Chapter 22

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Lucia's POV:

We decided to have the day off Uni today after yesterdays events. Diego suggested maybe we go down to the gun range with him later, that sounds like fun. We could do with the practice its been a while seen weve had to shoot a gun weve not exactly been reaching out for any missions. Its lunch time now so we head downstairs to eat after we will go with Diego.

Antonio: Afternoon girls, Id like to meet your friends Luna, Mia n Eli was it

Lu: Yes papa, we can ask if theyd like to come for dinner this evening if youd like.

Antonio: That would be perfect I'll get the chefs to make a nice meal.

Lu: Ok but no seafood Eli is allergic.

A: Ok no seafood, got it. What are your plans for the afternoon

Lu: Diego said he will take us down to the gun range

A: Sounds like fun, I better be off now got loads to do, have a good day girls, Te amo. (*love you)

Diego came downstairs to the kitchen, Are you ready to go.

De: Ive got my trusty gun, Astra

Diego: You named your gun?

D: Yes why wouldnt I, this gun has saved my life countless times of course I named her.

Diego: Ok fair enough lets go

Driving to the gun range was quiet I just spent most of my time looking out of the window watching the world go by, I wonder how the dinner will go with our friends Im kind of nervous about it. I hope they like them.

At the gun range, Diego is good I'll give him that but were better. Shooting the targets was easy I shot them between the eyes every time while De prefers to shoot them in the chest 1st then the between the eyes, I dont understand why she feels the need to do that.

After a couple more hours we decide to head home our friends will be coming soon, feels like I haven't seen them in ages.

Daniela's POV:

Our friends should be arriving soon, they know about the Mafia and there fine with it. We head downstairs and wait for them to turn up we sit in living room with the rest of our family just talking about random stuff after 10 minutes the doorbell rings, me and Lu run straight towards the door and open it as soon as they see us, they run in for a cuddle, a few seconds later theirs a loud cough, I turn round to see all them staring at Eli, did they not realise he was a boy?

Marco: So whos this? he snarls while looking at Eli.

Lu: This is Eli, this is Mia, and this one is Luna. I say while pointing at each of them.

De: Stop looking at him like that Marco! Eli and Mia are dating they have been together for a couple of year now.

After I said that all their expressions changed and them came over to greet them, they asked them all a couple of questions, the main thing I noticed is Rio couldnt keep his eyes off Luna I also saw Luna stealing a few glances at him too. We sat and ate the food the chef did good, our friends loved it.

We all went to the living room to chat some more, Lunas other phone went off as soon as she saw the message her face changed, I looked to see that it's the phone people use to contact her on when they want a job doing, I ask her in Swedish.

vad är fel. (what's wrong?)

Jag behöver prata med dig. (I need to talk to you)

I can see everyone looking at us so I just smile and tell them we will be back in 5 minutes. We head into the back garden, I do a quick look around to make sure no one can hear us. I turn back to Luna and ask, Who was it?

Luna: The Riot Kings, theyve been around for about a year now, but their wanting to become more well known.

Ok, to do that they need to kill someone who is at the top...Garcia.

Luna: Yeah, I heard they wanted to go after Marco, but they were warned against it.

Why didnt you tell me this before?

Luna: It was all just rumours, nothing was 100%, but the text i got proves them to be true.

Who? Who are they after? she just stares at me and I know the answer, but I need her to say it. So, I shout, WHO THE HELL ARE THEY AFTER LUNA.

Luna finally answers me.


Luna: By the looks of it, 1 of their members goes to the same Uni as you, theyre seen as an easy target, get rid of that person and the family starts to fall.

As shes talking, Im speeding walking back into the house with Luna close behind me, I scream ILL KILL THEM ALL. at this point everyones running out of the living room.

Lucia's POV:

We've all sat in the living room and Papa and a couple of my brothers have asked what that was about Ive told them not to worry its most likely something to do with Des company. Suddenly, we hear De scream ILL KILL THEM ALL everyone was out of that room so fast, she looked straight at me, and I knew it was something serious, De ran upstairs while Luna got Eli to follow her back to the car to get something. Everyone's looking at me and Mia, but I cant answer their questions, a few seconds later Des back downstairs and their back in the house all with laptops and I knew it was serious because De wasnt ready to tell the family that we are The Twin Rebels.

De, what is going on?

De: start looking into The Riot Kings.

Marco: Why do they need to do that?

De? Answer him, what the hell is going on?

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