant be chained to a wall while i watch my sister being r*ped by Jake (mother's boyfriend) again and I know she cant handle it either, so tonights the night, I did want to wait until we turned 18 but fuck it. I had the knifes and gun stashed hidden in the wall along with a phone mother dearest can never know we had these.

Here goes nothing I guess I cant decide if I should use my knives or my gun though. (*hmmm)

(Why dont you use the knives it wont make any noise)

(But I need to make noise so it gives Lu a reason to call the police shes better at faking tears than I am (*laughs)

(Well why not use both stab the putas (sluts) in the heart then shoot them in the head (*evil laugh)

(I like that idea (*evil laugh) go away now you're annoying me)

(I cant go away you idiot I'm your brain)

(Well shit) (*laughs)


I walk into my parents bedroom deciding who to start with, I know they wont be able to react cos theyre high as fuck. I decide to start with him, I stab the fucker right in the chest making sure my knife goes far enough in I twist it round then I take out my knife and do the same to my so called mother, I clean the blood off my knife by wiping it on the duvet and stick it in its holder, then I take out my gun and shoot them both twice in the head making sure their completely dead.


I make my way back down to the basement and tell my sister Its time, she starts with the water works (*damn this bitch is good *laugh) while shes on the phone I will stash the knife and guns back into their safe place, we will come back for them later hopefully.

Lucías POV:

I heard 4-gun shots (*she must have shot them twice each) (*eye roll)

The basement door opens and in walks De all she says is Its time I start crying and look at my sister shes got a smirk on her face and I can already tell what shes thinking.

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